Run 2091…Hare Sir Prince

Date: 20th November 2017……………………..
Location:Varsity lakes……………………………..
Run Pictures…………………………………………..

Probably a big ask to follow up from Kitchen Bitch’s tunnel run last week but Sir Prince was up to the task – well almost. The first ominous sign was no hare at 6:15. Then he pitches up on his pushie sweating like a catholic priest at the annual alter boy’s picnic. This can’t be good. Oh well, on on!!

From the bucket at Hillridge Park, the hashmen headed off to the west via the walkway around the swamp. Miscarriage and Two Dogs were out the front finding the false trails, closely followed by the ever-enthusiastic pack. The walkers and runners then split with the runners heading off to the south under the powerlines on a paper trail. Must say it was very good of Prince to have that park mowed for us after all the rain.

After various twists and turns we ended up on the path along Reedy Creek and heading up towards Christine Avenue. By this time our group was down to Magician, Circumference (Cliffy Young) and me. We then followed three lovely young ladies around the path of Lake Orr. Judging by their accents, there might have been an issue with dual citizenship so Aussie politics is probably out for them. Magician and Circumference were discussing the breeding of hairy sheep for their meat only. It seems that it’s too difficult to get shearers these days. I think they were just pulling the wool over my eyes.

Then it was across the footbridge and up North Shore Avenue to University Drive then Geraldton drive and eventually back to Hillridge Crescent. All in all, it was a good run but it’s the first time I’ve seen the hare on a pushbike telling us which way to go and then marking the arrows after we passed.

Back at the bucket the cold beers and wine were going down well. Dim Sims were provided for starters and HHH magazines littered the table. Miscarriage was enlightening Truckie and Swindler on the finer points of Council Development Approvals. Luckily, one of them knew a bit about the law. I think that was Truckie.

Then it was time for the nosh. Beef and mango surprise with rice. Magician must’ve known it was going to be good because he turned up with a plate the size of Tasmania. Kitchen Bitch was on hand to lend his expertise but even so the meal might of been a disappointment until Sir Prince remembered the coriander. The added garnish went down a treat with people lining up for seconds. When darkness descended because the generator failed Truckie leapt into action and soon had it running again. And again. And again. Poor fuel was the excuse.

The GM then called Hash to order and formed up the circle.

Down Downs went to:

Prince Valiant as the hare

Botcho and Seedy as returning runners.

Allan a guest (I think)

Magician for a 4×4 misdemeanour

Ferrett and Shat for the cocktail party (non)payment and a jibe at the GM.

Sir Prince charged Seedy for his ability to stand at a BBQ turning sausages for 20 min without realising the burners weren’t lit.

However, there’s no doubt the evening belonged to Magician. His DD for the 4×4 misdemeanour. A charge from Swindler for eyeing off a young lady at a meeting. Swindler used terms such as being CEO of some-fucking-thing and having a weapon of mass destruction in describing the charge. Then to top off a perfect evening, getting POW for his driving inability and lack of preparedness to deal with same.

On a more sombre note, Ferrett advised that Rock Hard’s prostrate cancer was very serious and that he has turned to alternative therapies for treatment. We all wish him well and thoughts are with his family.

The RA amazed us all by his ability to remember the punch lines to his own jokes. I think someone might have even laughed at the one about Paddy and his cow, Bessie.

After that, it was End Of Circle and an attack on Prince’s banana fritters.

Rug is setting next week’s run at Mozzie Central.

On On


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