Run 1913
Location: Gilston
Hare:Sir Black Stump
Runners: 24
- Ferrett awards himself the perfect 10 score for his hosting of the Splinter Lunch
- Shat send urgent telegram message from London to the RA Caustic.
“Fookit!!! If I’m going down I’m taking all the other karnts with me”
- Flasher reported he did top job representing the GCGH in Thailand
- Sir Slab welcomed back to Australia after laying another Hash trail in NZ
- Warrior Whistle-blower Jigsaw joins Warrior Leader Shat in Europe to enjoy excessive lifestyle funded from club funds. Word is they are regrouping to regain territory lost to the patched HHH lycra bikie group.
Note: Please read words and view carefully as again next week a question will be asked by the GM in the circle about these words. At this stage the track record for comprehension of our hashers is abysmal but this week the clue may not be so be easy to determine. Check out the clue to see who is the most observant GCGHHH.
Evolution History of Hash Disorganization
The Hash House Harriers was formed at the Selangor Club Chambers in Malaya in 1937/38 by E.J Galvin, Malay Mail, H.M Doig, A.S Gispert and Cecil H. Lee. Rumor has it that Gispert was the real ideas man who created the Hash and he was also a Walker.
Run 1913 with Sir Black Stump
Promoted as the the Run and Nosh that is totally predictable.
Will Sir Black Stump be able to break the mould this week?
Will the run compete with Miscarriage as the Cow Paddock Bush Run of the Year.
A group of 24 dedicated athletes circled around the glowing bathtub under the stars in the backyard of Sir Black Stump. Thanks Blackie for making such a great fire for the Hash night.
The pre-run briefing from Sir Black Stump was as always lots of waffle and there were as usual those mumbled words …“walk to the top of the driveway and find the trail marked with arrows”
The GM called the usual rabble to order and sent the group on their way at 6.16 pm with his signature words “ good luck finding the trail’ . Once again he stayed near the warm fire on the pretense his experience as a firefighter was needed in case the bathtub fire got out of control. In the event of a major disaster he asked Nasty to stay behind as well to keep him company but mainly to keep up an ongoing supply of red wine from the newly installed wine casks. Yes, our GM a is a very thoughtful person and dedicated to the Hash and the exercise he gets each week .
After last few weeks of the so called Best Run of the Year followed by the so called Best Nosh of the Year this was looking a hard act to follow by Sir Black Stump
The Run Warm Up
Yes…we do see some of our runners actually do stretching before the run even in the cold night air. They must think that we don’t notice this elaborate ruse to make us believe they run fast. As usual to avoid embarrassment no names are mentioned!!
The Run
Sir Black Stumpspent considerable effort in setting this well-marked Blackie Birthday Run (74 years young). We guess he has the experience so it was expected to be a good run.
The runners and walkers moved into the dark abyss up the gravel driveway with torches blazing. The only relevant clue was the final information that Blackie would be standing at each “check” to make sure no one got lost and all did the full run. Good work Blackie to keep these bastards honest!!
Very quickly both walkers and runners moved forward passing Show Pony as he struggled down the roadway.Geat effort by Show Pony who recently almost travelled down the bright light tunnel on the way to heaven.
Bent Banana and Botcho were leading the runners up the home pathway then left to the mian road. Miscarriage’s run was all looking in trouble as the runners left the bitumen road.
This week there were no International investors on the run so why did the run go via the Miscarriage Subdivision called “Burkeland”.
Lifeline Lurch, Truck Tyres, Bent Banana were in full flight on the run. Blackie was waiting at the checks to make sure each person went the right way ..well done Blackie for your assistance.
On On was then called several times on the run as the group all moved across the bush and then via the roadways but were saved by Blackie with his assistance to get them going the right way.
Most runners this week did do the full run it was by all accounts a excellent run .
The first runners back via the correct rail though the bush at the rear of the house were Botcho with Bent Banana in 54 minutes..Run distance 7.5 km. Well done hashers. Flasher somehow managed to get back first but it seems he has a battery failure and was forced to follow the main road and returned via the driveway but wa son trail all the way ?? work that out!!! ..well done Flasher.
Two Dogs, Caustic and Missing Link came innext in 56 min followed by Lifeline Lurch and Truck Tyres. Josephine decided to walk this week so he could tell the walkers all about the stories in the porno book he found last week lying near a parked car.
Run Critic Caustic “ Best Run of the year so far”. Hare Sir Black Stump put in a lot of effort and experience for this run but again failed to provide a drink stop.Yes..These words say it all …direct from a very experienced hasher!!.These comments by Caustic were wholly endorsed by Truck Tyres
Two Dogs also got in on the act and commented “Amazing how he found new territory after all the runs from here” ..
Great effort Blackie for an excellent run.
The Walkers
As always a big group of walkers lined up at the starting gate.As the walking group is getting slower and most of these geriatics in the past weeks have made little effort to move away from the Nosh and Booze area, it may be time to bring out some supporting equiptment as above.
Again we see those ex runners, Sir Rabbit , Sir Slab , Rockhard, Circumference, Miscarriage, Josephine this week joined by Ferrett tothe ranks of the dedicated professional walkers. Are they now permanent walkers?
The dedicated professional walkers, Slug , Weekly, Show Pony & Swindler all moved out a brisk pace which they kept up the good pace for the 5 km walk.
What great comraderie these brave bunch of Hash Walkers are experiencing.
The Nosh
For the Hare Sir Black Stump it was always going to be a hard act to follow after last week’s Miscarriage’s effort that at this stage is voted “The Best Trailer Bush Nosh of the Year?”
As promised by the GM Kitchen Bitch the hash in now truly back into gourmet.
It was unlimited help yourself food so many had second and third helpings.
Resident food CriTic JosEphine Who had 3 helpings of SPAGETTI & Mince OBVIOUSLY appreciated the food: “Great food and at last back to Hash basics”
Well done Sir Black Stump for providing the meal with minimal outsourcing from Mrs Lady Black Stump …a Great effort that helped to make this ANOTHER REAL hash night of quality and true HASH nosh in a great location around the Fire.
- Corn Chips tenderly?? placed in a big bowl with Dips presented in original plastic containers.
- Organic Nando Spaghetti cooked to over perfection with slight gluggy touch.
- Aldi Apple Pie served with a big bucket of ice cream
Just so we know that that our GM has more than one outfit this week the GM appeared in Katmandu Hat minus Hash Chains and the Moses Staff. However his new long flashy pants did create some interesting comments about sexual propensity.
DD to:
- Hashy Birthday to Sir Black Stump
- Ferret for getting lost on way home from Splinter Lunch
- Miscarriage for last week’s run
- Weekly for bringing a visitor
No jokes this week after last week’s Iceman, Crocodile and Ferrett for their pathetic failed jokes.
Useless Shirt
Awarded by RA Caustic to Truck Tyres for losing his dinner plate last week.
Prick of the Week
Q. Can you identify the person who is owner of this sterling silver ring?
Given by Josephine to Weekly so as our new member who now has the Quinella with Icing and DD’ .Next week Weekly can now spend time reading the porno book as well as viewing all the new porno videos added by Jigsaw in the privacy of his room.
Report by GM
Our GM enjoying fine dining at the recent splinter lunch in Surfers. Our GM continues to promise that this year it will be his goal “to offer support for all Hares to create great runs and great walks followed by Gourmet food that he will personally supervise”…If he keep eating meals like this we may have to wheel him into the AGPU next year.
Gift for GM
With tears in his eyes saying “the best gift so far this year” the GM accepted the amazing gift and thoughtful gift from Flasher. (Note this is the first gift he has received so far). Nothing could turn on our GM more. An original ON ON Hash Cooking Apron from a very thoughtful Flasher who has just returned from Thailand or somewhere like this?
Special Welcome:
Our GM gave a special welcome to our visitor Dave “Wrong Way Woodsie” Woods. Wrong Way Woodsie sponsored the first GCGH Run in 1978 and this year we thank him again for the ongoing supply each week of Ice for the Hash. This is a big expense for the hash and will most certainly assist the additional funding of travel plans of your hierarchy.
GM advised that
- G.Spot Light Rail Run by Aussie – Date TBA – T shirt will to be created with special Hash artwork to commemorate the First Light Rail Run
Run cost $20.00 including T Shirt & Train ticket …If non-attendance then T-Shirt for sale @ $15 (Please put in order and size asap)
- Best Trailer Nosh of Year Award to be made at AGPU
- Booze Masters to offer cask wine by the glass. Please note the line on the glass that is at the half way mark .NOT a full glass of wine.
- GM advised next week run will be by Pizza!! Our GM has personally promised to assist to ensure that this event so it is not as predictable as suspected. Good Luck GM if you can pull this off!!
End of CIRCLE …….by FERRETT @ 9.14 pm
Could be a few of our old Hashers in the band! Looks like Truck Tyres on slide guitar!!!