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Run 1786

Run: 1786
Date: Monday 23rd January 2012
Hare: Rug “Haggis Run”
Venue: Hansford Road, Coombabah
Runners: 26

Weeks to AGPU: 20
The huge down pour a few hours before the run sent the message that the run was in danger of becoming another wet weather debacle. However Rug, determined as ever, reset the run with toilet paper and paper strips held down by rocks for checks to ensure something of a trail would be visible.
A good pack of 26, especially considering the conditions, showed obviously responding to the marketing initiative of Rug by calling this his famous “Haggis on Hansford Run”. We were set on our way east along Hansford Road, but it wasn’t long before we ran out of trail and had to turn back and down the bike path heading south.
Another check then left, east again, and right around the loop. Caustic and I over ran the turn and had to turn back and employ some local knowledge to have us soon back at the front of the pack.
Up over the fence I went only to discover it wasn’t locked at all and was left “swinging in the breeze”. Into the environment park we went facing off with the mob of Roos upset at us disturbing their evening feed.
Along the park tracks we went, left then left again, right and right again. Yet another check, which saw me, Fabio and new guy, Martin heading the wrong way. Again local knowledge, or belief in said knowledge, took over as the three of us headed along the creek to head off the pack. We eventually found the trail again, where it came out of the familiar swamp section, happy to have missed this leg.
Now well in front we continued along the creek, back on the road before heading along the boardwalk, where we had earlier spied the walkers. Another kilometre or so along the walk ways before turning north along the back street before reconnecting with Hansford Road for the short and sharp sprint home.
A few other suspects came in at varying times indicating that it seemed several trails had been on offer or invented by the hounds. Considering the conditions prior to the run it was well acknowledged and given a glowing report by Sir Slab, although he did get lost at the end.
A good mark of 7.35 ensured. Given the circle was held early Aussie, the assistant chef, was asked to give an appraisal of the complex feast being prepared and he assured it was all class and gave it a 7.5/10. The feast of 10YO scotch nips, soup, haggis, shortbread and dessert was well received. Of note was the official Haggis ceremony presided over by an enthusiastic Caustic, who is still struggling to remove his blue paint from his Braveheart face.
It was a scene worth remembering; 26 blokes standing around a Haggis, drinking scotch and listening to a Mel Gibson look alike recite Scottish verse in the midst of a major down pour. We should have filmed it, if some 10 year old kid can get 11 million hits on u-tube for singing some rap song about mutts and goldfish surefly we can become a cult following!
Well done Rug, a classic evening to be well remembered, and extra points for delivering in atrocious conditions.
Down Downs;
Rug; Hare

Cumsmoke; Some shit about buying chicken roll whilst waiting for dinner?

Aussie & BB; Drinking from wrong hand and BB not picking up

Caustic; Not assisting in early preparations of Scottish theme

Truck Tyre & BB; Drinking from wrong hand and BB not picking up

Fabio & Martin; For passing RA too many times on run

Sir Cumference; Ring in, winning raffle at RA & Point Two’s local club at “Tannywhatsit”

Non Aussies x 9; Down down to national anthem

Sir Slab, Fabio & Martin; In possession of non Australian Passports

Cumsmoke; POW via Crocodile for failing in his job to clear rubbish from his canal

Ferret; 800 runs

Australia Day breakfast from 09:00 at Budds Beach, bring chair and drinks (also some on sale), food provided. Let GM know if you can make it.

On On from “The Desk”
Two Dogs 

Brave Heart Needs help

hello Hashers
As you know I took it upon myself to regalle myself in Scottish resplendent attire including the battle face blue “woad”

I ran out of time today and had to stop at Bunnings and grabbed a small can of blue paint which the attendant assured me was for face painting;I have just returned home after a quick pit stop at the Pizza ‘Hut” and tried to remove the “face paint”

It didnt “remove “!!

After reading the can it was for painting “FACE BRICKS” !!!

Has anybody got any ideas how to remove without reverting to Hannibal Lectern tactics ??

I have tried soap,white spirit ,mild caustic soda,and paraffin swab !!

No good !!

Meeting with my bankers in the morning to try and get an extension to my default mortgage and would appreciate an early call;the earlier the better !!



Run 1769

Run: 1769
Date: Monday 25th September
Hare: Pizza, Shat, Sir Prince, KB
Venue: Racecourse Dr Benowa
Runners: Lots 38 I think

Weeks to AGPU: 37

As we rolled up to the venue for Run 1769 the first impression was, “Fuck! How come so many have turned up for one of Pizza’s runs??” Obviously the word had gotten out that the nosh had been outsourced to Sir Prince and KB, and the run had been outsourced to no other than out illustrious Grand Master, Shat. So given that it doesn’t get much better than
that, the real question should have been,

“Do we really need Pizza here at all?”

Of course the other reason for the big rollup could have been that word was out that this was the launch of the new Hash Trailer. And Wow, what a Trailer! Grey Nomads eat ya heart out!

With clear instructions before the run that we must get to Upton St for a drink stop (Yeah right!), the pack set off in a Northerly direction along Racecourse Drive. Once over the bridge the trail turned left and mostly followed the concrete paths that run along the back of Poinciana and Bamboo Ave’s, continuing around to Benowa Rd, down St Kevins Ave, through Sir Bruce Small Park, up past the Benowa Tavern, and then onto Ashmore Rd.

It was a tough decision to cross Racecourse Dr (being the obvious way home) with the slim hope that just maybe there really was a drink stop to be found in Upton St. Then, lo and behold, like a mirage across the desert, there was the Pizza Mobile with the customary keg set up on the tail gate. (So, maybe he does have a use after all?).

After a couple of quick beers, or some orange stuff that may or may not have been punch, Pizza invited us next door to meet some of his sisters. (Starting to think he definitely has a use!) After the introductions and a left shoe draw we were quickly back on the streets with a further 1.6km to Home.

Overall distance on the Josephinometer was 7.134 Km’s.

Down Downs:

Sir Slab and Botcho: For their work in delivering the new trailer. Well done!!!

Sir Prince & KB: Providing the nights Nosh. Of course it was bloody excellent as we would expect from these two.

Veteran: Award winner and wearing pink shoes.

Visitors: Mud Mixer, Short Circuit and Little Dog.

Returning Runners: Swollen and Shetland Pony,

Aussie, KB, Flasher, Caustic, (and others?): Not knowing the location of the foot in the Hash Words

Rock Hard: For knowing the location of the foot in the Hash words.

Caustic: For helping a damsel in distress on the run, then offering to come back the next day for a further consultation

Ferret: Not singing the Down Down song with enough gusto.

Cumsmoke : Pink Shoes

Cumsmoke: Iced for not returning the POW

Other Business

Little Dog addressed the circle to offer his sincere thanks for the donations made to the orphanage in Cambodia. Well done to everyone!

The four Sirs were called on by the RA to help bless the new trailer.

Shetland received another down down for fucking off for good and not telling us.

And finally, Sir Rabbit (in the absence of Moonbeams) was called on to end the Circle.

On On.

Sir Point Two’s Roasting

Our Hash friend and good drinking mate Sir Point Two has moved to Urbenville, NSW. He completed 1003 runs and apparently consumed well over 6,000 cans of Victoria Bitter while running with our hash. Some say he was always first back to the bucket to get a few in before the pack arrived back.

Rumour has it that he is standing for mayor of Urbenville at the next local elections and the beer will be flowing on his winning appointment.

Leave your comments. If you have any photos forward them to me(Botcho) and I’ll post them on our site for all to see.

I’ve had this picture for a while. Just waiting for the opportunity to show the world.