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Run 1817

Run 1817

Date    :           27th August 2012

Hare    :           Old Fart

Venue :           Pacific Pines

Runners         25 ish


Weeks to being able to sit on a bike comfortably – about 3

A healthy sized crowd gathered around our long lost Hare to be informed this was a reverse reincarnation of a previous run, all on chalk, a good chance therefore that we would finish on the grassy hill opposite the venue.

The night was mild and the mood lighthearted as we departed down towards Studio Village. At the first check the GM and I were convinced that the trail would traverse the motorway and so we set off at speed, completely missing the false trail marking and getting halfway to Helensvale, despite Flasher shouting for us to stop.

We rejoined the pack about a km later and hit numerous checks and false trails, consequently, in the main, the pack was kept together, the trail died a few times (especially when it changed to flour) but was hunted down each time. A noteworthy performance by Iceman and the GM on the hills.

Emerging out onto Binstead Way (about halfway up), the arrows pointed to 360 (the huge mother f$cking hill) and the trail went up about three quarters of the distance before dropping left to another check. Most Hashers used local knowledge to get their way back to the venue, with only one conscientious fellow sticking to trail and paying respect to the efforts of the hare. Well done Rectum we need more like you.

A well-marked trail (in the main) with plenty of checks, light on bush and chiggy but heavy on hills. Just what the legs needed after the tour de Murwillumbah yesterday.

No prizes for guessing that lasagna would be on the menu, but with an accompaniment of fresh bread rolls and not a field of spuds. There followed a sweet tasting course, which those with good memories recalled its name as ‘dessert’ , we used to have these every week. Those were the days.

GM called start to what would turn out to be a hilarious circle, absentees were noted as –

Sir Prince – at mother in laws

Mumbles – bad back

Show Pony – tired from work

Ferret – skin cancer

Moonbeams – too far to come (even though you could have had a lift from Link)

Hare brought out and Veteran asked for a report on Flasher, who this week did at least 75% of the run, another improvement, one day we will see him complete a full run on trail. Hare scored 8.1 /10 by Rectum who likes running up hills.

Sir Slab complimented the non-existent salad, enjoyed the fresh rolls, tasty and plentiful 7.5/10

Returners –    Two Dogs – fighting for his country in a dressing gown, pressy for

GM – Bullwinkle on the crapper and surplus detritus

from Niagara falls

VD/Missing Link – lighting fires by the big rock

DD – Caustic – bullying (picking on Flasher)(that’s my job), drink via a snorkel

RA – DD for the bike-pushing hall of shame – Caustic/VD/Link/Veteran/Truckie

Two Dogs brought back out for an in-depth overview of the Canada trip. In short it was 500 competitors from 22 countries eating chips with everything whilst avoiding chipmunks in their RV’s.

Jokes requested and two offered. Good on yer Mr Bourshine.

DD – Flasher – lost property

POW – Truck Tyres found it very difficult to choose as we are all so good. Some story about cat fur? Then Caustic chosen for a similarly vague reason. Sorry but Truckie is not available for after dinner speaking unless its an insomniacs convention.

Next weeks run Bazzas Birthday Bash @ Miami Surf Lifesaving Club. Free drinks and giveaways at Bazzas at 5.30pm. A bottle of Grange for the first back on trail.

31st August, splinter lunch at Sage, Broadbeach

GM asked the hasher who resembles Mumbles to end circle ? which left Sir Rabbit and Josephine with blank expressions. Circle ended by Josephine who looks as though he would make a great apprentice to moonbeams.

Thanks to Old Fart for using an old run,  his son to sweep and his wife to cook. I’m not sure about us being called ‘the gourmet hash’ we should change to ‘the outsourced hash’.

On On


On Sec

Most of the above may be untrue.

Run 1806

Run 1806

Date : 11th June 2012

Hare : Botcho

Venue : Hotel Botcho

Runners 16

Weeks to AGPU – who cares

Welcome to the inaugural run of the newly selected hierarchy, this week commencing from Hotel Botcho in the heart of sunny Helensvale.

As 5pm arrived a small group of hardcore runners and walkers gathered under a grey sky and pondered just how long it would be before the heavens opened again. Despite a dismal day, the hare refused to submit to the weather and rather conscientiously decided to re-set the course an hour before kick off.

Leaving the strong magnetic pull of a scorching pizza oven, the pack set off up Parkes Drive and started on the first of many checks; these helped immensely in keeping the pack together and ensured more front runners than this years F1 competition. Even Cum Smoke made an appearance at the front (maybe he thought it was a food queue).

The well-marked trail wove us around anti-clockwise, in a large circle which emerged at the park; almost opposite our start point, and led us home. Not surprisingly, Flasher took the opportunity to avoid the last check-back and short cut home. (Start the year as you mean to go on).

A nice steady run to start the year, just over 30 minutes, which, considering the conditions was just what the doctor had ordered.

After an entrée of dips and chips the comfort food arrived – home made mash (with herbs) and a steaming Chicken botchiatore with peppers and olives. The descending curtain of silence suggested the vast majority approved. Numerous extra servings later (I had to stop at six) the circle was convened to allow time for the dessert to finish baking.

RA and stand-in GM, Circumference, opened the circle and invited Jigsaw to comment on the run. This was described as well marked despite having had to be set late and scored at 7.2/10

Amidst howls of protest, Cum Smoke complained about broken chips and his dislike of olives, concluding with a hash nosh score of 1.2/10 . He was rightly sat on the cold tiles in the middle of the circle by the GM and told to stay.

Down Downs –

Cum Smoke – berating food

Cum Smoke – arguing with GM

Jigsaw – on behalf of previous hierarchy and for being a ‘Stealth Bomber”

Flasher – sitting on Sir Rabbits knee with his arm around him (Rule #1?)

Jigsaw – sins of previous hierarchy (making Caustic sit on a pigs snout)

Flasher – using ‘pensioner’ excuse to get off traffic infringement

Cum Smoke – refusing to re-evaluate food score (“even earthquakes get higher

than that” – GM)

POW – Unable to be given as recipient not in attendance, so down downs to

reigning POW, Flasher and Botcho who will be proxy POW next week.

Next weeks run Jigsaw at Carrara.

Thanks to Botcho for the effort and the food gets a 7.5/10

Finally a big thank you to last years hierarchy, who all put in 110% effort throughout the year, well not you Swollen or Veteran but to the rest of you

Well done.

It seems that the pen is indeed mightier than the sword (or ice)

On On


On Sec


Run 1805 AGPU

Run: 1805

Date: Monday 4th June 2012

Hare: Hierarchy – AGPU

Venue: Bundall

Runners: 39 (we think)


Weeks to AGPU: Zero, Zero yes Zero!!


Here we are, finally, at the last words of this inspiring Hierarchy. Sadly you won’t see any of us on the Hierarchy for at least 10 years due to the new “exemption rules” voted through at Saturday’s final committee meeting. Yes, the cars have been ordered, the marina berth paid for,   the holidays booked and the cash in the bank, it certainly has been a busy year for your enterprising committee. We just hope the new committee has as much fun as we did.

Now back to the AGPU, what actually did happen, who was there, who said what, and more importantly who did what and who was photographed doing whatever it was they weren’t supposed to be doing with whoever it was?  These are the questions, which will no doubt be uncovered in the coming weeks as no doubt the ability for anyone to recollect the entire evening and publish it in one go is far above and beyond the bounds of possibility.

The finely dressed crew, mostly in their Hash formal attire, gathered at the now famous “Alley Cat” Bar on Chevron Island for the first of, presumably, many refreshments. Along with the plentiful ales, platters of goodies came out to keep the hunger at bay. The next stop, following a well-marked trail, was over to the now famous “Surfers Rowers” Bar at Bundall where more ales were had by the now thirsty travellers. It was then on down Upton Street to the now famous factory and site of many a past Hash event. The secrecy of the event was worse than the Wikileaks saga with virtually everyone seeming to know where we were heading and what we were having for dinner, truly the worst kept secret of the year, but hey that’s Hash.

The first order of the night was the presentation of the full track suit sets provided by the illustrious Hierarchy, indicating that not all funds had been siphoned off. The spit roast feast followed (main and dessert) accompanied by a selection of ales and quality wines all served by our delightful helpers. Speaking of helpers it was noted that Sir Cumference was spied assisting one of the helpers with their stockings, nice touch. And speaking of touches a few of the party were seen getting an eye full and even an earful from the roaming and sometimes very friendly assistants. After dinner it was time for the first of the night’s formalities being the announcement of the annual “Hash Awards”. These were as follows:

Prick of the Year: Caustic Crusader

Run of the Year: Sir AH, Nerang Forrest, run #1765, 29/08/11

F/Up of the Year: Aussie, Labrador, run #1796, 02/04/12

Best Nosh: Bent Banana: Carrara, Oktoberfest – German Snags, run #1770, 03/10/11 (Flasher as proxy)

Worst Nosh: Missing link, Chicken Curry, Cascade Gardens, run #1756, 27/06/11 (John as proxy)

Most Runs; Rug

Committee Man of the Year: Jigsaw

Hashman of the Year: Sir Prince Valiant

Veteran was also acknowledged for his 100 runs

A new punishment of Hash Spankings was introduced by the outgoing Hierarchy and after undergoing careful possible rule #1 infringement scrutiny it was decided that it was permissible and it may even catch on.

Finally it was time for the grand finale of the evening with the outgoing Hierarchy, in turn, announcing the nominations and winner of the prized positions. For the record the winners were:

GM: Bent Banana

RA: Sir Cumference:

On Sec: Rectum

Hash Cash: Black Stump (again, well done), guess he needs the money to help him move

Trail Master: Sir Rabbit

Booze Masters: Crocodile & Rug

Hash Flash: Kwakka

Alas all good things must come to an end and soon it was all over and as bed time had well and truly passed it was time for all to depart. The taxis soon arrived and the now wobbly pack made their way home, some with trophies, some with smiles and many with tears (sorry Pizza maybe next year).

Great nights like this don’t “just” happen, plenty goes on behind the scenes so special thanks must go to those who assisted including VD for the use of his venue, Black Stump for acquiring the trophies and Sir Rabbit for providing the evenings music.

In closing, and whilst It’s normal to be jealous of the Hierarchy, take some pity on us now that we have been discarded and thrust to the bottom of the scrap heap, left to suffer depression as we no longer hold any power or position within these ranks. Oh to be so jealous of those lucky bastards now left in power.

As most of the outgoing Hierarchy now depart on their traditional annual overseas study tours we bid you farewell and look forward to our next tilt at greatness sometime far in the future.


On On from “The Desk” AND SIGNING OFF!!!!!!!!!

Two Dogs

Run 1804

Run: 1804
Date: Monday 28th May 2012
Hare: Cumagain
Venue: The Observatory, Reedy Creek
Runners: 23

Weeks to AGPU: ONE F.CKING WEEK!!!!!

Normally this would be the final writing of the words by yours truly. However this is no normal Hierarchy and in fact one that has stood heads and shoulders above the rest and has constantly provided the extraordinary. Thus we will continue into next week to provide the final chapter of this great reign and no doubt enter the Hash realms as the greatest Hierarchy in this Hash’s history.

Enough humble words and time to get back to this week’s run at the heights of Reedy Creek, otherwise known as The Observatory, and for very good reasons given the nose bleeding heights endured to reach the summit. The windy cold day had now turned further for the worst as the rain loomed towards the band of 23 runners who had assembled under the shelter, shivering and wishing for the fire of last week. KB and the Hare could only conjure life into the nearby BBQ, which sadly provided little relief.

The Hare set us on our way into the light drizzle which, had now appeared on cue, and he advised the walkers to do their best as no independent trail had been set. The problem with starting at the top of the hill is that one must venture downhill before at some stage returning to the top. And so it was as the adventurous pack descended down the first of many hills, then on right into the bush path following one of many fence lines. It is a hard trail to describe as each bush section appeared the same as the previous and each road section and adjoining roundabout also resembled the past one.

But so it was as we zig zagged back and forth through bush paths, fence lines, hills, more hills and yet more hills. The rain came and went as the well-marked trail started to disappear under the increasingly wet conditions.

There were plenty of checks but the Hare, on his trusty push bike, kept the pack moving as the trail kept fading. We finally emerged where we thought we were but not really and were advised by the Hare to run down the hill, turn left at the roundabout and then just follow your nose home. The problem was he forgot to mention the last leg was about 3 kilometres.

Somehow, eagle eye and front runner, Rectum, kept finding the fading arrows and kept the front runners on trail (even Flasher stayed in touch). However a few further back found the going tough and the stand in GM, Josephine, and another Hierarchy member, Botulism, got lost. After all had got home and had now retreated to the welcome warmth of Cumagain’s garage he figured he’d better hop in his car and go find the missing elite members. Fortunately they soon emerged though from the opposite direction and all was well.

Being the last week of nominations for Hierarchy positions before the AGPU, the pack were circling for favouritism. Even Veteran had broken away from his busy schedule as president of everything he can be president of in order to make a tilt at another term. Sir Cumference had just secured his multi-million dollar settlement from his deck accident in Robina and instead of buying a new yacht at the boat show selflessly bought new winter wear for the entire Hash. Nasty had come good with Crownies for his birthday and had even changed his flights from yet another trip to ensure he could be around. By the way, any resemblance to reality with the above mentioned stories is just a fluke.

The nosh consisted of a good feed of curried snags and rice followed by ice cream dessert. Nasty gave it a “well done” remarking what a good effort for $50 – 7/10. Swollen gave a long report on the run saying “it was well marked, lots of hills, rough underfoot, good under difficult conditions, 7/10”. Sadly, losing the stand in GM and Botulism cost him half a mark for poor directions finishing with a 6.5/10.

However Flasher was the talk of the night with his derogatory comments about the Splinter Lunch venue posted on the actual morning of the lunch, allegedly spooking a couple of potential starters. Accordingly Flasher was given the POW as well as another down down just because he deserved it. Well done to Cumagain for a top night at the top of the Gold Coast.

Down Downs:
Cumagain: Hare
Sir Cumference: Provision of “settlement” gifts

Nasty: Birthday boy and Crownies provided, thanks

KB, Blue Card: Drinking two Crownies, thus depriving 3 Hierarchy of their rations

Flasher: Posting derogatory comments of Splinter Lunch venue, morning of lunch

Flasher: POW (by Kwayka) for above mentioned deplorable act

Truck Tyre: Mobile going off in circle (twice)

Carefree: Visitor

On On from “The Desk”
Two Dogs