Category Archives: Splinter hash

Splinter Hash Lunch 6

Splinter Hash: 30th July 2010
Host: Two Dogs
Location: Juliana’s, Paradise Point
More Hash House Harriers
Gold Coast Bulletin
Run to Join The Gang of Nine

A fine group of 22 (I thought I counted 23 at one stage, but that’s another story) arrived at the very northern Paradise Point dining precinct creating travel logistic exercises of epic proportions, according to the travelers of course.

This destination of degustation is quickly catching Tedder Avenue as the “silicon valley” of the Gold Coast and frequented by many a “dodgy” character in dark glasses and fast cars. Accordingly Two Dogs had sought this out as a very apt venue for this month’s dining extravaganza. After searching high and low (or more to do with too much time on his hands), Juliana’s was the chosen venue, which served two courses and a glass of wine for $15 or $20, great value and a great response all round from the hungry participants. Even with the numbers jumping rapidly from 12 to 15 to 20 the service was brisk and friendly and not a beat missed (I think).

The waitress was however very amused when Two Dogs tired to convince her that we were in fact a running club and contained many finely tuned athletes. As she gazed at the “athletic” types before her I wonder why she just nodded and said “sure you are”! This same waitress made the mistake of inviting her Mum along (who was visiting from England), who was quickly set upon by the ever watchful and opportunistic pack with their well rehearsed smooth lines.

t was noted on arrival that Goatfarka was being praised by all and sundry for his excellent contribution to the words this week. No doubt he can now apply for a Hierarchy extension to his somewhat shortened reign as co-booze master.

It was also noted that some Hashers were jealous that their similar past endeavours had now been swept under the carpet and that they could see their opportunity to re-enter the hierarchy (and replacing their snouts in the trough) slipping away yet again.

As usual the group gathered their funds and splashed out on the compulsory Lotto ticket, however this time with so many participants we will only get some $181,181.18 each, hardly worth the $2.00 now is it?

Miscarriage Takes Show Pony on Campaign Trail

With Kevin 07’s  health not the best Miscarriage has taken his good mate Show Pony on the campaign trail.
They where both seen last week in MacKay, North Queensland talking to locals in several bars. When asked for a comment on how the campaigning was going he stated “that it was a tough job but someone had to do it.”

Pandas Eating too Much Bamboo

Local business tycoon Nasty is battling with Pandas for more  bamboo. On a recent trip to China he met with the Panda Leader, “Munch Alot More”. The munching went on for several days with Nasty demanding more shoots for his booming flooring trade in Australia

Discussions came to an end on the second day when “Munch Alot” ate his way out of the enclosure and vanished. The new Leader “Munch Less” agreed with Nasty’s demands and will have his group cut back on the munching. The deal breaker was that Nasty returned all off cuts to their relations in Adelaide.

Mrs Bouncer was seen drinking Champagne at Lime Tree Parade last week. When asked what she was celebrating, she only had a few words to say “Bouncer is back on the tools”
What that means I don’t know you will have to ask her!!

Chairman Sir Rabbit concluded proceedings with his most lengthy, and red wine fuelled, speech to date and somewhere announced that the August event may or may not be occurring on the Show holiday and may or may not be again in the Paradise Point dining district. In other words stay tuned for more information.

Somewhere around 3:30ish the group started departing home for their afternoon naps, Crocodile was on strict orders and duly picked up along with Two Dogs, his father in law, Kev, and a “somewhat becoming emotional” Rug. the others started departing in similar fashions and another great Friday ticked off.
Two Dogs
Guest Journalist
On On!

Splinter Hash Lunch 5

Splinter Hash: 25th June 2010
Host: Botcho
Location: Cav’s Steak House, Labrador

From the Gold Coast Bulletin Social Pages

Miscarriage misses Splinter Lunch

An unhappy Miscarriage was a no show for the June Splinter Lunch as he had to make a dash to Canberra to be beside his friend and mentor Kevin 07

A tearful Kevin Rudd speaks at Parliament House after it was announced he will stand down as Prime Minister. In his final speech as PM he thanked his family and friends for their support over the last 3 years. He gave special thanks to one of his true supporters Miscarriage and stated that he would love to join the Hash House Harriers on the Gold Coast for a lunch in the near future.

Bouncer comes out of retirement

A damper was put on Bouncer’s long lunch at Cav’s Steak House when he receives a call from his old boss. The conversation was short, in fact only a few words. “We need you Bouncer return to work Monday” For the first time in his life he was lost for words.

When asked Mrs Bouncer said that she was    delighted with the news.

Keith invited to Urbanville

The Urbanville Mayor in waiting Point Two has invited Music star Keith Urban to attend his house warming party in the new year. Keith has requested that he would like a room with view for him and Nicole.

Apparently the invitations are in the mail.

Hash House Harriers Celebrate

An elite group of Hash House Harriers known as the Splinter Hash held a Gourmet luncheon at Cav’s Steak House to celebrate their anticipated win in next weeks $50,000,000 Oz Lotto. Excitement was high as the Hashers had a few cleansing ales prior to lunch.

Most talked of retirement, holidays and new cars. The banker of the group Bent Banana could not help himself, his calculator was out in a flash and the pending        interest payments on his share put a smile on his face.

Bounce said that Mrs Bouncer would have to look after his share because he would be too busy working.

The group is still pondering on Botcho’s comments.

The game of hide and go seek starts next Wednesday. Don’t try and find me in Australia!! What did he mean?

The group dined on prime steaks, a bottle or two of fine red. The conversation  during the afternoon was        inspiring but a little loud at times. Point Two was stonkered  half way through his second bottle of red as Mrs Two Dogs arrived about 3;30 to take TD back to his kennel. Point Two and Bouncer also took advantage of a ride home. Point Two had a fridge full of VB waiting for him and Bouncer needed to get home and sort his tool box out for an early start on Monday morning.

Bent Banana took the remaining few stayers to The Grand for a few more cleansing ales, as if we needed more. Apparently we did because it was dark when Cappa arrived to take us home.   Thanks Cappa

On on

Guest Reporter

Two Dogs will host next Splinter lunch

If Two Dogs wins the game of Hide & Seek and finds Botcho with the money he will host the July lunch at Paradise Point.

Splinter Lunch 4

Friday 28th may, 2010
Monthly Splinter Lunch
Location : Flames Gourmet Grill, Surfers Paradise
Host: “Birthday Boy” Nasty

Pole Dancing Returns to Surfers Paradise
Twenty two Hashers joined Birthday Boy Nasty at Flames Gourmet Grill to celebrate his 50th. Little did he know that he would be the witness to the revival of male pole dancing in Surfers Paradise. The surprise package of the day was Sir Rabbit. What a showman.
We all enjoyed prime beef, beer and far to much red wine, including a bottle of 40 year old claret straight from Sir Prince’s cellar. All seemed to enjoy this fine old bottle of plonk after the first glass. It was a great day and I must thank our host Nasty for the extra beer and wine he provided and then making us all drink it. As the sun was setting most made an exit for home except for a few went next door for a glass or two of Guinness.
Sir Rabbit was seen talking to a talent scout about future bookings for his pole dancing act. Apparently he will be taking classes in the near future. Please contact Sir Rabbit if you wish to enroll. Numbers are limited so be quick.

On On
Guest Reporter

Splinter Hash Lunch 3

Friday 30th April 2010
Monthly Splinter Lunch
Location : Lolas. Broadbeach
Host: Moonbeams

Because it was such a popular venue in 2009, Moonbeams booked this year for 20 – 24. Knowing that a few of our regulars were away, Moonbeams later cut back the estimate from 20 – 24 to 16 – 20.
It was pleasing on the day to see that 16 Splinter Hashers finally arrived, albeit some of them like Browns cows. Shat, Veteran and co please note.
Beer drinkers were a little perplexed to find that they had to pay around $7.50 for their beers from Lolas but wine drinkers were pleased to note that that they could BYO without corkage. The moral of the story is – forget the amber liquid and get with the red and white. Most Splinter Hashers were served their lunches and were very happy with their choices. The exception was Moonbeams who ordered grilled snapper and received absolutely nothing. The establishment were most apologetic about this but after another 40 minutes or so they then re-served a (this time) very raw snapper tartare. The mildly-cooked snapper didn’t mix too well with the vintage red that was by now being drunk, but the establishment offered to again-cook the by-now-much-maligned poor fish.
Moonbeams was at this time beyond caring so he called it quits, settling instead for a FOC doggy bag which he later lost on the way home, along with two sirloin steaks that he bought at the nearby butcher shop just before closing time.
The ON ON was at the Burleigh Bowls Club just across the road where the last thing most can remember was Nasty buying jug after jug of Black (Tooheys Old). Thanks Nasty.
Signing out now ‘cos can’t remember any more.
On on and and many thanks to perpetual GM and Splinter founder, Rabbit
On On