Category Archives: Splinter hash

Splinter Hash Lunch 8

Splinter Hash: 22th September 2010
Host: Ferret
Location: Sampagita Restaurant in Mermaid Beach

This what I remember

Three guests were in attendance:
Tidal Wave – recently returned from South Korea
Phantom –
Cameron – friend of the above two.

Other attendees included Sir Rabbit, Sir Slab, Shat, Arse Up, Sir Prince Valient, Missing Link, Madamoiselle Latrine and others I think

The meal was a banquet indeed. A medley of vegetables in a sweet and sour sauce with sliced beef, roasted teriyaki chicken – all served with basmati rice.

Copious consumption was not the order of the day as numerous Hashmen were concerned about the true value of their driver’s license.

Sir Slab was obviously on some type of probation. He knocked back offers of complimentary wine (owed to him from previous Splinter lunches) and even was seen giving his own wine away as he could not consume it. Somehow his Mrs knew when the lunch was over and summoned him home immediately.
Arse Up made a guest appearance having just returned from Interhash and belly ached about the poor diving in Malaysia but added things improved in the Philippines.

Ferrett – the newest septuagenarian in the Club – seeing things were going too slow for him – offered to put $50 on the bar at Hooters if others would follow. Most did as they wanted to see Ferett actually part with a $50 – which he did. things always get out of hand with free booze. Rugg and Sir Prince Valient were became obscenely pissed as they could not even finish their beer at the apres location and Missing Link was in no better state – agreeing with every word Rugg and Valient uttered.

That’s all I remember, Botcho.
Guest Reporter
Madamoiselle Latrine