Category Archives: Splinter hash

Splinter Lunch 27th July

Splinter lunch 27th July

There is probably little requirement to record this event as every Gold Hasher seemed to be there. There again who could blame them, a central location with a bar and great food, no wonder there were many smiling faces( although that could have been the vino) No embarrassing stories to relate just a great time had by all.

PS Someone left a pair of spectacles at the venue, please see whoever found them – If you can without them, I hope they were not reading glasses or I am just wasting my time here.

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Splinter Lunch Golf Day Feb. 2012

What a day!! Twenty keen Hash Golfers enjoyed an enjoyable game in the wet. Caustic Crusader won the day with a few doggy scores. A few none golfers joined us for lunch of gourmet delights. “Wishful Thinking” alias Montana did a excellent job waiting the tables.
PS: “Wishful Thinking” reckons that we were the best behaved group she has had the pleasure waiting on.

Splinter Hash Lunch 27th January 2012

Date: Friday 27th January. 2012

Venue: Cav’s steak House. Labrador

Host: Hierarchy

Twenty hardy Splinter Hashers braved stormy conditions to attend this months lunch. Due to the flooding of Botcho’s Golf Course the lunch moved to Cav’s Steak House. Fine wine and food was enjoyed by all that attended.

It was great to see a couple of returning runners. Welcome back Fucksoff and Excelpet, trust that we will see you at future lunches.

February’s Lunch will be a golf day so get those clubs out.

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