Category Archives: Hash Trash

Run 2006

Run 2006

Run: Run 2006


Location:Burleigh Heads

Hare: Elvis

Hashers: 25

Gracelands, Gracelands, I’m goin’ to Gracelands….so goes the song by Paul Simon and thus was our fate tonight…down to the wilds of Burleigh Heads to Elvis’ stamping grounds….and for those of you familiar with Elvis’s runs, this was another of his “restaurant runs” from the Silver Thai restaurant, admittedly one of our favorite venues for such runs. Let it be said that the proprietor is just lovely, always welcoming us warmly and providing us with such a bloody good feed that quite honestly, we all love coming to Elvis’s runs!! How she does all of what she does for $15 a head is  beyond me, it really is. Unlike most other restaurants, when the empty plates are cleared here, she asks “would you like another plate of the curry?”…bloody marvellous!


Also, Elvis has now done I think three runs for us from this location during the tenure of this hierarchy, and I know that I speak not only for my fellow hierarchy, but for all of you in saying that we really appreciate what you do Elvis, in stepping into the breech at short notice to provide us with good runs through interesting territory and a bloody good nosh, combined also with little treats, like drink stops, but more of that under the run description.


The run:


The runners, numbering about twenty tonight,  all gathered outside the Silver Thai restaurant at 5-7 Tallebudgera Creek Road, at Burleigh Heads, where the owner very kindly offered to have her teenage son look after all of our beer, wine and bags whilst we all went off for our run/walk. On the dot of 6.15pm off we all headed, in an easterly direction off into the bush around Fleay’s sanctuary. As soon as we entered the bush, we spotted a small silver sedan with two occupants, this time innocently eating their takeaway, but earlier on, Elvis tells us that he caught them “at it” when he was checking that the run was still properly marked…the poor kids must have felt that they were jinxed, being disturbed twice, the second time by a bunch of old blokes yelling “on on” and blowing a plastic horn!!


Elvis assured us that the run was well marked and that unlike last time, when some of us went off trail following the Border Hash’s markings, this time the Border Hash had again been in the area and Elvis had taken the liberty of setting his run over their run, simply having to re-draw some of the faded arrows and washing off some of the ones he didn’t want to use. There were several re-groups that did work in keeping the rabble more or less together, although several Hashers obviously short-cutted at some places, primarily by following the walkers’ trail….true concern was shown by the group in which I was running and we kept yelling back for Iceman and Rug, all to no avail as they had obviously gone off trail and had decided not to stick with the pack. That of course is one of the downsides of running through well-known territory…these pricks know all the shortcuts! This became very obvious when we reached the drinkstop at the back of Elvis’ house as the stragglers were already there imbibing alcohol with great hilarity and good cheer! No way could they have gotten there before us without cheating!! Oh well, at least they left the cider that I enjoyed immensely! Elvis, this is a great touch, having a drink stop on the reserve behind your house and with your neighbours participating and being so hospitable to the Hash. You certainly live in a great neighbourhood!! Rare indeed is it to live in such a friendly community.  Up from  Elvis’ house we were greeted by a grumpy woman who said “that’s private property!”…but it turns out that Elvis had us running on land belonging to Boral and from the lack of fencing it is obvious that they don’t have a problem with people using it.


In all, this was a great run, well marked and with regroups and checks that made sense. All the Hashers running with or around me all said it was great and how amazing it is to have nice bush to run through and that you wouldn’t know we were in the middle of suburbia!


The Nosh:


The food at Silver Thai was great! I can only recommend that if you live in the area, this woman deserved to be well patronised and I am sure that we are all happy to support her on Monday nights when Elvis organises the runs from here.  Well done!!


It was nice to see KB turn up for the run…well, errr, just in time to sit down for the fine meal…then after the meal off out the front of the restaurant to show off his F-Type Jag…we all know it’s a work car….you lucky bastard!!!


The Circle:


Circle tonight was brief as the dinner was ready! Magician was asked to give a run report and said it was a fine run, but that Missing Link had done a “pansy run”…did he shortcut?? Magician also informed us that he is going to be running a half marathon in North Korea of all places…I would have thought that any westerner seen running in North Korea would be immediately shot on sight, so best of luck Magician! To this day, after more than two years of active Hashing, I am still gobsmacked by how much some of you blokes get around…which reminds me, where the hell is Slug???


First out for a down-down, the hare, Elvis, and again, thanks for a fine run and a great night overall!!


Sir Botcho had on a pair of brand new running shoes and needless to say they were christened with a down-down being consumed from one of them…I’ll bet the down-down was somewhat savoury in flavour, mixed with all that bloody Chinese liniment on Botcho’s calves….makes DencoRub smell like fine perfume!!


Flasher brought a charge against Iceman for getting him “off trail”….hahaha…surely you’re joking Flasher…you are the master of being “off trail”, off on your own little escapade….how could anybody possibly be an accomplice??? The response from Iceman was equally incredulous… “have you seen how fast I run?? He’s kidding!”


Swindler was brought out the front for…wait for it…occupying the seat always reserved for Sir Slab on flights…that’s right, he’s managed to wrangle getting seat 1A on a flight! A well deserved 5 seconds on the ice for that one Swindler!


Last one out for a final down-down, Elvis, for TWICE interfering with the cavorting youngsters in the back seat of their car.


Next week’s run…a combined effort between Pizza and Aussie, with an assurance that Aussie is doing the nosh….come on guys, let’s give Pizza a second chance and do him the courtesy of having a big roll out!

That’s all folks!!

Fanny Charmer

On Sec.


Splinter Lunch April 2016

April Splinter Lunch

Run: April Splinter Lunch


Location:Surfers Paradise

Host: Weekly

Bit of a April Fools joke really. March Splinter Lunch was held on 1st April. Another fun day out once again. It was great to see Baldie Benson and Woodies in attendance.

Our host for the day Weekly had inside information and pre ordered the sea food platter, looked great. I think that he may have fogotten to inform the Chef that we are the Gourmet Hash. The food was pretty ordinary.

That aside we all had a day of mateship, good wine and a few cleansing ales.

On On

Gordon Ramsay

ps: sorry Weekly! But Botcho told me that you never let the truth stand in the way of a good story


Hashers: 25



Run 2005

Run 2005

Run: 2005


Location: Broadbeach Waters

Hares: Sir Blackstump

Hashers: 17

Sir Blackstump’s Easter Bunny Run from Albert Park, Broadbeach Waters was attended by the hard core bunch of hasher’s who were not on Easter vacation.  The run numbers would have been boosted by Blue Card had it not been for the 5 pm start.  In his words, when he rolled up in good time for the usual 6–15 pm walk he was astounded to see everyone on the piss before the event.  Sir Blackstump announced that it would be a 2K walk and a 4 K run, much to the delight of those still suffering from the effects of over indulgence in Easter fare.

The trail followed the usual route through the dog park to Monaco Street heading towards the Gold Coast Highway only to descend down one of the side streets leading South.  After a few hundred metres Flasher, who was on trail, checked left into a long dead end giving fellow front-runners Sorry & Brewtus the opportunity to romp home in under 30 minutes.

The home trail crossed the wooden bridge at the end of Poinciana Boulevard for a circle of the lake to take in the fine aroma of the rectal contents of the well-walked canines before arriving back at the car park.  With the hash trailer in poll position well before the run start and the tables & chairs claiming our territory, the scene was one of masterly organisation.

Although outsourcing to Helen was suspected, Sir Blackstump’s signature dish of Cheval Bolognaise was up to the usual high standard with the spaghetti cooked to al-dente perfection.  Apple crumble & custard was a good accompaniment followed by the Easter Bunny handing out the mini chocolate eggs.  At this point Sir Rabbit’s well trained ears stood erect in approval.  Wine sales were at an all time low due to the absence of Mademoiselle Latrine.

As usual, our super-efficient Boozemasters Weekly & Brewtus presented a fine selection of perfectly chilled beverages.  As our R.A. Sir Two Dog’s was missing your G.M. conducted the circle.  After complimentary run, walk & nosh appraisals Sir Blackstump was awarded for his well-organised run.  Bent Banana, in bare feet, having left his trainers at the Carrara mansion, completed the trail in a pair of Blackie’s deck shoes and was duly awarded for his forgetfulness.

Next out for memory problems was Blue Card who rolled up after the run thinking this was not a 5pm public holiday start time.  Circumference recalled his 5am phone call from Mademoiselle Latrine in Hawaii, in order to help his Filipino in-law, who was locked out of Latrine’s unit on Marine Parade.

Fuller Shit was called out for lubrication before he disappears off on yet another Australian adventure for several weeks.  Weekly promoted the Splinter Lunch on 1st April at Hot Rock Grill, 18 Hanlan Street, Surfers Paradise, and encouraged pre-ordering with him of the sharing fish platter for those interested.

In the absence of Moonbeam’s and Josephine, Sir Rabbit closed the circle for an early night home.

On On






Run 2004

Run 2004

Run: 2004


Location: Helensvale

Hares: Flasher & Rug

Hashers: 26


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Well, what can I say….tonight’s words are brought to you largely by Mme Latrine, who, having done the words for me last week was very keen to continue his wordsmithing training and begged me to let him do the run words, so here you have it…courtesy of Mme Latrine…and yes, the issue of succession planning has crossed my mind!!!….once you’ve read the run words, the circle and nosh bit are all mine…..

This week’s gathering saw the return of Dish Licker and the presence of Oui Oui (This pronounced wee wee – no Freudian slip here – that’s how it’s pronounced in French). Oui Oui was sporting his ever faithful battery box with four frosty cans of Carlton Draught inside. He seemed quite pleased with this lunch box of sorts and alluded every Hash man should have one. Booze master Weekly was busying himself to assure everything revolving around drink for others was in order and had a selection of bottled wine amongst other goodies. Noticeably missing was Kitchen Bitch who was off celebrating his birthday elsewhere and therefore no Crownies for his beloved Hashmates.

The hare Flasher was present – looking somewhat bedraggled with the remains of a heavily soiled menstrual pad and further 8 bandages plastered over his face and neck. With willful intent.

Flasher addressed the semi attentive slovenly gathering, it was all in vane as the local kookaburras drowned out his run instructions as they hissed, laughed and made light of Flasher and his run ideas- holding hands! Really, What’s next? Botcho called out  .

That written, all paid serious attention to him as no one had forgotten the poison pie debacle that ensued from not heeding what Flasher had to impart to his colleagues just a few weeks back.

There’s an old and famous saying in German that states: “Erfahrung hat kein Ersatz” (experience has no substitute) and Flasher, with his decades of Hashing the World over, surreptitiously was going to give credence to this addage. He alleged a run of hills, war memorials, parks, plateaus, infrastructure, road, shiggy, a pub stop, nature and more on a run WELL MARKED with flour, paper and chalk.

He called Fanny Charmer and Latrine into the circle to show how to hold hands to extricate a mate from the shiggy; noting that a regroup would somehow be mandatory. Several of the gathered infidel horde could clearly be heard hissing condescending pejorative(s) like ” yeah right; fuck off” and worse. Undaunted, Flasher pointed westward and the dysfunctional tribe was told that walkers would have to do the trail and just come back when they’d had enough.

The letter P with an arrow to the left signaled the Helensvale Bowls club but with it being so early in the run – compounded with the fact GM Rugg ‘ s Missus is known to gamble there – kept the Hashers’ on trail but wondering if the missing Caustic Crusader had gone straight there to drink vs run.

Overlooking the war memorial set a few off trail but Black Stump herded the FRB’S to the left and back on trail as Sir Rabbit tooted from the back. The first check it out fooled the pack and Latrine lead the pack on on – only to land in FT. When Sir Two Dogs was asked at the false trail point was this the regroup place he retorted “fuck off, we’re going”. And it was on back and on up with Brewtus and Bent Banana looking very fit. Another check it out left Truckee the front running Bastard until Sir Botcholism caught up.

Sir Botcholism aimed his torch hard to the left as we entered the forest to see at least 15 kangaroos – all in a trance with their collective noses covered in white powder. I, myself, hadn’t seen that much white powder on noses since the weekend cocaine parties back in my years at uni! Seems the Roos had tucked into the copious quantities of flour laid by Flasher.

It was on in to the forest and Flasher had plotted revenge on virtually everyone taller than him as the foraging branches hung under one meter in places. Before the pack could stand erect to run – there was shiggy galore. The front running Bastard Sir Botcholism had soggy, maggot infested Roo Poo all down the calves of his legs and was heard to incessantly murmur ” Flasher getting the ice….Flasher ‘ s getting the ice…..”

It was out of the forest and into a park but the trail was still inside the treeline. After crossing a grassy knoll, the front running Bastards ALL DISAPPEARED into an abyss of Kunai grass!! More shiggy! Iceman was overheard to comment ” what a GREAT run!” And was he ever right. Or was it left? as we veered again under and near the railhead. Sir Two Dogs nearly wet himself as he was incessantly and constantly accoladed by the perimeter pooches who howled with pleasure that one of their canine cousins was on the loose with his own pack in tow.


Just 42 minutes after it had all begun, hounds and hares began returning to the mosquito infested fold. The hare to his credit,  had put together a magical run that virtually no-one had been able to (or even DARED) to shortcut. He had also utilised no less than 40kg of flour and chalk as there were markings and arrows every 5 to 8 metres. The foregoing, compounded with sections of virgin trail all pointed clearly to the fact that this had been the run of the year!!!………


Fanny Charmer here again….run of the year????????  Oh dear, I think Mme Latrine should have stopped at one bottle of wine on the night as his judgment has obviously been affected!!!


What Mme Latrine forgot to also mention was that it was of course timely that as we were being given the run briefing by Flasher, a mob of kookaburras came to rest on a tree branch directly above Flasher and started cackling their heads off with laughter…they must have known what Flasher had in store for us and we were sure that they were laughing at us!! The walkers were well catered for tonight… “you blokes walking just follow the runners’ trail and when you get sick of it, just turn around and come back”…gee, that gives me so much to look forward to when I retire from the ranks of the runners and become a Hash walker…ohh, the excitement that awaits me!!


The Nosh:


Rug, our master chef tonight described the nosh as being a “belated St Pat’s celebration of all things Irish”….starting with entrees of Irish Potato Cakes, drawing the response from Rock Hard of “now I know why they had a famine!” and this was then followed by a lovely Irish stew although it proved somewhat problematic for those who had neglected to bring their own dinnerware and had to rely on paper plates provided by the Hash…oh dear, there were certainly spills aplenty of the quite soupy broth, but for those of us with deep bowls, it proved a lovely treat……...Dessert was a lovely apple and barley sweet, with cream on top…some of us had thirds and then took some home for adorable spouses!


The Circle:


Our GM welcomed us all to a belated St Paddies day run..and Mme Latrine was asked for his rating of the run…”an excellent fuckin’ run..fuckin’ goddam excellent!”…well, obviously a night for superlatives!! Flasher was absolutely speechless at the praise being praised on him!  The GM considered that we were indeed lucky that the tide was out tonight otherwise we actually would have been up to our arses in shiggy.


Now-Loved commented that the walk was “really good”…gee, that’s insightful of you NL!! Another insightful comment came from Sir Prince Valiant… “the nosh was really nice!”….I am truly overwhelmed by the love being spread tonight…whatever happened to Hash being a piss-take??….Showpony, please come back…Caustic Crusader, please come back!!!!


Flasher was called out the front to be suitably embarrassed for obviously being the subject of a newspaper article in the Sydney papers…a flasher was exposing himself to all and sundry…yep, that’s our Flasher!!


Next out the front…all who have ever shared a room with Magician were called out…Sir Slab, Truckie and Now-Loved, all describing in detail Magician’s penchant for dropping his dacks with little reason ever needed…I will attest to this..I’ve seen him in action in the Philippines too!…a well deserved down-down!!  And you’ve learnt your lesson Sir Prince Valiant..don’t ever introduce young ladies to Magician again!!


Miscarriage came out the front in usual style (yawn, yawn!) to castigate Mme Latrine for being the narrator on the run tonight…then out came Magician again, apologising for neglecting to tell us that he has just begun to feel 100% fit again after Showpony’s chilli pies several weeks ago….is this issue never going to go away???


Our visitors Oui Oui (as Latrine has already said in his words, that’s “wee wee” in French) and Magician came out for a down-down…(why is Magician still ranked a visitor…he’s one of us and he’s back!!!)..any bloody excuse for a drink!


Truckie has this week forgotten..wait for it…the Prick of the Week award…some lame excuse about his car getting fixed and it still being in the car.


Next week’s run…around the corner from my joint as it turns out….Blackie’s run from Monaco Street, Broadbeach Waters.


That’s all folks!!


Fanny Charmer …….and Madamoiselle Latrine


On Sec.





Run 2003

Run 2003

Run: 2003

Date: 14/3/2016

Location: Chevron Island

Hares: Kwakka

Hashers: 32

The informal gathering of the usual miscreants signalled the venue of Kwakka’s abode and run venue. The Council had been advised there was a “reserved” gathering and had cut the lawn, disabled the street lamp closest to the curb and partially covered the sign purporting the park to be an alcohol FREE zone. Indeed it was ostensibly alcohol for Free as Kwakka was heralding his entrée to the life of a septuagenarian. Swollen Colon rode up on his pushie with a half litre of Sapporo around his neck. Jigsaw also arrived on a two wheeler but under battery power. Kitchen Bitch made his debut by driving up the wrong way on a one way street. All of these omens signalled a good evening was in store for all.
Kwakka dispatched some 21 “runners” and asked the 10 walkers to stay back a moment. With his usual empathy and style Kwakka advised the walkers “there is one, possibly two drink stops” – and with that, the walkers stumbled off in the opposite direction of the “runners” leaving Phil to watch over everyone’s possessions and the grog.
The both the run and walk were well marked. The walkers surmised the first drink stop was Swindler’s Palace. Mdme Latrine rang the bell and even their dog was too afraid to attend the gate so the walking pack sauntered on around Chevron Island to the Chevron Tavern. The motley lot was penniless so Phantom dug deep into his own coffers to ensure everyone had a cold one. Now Loved stayed back – hoping for a second drink but it was not to be.
Unfortunately, the walkers returned first to the fold and commenced to devour copious quantities of baked meat balls – to such excess that Kwakka had to wrap up the remaining ones so they weren’t devoured by the motley walking tribe. At that point Circumfrence and others began returning from the run and ice cold FREE (or was it $1.00?) Crownies were being passed around with wanton disregard for the latecomers.
Visiting Hashers Dish Licker (the miner with the goatee), Vaso and Anchovy were receiving lots of attention from many who could not remember their names. Also returning Hashmen Kitchen Bitch and Nasty were in conversational demand. You’d think it was a formal function as several unnamed Hashmen were in formal work attire – but like Fanny Charmer – they just wanted to ensure Kwakka was properly wished and blessed for his 15 March birthday. Another unnamed hasher had the audacity to implore” how many septuagenarians’ do we have in the club?”
With that, the nosh was on and Kitchen Bitch was as impressed as he was astounded. “Jesus, mate, it was like Noah’s Arc…they came up two by two…never have I seen such control and patience”. Notwithstanding, Sir Two Dogs got in first – as is his practiced protocol. Other hashers were feeling pangs of moral compunction as they gorged themselves on crumbed Chicken Schnitzel accompanied by a spiral pasta/garden salad combo….because Sir Prince Valiant had not (yet) shown up to collect the subs for this wonderful run and nosh. As Chocolate/Vanilla frozen cheese cake came out, Sir Prince Valiant had appeared and the fiscally obedient queued not to have to pay last (right Truckie?). When I asked Josephine what part of the Nosh he was enjoying the most, he retorted “I haven’t found that bit yet” but later recanted when his digestive processes commenced.
The Club fuels itself fiscally in good part on grog sales and there are several amongst us who go to lengths to cheat the Boozemaster Weekly of his due revenue. This week two hashers brought their own beers, another 7 to 9 hash millionaires failed to pay the $1 free beer fee. More outlandish was another Hierarchy Committee member who surreptitiously poured abundant quantities of white wine (brought from home) into his opaque chalice without paying corkage.
At some point, an oblong Circle was called and Sir Prince was thanked for last week’s Corona beers. Another Hasher noted that Kitchen Bitches birthday is coming up next week and there were lots of birthdays happening. When asked who was older (Sir Prince Valiant (now 67) or Kwakka (now 70)) Bent Banana blurted “ Kwakka is the YOUNGER one!”
When Now loved was asked to describe the walk, he advised that Swindler’s Pub was closed but the Chevron Island pub had a GOOD barmaid. Swollen Colon spat the dummy with Flasher alleging Flasher had gone through a red light on the run to make up time. Not to be outdone, Flasher came bearing a gift for the GM. A Cockwarmer as the murmurs attested. Flasher put it on the GM’s head (the one on his shoulders) and resounded “you tuck it, not fcuk it”. There were even more embarrassing moments in the circle…… LOST PROPERTY. Apparently, Truck tyres had left his silver chalice some weeks ago and didn’t even know it was missing until he caught Madamoiselle Latrine swilling red wine from it. He endeavoured to repossess it (with wine still in the chalice) and Latrine would not yet relent preferring to pitch it later into the Circle and do a Down Down for doing so. Boozemaster Weekly had been waiting MONTHS to repatriate Kitchen Bitches official has plate. The unfazed and seemingly ungrateful Kitchen Bitch accepted it gracefully saying “ I needed a BIGGER plate”.
In other news- it was gossiped that Hard On had won a golfing tournament – ostensibly because he played on a team with his wife and daughter who had ensured their victory.
Miscarriage entered the Circle as reigning POW and had obviously given a lot of thought to the previous week’s run and ensuing debacle. He singled out several candidates to succeed him:
• Missing Link. The TRAILMASTER carries final authority for the trails set and is to oversee same
• Caustic Crusader – for his insidious and condescending remarks posted on the GHHH website
• Sir Rabbit – the light of Queensland and still didn’t find his way
• Truck Tyres – for leading the pack to the SOUTH and not NORTH after hitting the rail line. The rail lines only run north – south – north and on home was clearly NORTH.
You guessed it, Truck Tyres was awarded POW and we all gazed in disbelief as Truckie did his down down down down with his cock inside the funnelled glass. Every Hashman knows how difficult this type of consumption can be when you have our cock in your glass and are trying your best to gulp down its contents!
Next week’s Hare is supposed to be Lurch but the website states Flasher so stay tuned for still another debacle and more laughter and fun
As Phil was indisposed, Moonbeams called end of circle at 8:52 pm.
On On Madamoiselle Latrine for the overworked Fanny Charmer