Category Archives: Hash Trash

Run 2064…Hare: Sir Slab & Sir Prince

Date:15th May. 2017…………………………….
Run Pictures…………………………………………….

A combined  GC Hash 39 th birthday and Memorial Run was the theme for this run which commenced from Mick Ring(otherwise known as deceased hasher Sewerage) Park. After instructions from Sir Slab, runners and walkers set off for some quick exercise before returning for refreshments before the GM sumoned all with his micro megaphone you A
that it was circle time.
The Sirs were given a drink before SIR PV wearing his Run No 1 T-Shirt gave an eulogy to remember
12 GC hashers who have passed away. Amongst those mentioned were  a surprised SIr Slab who some onlookers considered to be a dead man walking after SPVs faux pas. A Sir Rabbit soundtrack played as hashers enjoyed a port or two. Sir Rabbit was given a set of bunny ears for being a Pommie hash look a like and is now ready to appear as the next centrefold bunny in Playgirl.
Fanny Charmer returned the long missing down down mug to the boozemasters. Apparently there has been interest from across the ditch in NZ from the Lord of the Rings crew about making a movie about it. If it gets off the ground, it will be called The Return of the 8th Challi. Our boozemasters could feature in it.
Miscarriage had a trifecta celebration with the hash wake, birthday and marriage milestone all on the same evening. It is now 29 years since he said – I do – to Liz. As he is nearing the big 30, he knows that after that time wives know that men like sex and travel (with their mates), so the only sex is oral when she who must be obeys says – Fuck off !
Caustic Crusader representing Radio Scotland was called out by the RA as a result of the tight-arsed Scottish Comm Games team turning up a year early and looking for a free nights accommodation at the Comm Games village which is still a construction site. Talk about optimistic thinking they could get free night on their GC junket withour opening their wallets.
The circle was closed and all moved to the nearby Thai restaurant for a multi-course feast washed done by plenty of red cordial. Fuck All advised that he didnt eat seafood and stunned all by asking whether barramundi was seafood as he thought it was a crustacean ! Missing Link had another one of those CRAFT moments when he found his missing car keys hanging around his neck.
The final Rock Party Run concluded and it is now onto next weeks AGPU.
Yours in hashing

Run 2063…Hare: Weekly

Run: 2063


Location: Robina

Hare: Weekly


Run Pictures

If there’s one thing a hare needs on one of those rare occasions when its pissing down rain about 6:00 pm on a Monday evening and that’s a Plan B. Weekly and Sir Slab made sure the event was not a complete washout by moving from the original venue to under cover at the nearby cricket club. At 6:15 pm with the absent hare still directing late comers to the new venue, a couple of groups headed west as the light rain(at that stage) continued. Just down Cheltenham Road from the cricket club, a known trail from the Octoberfest run was revisited and it proceeded along the lake. The runners, all four of them, followed the lake, proceeding towards the Robina shopping centre while the ten walkers continued up towards the railway station and near C Bus Stadium.
Both groups arrived back pretty well at the same time and were opening their first beers as the heavens opened up and all had been saved from a complete drenching by about two minutes.
On a cool and damp night, suddenly everyone got more interested in what was going on with the nosh than in the bucket, especially with KB in the kitchen. A queue formed and its members seemed to have some sort of ravenous desire to be fed and in a hurry. So out came the steaming hot pea and ham soup and the toasted Turkish bread which shut the hungry hordes up for a short time until they regathered forming another queue which KB had recognised as the usual first in the line-up suspects and had to dispersed as the mains were still cooking. As there were lots of helpers assisting KB and Weekly cooking including Sir Prince Valiant, Sir Slab and Ferret, it was soon time for the continuous supply of skewed beef and chicken to be served with rice and vegetable shashliks.
After awhile it became apparent that the previously hungry hashers were finally filling up and could not eat anymore of the tasty nosh. So just to top it all off, out came the dessert which included Mc Donalds Apple Pies (from our ice sponsor) served with custard and ice cream.
About this time, Truck Tyres decided it would be a good time to unwind the jockey wheel on the trailer attached to Bent Banana’s car so as to hook it onto his vehicle to take the trailer home. However, the trailer attempted to take off and KB in trying to stop the swinging barbecue got a pretty severe burn to his hand. Thankfully the chain was still holding or the trailer would have just took off and probably rolled over before coming to rest somewhere near the fence around the cricket oval.
That was all the GM needed to prompt him to get all to clean up the tables and chairs in readiness for a circle.  The hares -Weekly and Brewtus who had apparently assisted in setting of the washed out real run were called out for a drink. Weekly thanked all those went for a run or a walk for finding a trail to suit themselves after his trail had been washed out.All responsible for the nosh including Mrs Weekly, KB and his helpers were thanked for their contributions to the nosh.
Then the GM explained his reasoning for the quick call for a circle as he had a certain hasher in his sights for POW. So he called out Truck Tyres for his indiscretion concerning the trailer. The GM had heard Truck Tyres callously exclaim – What a stupid thing to do ! (in reference to KB’s attempt to save the swinging hot barbecue on the trailer from damage). Apparently it didn’t occur to Truck Tyres that his uncoupling of the trailer’s jockey wheel had contributed to the trailer becoming unstable in the first place and it’s knock on effects. So a big drink was given to the new POW.
RA Shat, prior to taking over proceedings in the circle had knocked over the On Sec’s drink of chateau de cardboard red wine, which was on the ground while he took notes of proceedings. So after one knock on, he followed it up with another one. Last week , he had called out Missing Link for leaving his bag and its contents behind at the splinter lunch. So in a reverse CRAFT moment, this time it was by the RA who again revisited the material he had covered in the previous week’s circle about Missing Link who was quickly exonerated on the grounds of double jeopardy for the previous mention of the same matter.
So moving on when the RA finally got his act together, he called out Swindler for his purchase of 120 good acres of good hashing country at Tyalgum, just over the border in northern NSW. Ferret got a mention as a photographed look-a-like had wrestled a lemon shark in the waters off FNQ. Fuck All, in his absence, also got a mention for his chick magnet attraction on a recent away weekend in Yamba.
Sir Blackie, now reluctantly settling into his role as circle closer, was called up to finish RPR 48 where the hare’s activated Plan B had come together for a good night which had seen the hare’s original plan A spoiled by unusually consistent rain on a Monday evening.
Next Monday is the Hashers Memorial Run in Mick Ring Park to be followed by a good meal in the Tallai/Mudgeeraba area and it will be last normal hash run /circle of this committee before the AGPU/Committee change-over the following week where the new committee for 2017-2018 will be announced in what no doubt will be another memorable evening.
Yours in hashing

Run 2062…Hare: Fu#k All & Fanny Charmer

Run: 2062


Location: Southport

Hare: Fu#k All & Fanny Charmer


Beside the Broadwater and under the Jubilee Bridge was the venue for this event. As hashers arrived they were greeted by Fuller Shit who was doing a demonstration with his drone of how you can perve on your neighbour’s missus/mistress when she goes for a late night pool summer swim in the nuddy.A great turn out of hashers has been a regular occurrence in recent weeks as no one wants to be forgotten when the new committee is announced. It is not uncommon now for hashers to get a tap on the shoulder on a Monday night and be asked if they have a tow bar or access to one. Fanny gave some brief instructions on the trail and to keep an eye out for some historic Southport building which he would ask hashers about upon returning. It wasn’t long before the trail left Brighton Parade and crossed over Ferry Road and from then on it was every hasher for himself to find their way home. The walkers did a similar trail and they too filed in in several groups from different directions. Back at the venue, hash security(those who skipped the exercise component of the evening) were already getting into the free $1 Asahi birthday beers supplied by Sir Two Dogs. As Miscarriage missed out on one of these beers, he was not a happy chappy after putting in the hard yards on the trail. In light of an award, now in the possession of this hasher, it might be an idea not to get caught again pilfering
the birthday beers before he gets one next time.
Due to the restaurant booking time for nosh, the RA moved things along and called circle time. The co-hares, Fanny Charmer and Fuck All’s first virgin effort were rewarded with down downs. Miscarriage described the run as dangerous with its many main road crossings. While on the topic of dangerous, Sir Prince Valiant, reminded Miscarriage about some of his occupational safety incidents with his operation of various pieces of earth moving machinery on his Gilston sub-division. It would appear that Miscarriage and his unfortunate neighbours are learning that DIY land clearing is nothing like DIY home renovations and maintenance which most can master these days after a shopping trip to Bunnings. VD seems to have got himself involved in some sort of bikie wars amongst the various hash cyclists over their colours and gang naming rights. The VLAD(Vulgar, Lowlife and Drunks) laws may be evoked as these groups are certainly larger than three and they have been seen gathering in public places like breakfast cafes and over long lunches so it may end up in the courts with a showdown over the names of the various gangs and these gangs legal representatives, Swindler and Fanny Charmer. The Qld police no doubt will be happy with this outcome as they can include it as another matter resolved in their fake statistics of crime cleaned up on the GC.
Nasty returned some lost property from his pie nosh evening and Jigsaw stepped forward to reclaim some sentimental property, a plate and fork from a wedding present cutlery set. A set of car keys was offered up and the hasher who never loses anything when travelling abroad claimed them. It was none other than Miscarriage who has lost just about everything humanly possible on his travels. More lost property resulted from the splinter lunch as a result of Missing Link having one of those red wine induced CRAFT afternoons. Nominees for the new Booze Masters were invited to show their interest. It was suggested that Flasher may be interested as he would be much stronger after his gym sessions and he could complete the other six months that he didn’t complete on this year’s committee. Caustic Crusader seemed to have an attack of verbal diarrhoea as he couldn’t shut up and with his multiple counts of circle abuse received multiple down downs. Miscarriage also was rewarded with a few drinks including the big one , POW, for his demolition of the neighbours fences while operating his earth moving machinery. Now Loved, the carry over POW, had assembled a good cast to choose from due to events that have recently occurred on previous Monday evenings. During his absence, he had gathered quite a bit of intel and had pretty good wrap sheets on most the nominees who had probably dodged a POW. Even those not in attendance were not left out as nominated look-alikes were called up as their proxys.
Sir Two Dogs was rewarded with a pretty ordinary rendition of Hashy Birthday before again, under duress, Sir Blackie, reluctantly was dragged kicking and screaming to close RPR 47.
Caustic gave us an update on Crocodile’s health while he is in hospital and all our thoughts are with him.
The proceedings then moved across to the nearby Sundale nosh venue with the French theme where you can buy some clothes while you wait for your meal. Weekly was under the pump from disgruntled hashers for purchasing a room temperature cask of white wine instead of a red one, however he performed some sort of miracle to make the green cask of white wine disappear and then in its place a red wine cask appeared. It didn’t take long for this one to disappear either, but this was due to the contents being drained by thirsty hashers washing down their meals of either flathead, chips and salad or spag boll. At least the meal sizes were nothing like traditional French fare, as the portions were generous.
With the early public holiday start, the evening finished before 9pm and at regular intervals , groups wandered off home from another good night of hashing.
Yours in hashing
Copy oflaurel image

April Splinter Lunch

Date: Friday 28th April.2017

Location: Thai Eatery…Main Beach

Hashers: 37

Host: Weekly,Wrongway and Carefree

A total of 37 hungry Splinter Hash participants arrived at Thai Eatery in Tedder Avenue on Friday throwing the restaurant into a chaotic state as chairs & tables were squeezed in to cater for 7 more than the maximum expected. Some even arrived well prior to the offical start time of Midday.
Many guests turned up as the Splinter Hash gathers a reputation for quality food at unbeatable prices and highest quality wine – as it is BYO.
Amongst the guests was an old codger named Joe who was on the very first GCH3 run back before calendars were invented, He brought along a colour picture of a number of very skinny blokes taken on an early run. Times have changed!
Another guest was a retired real estate agent named Max who knows everyone in Main Beach and everywhere else including most of the GCH3. He held court throughout the afternoon listening to success stories of the group. With him was his debt collector friend Peter who checked his black book to see if any of the other guests were on his list.
Blue Card also brought a guest but did not introduce him to the hosts as he is some sort of secret agent. However, he was seen talking secret stuff to Rug.
Bent Banana arrived just as the last seat was taken at the main table and was allocated first seat at the then empty table. Co-host Carefree held his hand till reinforcements arrived shortly after to look after him.
The Chevron Island group then set up camp and proceeded to cause havoc. Thankfully they left their bikes back home as Mrs Kwakka has placed a ban on cycling where food and drink are involved.
The meal started late as FOS and VD were stuffing around trying to find a bottle shop and SPV swooped on the chair allocated to VD at the official table. In the end VD had a more relaxed time with Flasher and other assorted mates and did not have to be on best behaviour.
Just prior to eating guests were asked to come up with $25. This was to avoid any absconders. It worked perfectly, Co-host WrongWay assisted by ‘Pied Piper’ Weekly even balanced the books while securing enough extra funds to ensure an upgrade for WrongWay on his upcoming cruise.
The Thai starters were gobbled up quickly and it was on to a Chicken Vegetable dish, a Massaman Beef Curry and when everyone was groaning about too much food they were seduced by a Spicy Pork finale.
Around 2.30pm ‘Pied Piper’ Weekly announced that the gathering was moving to Schuck Bar and most followed him for $5 Heinekens that went for the remainder of the afternoon. Various others straggled down as they finished their wine supply.
At and on the way to Schuck the revellers made more noise the the mooted light rail. As they passed the petition office a new petition was placed on the table suggesting that the GCH3 show more decorum on their next visit.
As with the previous week’s recce the last to leave were in the dark
Rumour has it that the hosts are bidding to run next month’s Splinter Lunch.
On On

Run 2061…Hare: Bent Banana

Run 2061

Run: 2061


Location: Nerang

Hare: Bent Banana


As a tribute to a fallen hasher, Moonbeams (RIP), who would have celebrated his birthday with his hash mates late into the evening and all the fallen Diggers who lost their lives while fighting for their country, a special hash event was held at Nerang on the eve of Anzac Day. Bent Banana had organised the logistics for this evening’s activities. A very good roll up even bringing out a few very absent visitors from many years ago were tempted to return to celebrate some good old Aussie mateship and enjoy a few cold beers. The hare told all about the difficulties in setting both Plan A and Plan B runs which had to be shelved due to the concerns of locals seeing someone running with powder in their neighbourhood. So Plan C was activated which resulted in a run out to Weedons Crossing and back through the streets adjoining the Nerang CBD. The walkers did a quick local tour and then upon their return all hooked into the free refreshments. Chips and dips were hidden on a table amongst a group of hashers who had dug in early to ensure security of the venue in Bishof Pioneer Park.
GM Rock Hard called a circle and in keeping with the Anzac theme the hare’s run was commented on by a visiting Vietnamese hasher, Fuck Coffee. Next up was Wrongway who gave us a stirring Anzac eulogy and told all about his experiences as a nervous nasho who got himself transferred from being a machine gunner to the military police, when he realised that the machine gunners were normally the first hit in combat.
The returners and visitors including Bentabeak, Fuck Coffee, Mad Mike, Flasher and VD were then given a drink.
RA Shat took over the proceedings and again in memory of the fallen, three hashers were called out. Sir Botcho, Miscarriage and Weekly had all taken a fall on the Anzac bike ride the day before. Slug was also not forgotten for his quote of the year at the same event when he declared that Pussy makes the best sticky date ! Other misdemeanours at that event included Truck Tyres who forgot his bike and Rug who forgot his helmet.
This got a few hashers thinking how lucky Australia was that these hashers were not involved in the trench fighting during the wars because they probably would have forgotten either their rifle or their ammo or both ! Other casualties from the bike ride included Kwakka and Hard On who had had a bottle or two of red and needed assistance in getting home. Apparently Mrs Kwakka took his bike and he ended up getting home via Mr Uber.
Sir Rabbit then stepped up and played a recording of Moonbeams rendition of The Last Post on his bugle from a previous year. A respectful round of applause from all then closed the circle. As a fine roast meal was waiting for all down the road at the Nerang RSL, it was time to relocate and have dinner. All agreed over a few more beers over dinner that Bent Banana and those that had assisted had put together a great event in memory of Moonbeams and all those who had gone before him for over 100 years through the various theatres of war and are today still keeping our wonderful country safe and the freedom it gives us.
                                                                                         LEST WE FORGET
A former European decided to migrate to Australia. He thought he would do a Cook’s tour of the country and have a squiz at each state before deciding where he wanted to settle down and live. When he arrived in Perth, he was asked if he would like a cup of tea. In Adelaide, he was asked which church he would be going to. In Melbourne, he was asked which footy team he would support. In Sydney, he was asked what he did for a job and how much was his house worth. In Brisbane, he was asked – would you like a beer, mate ? That’s where the tour ended and Queensland got itself another citizen.
The Australian Government has announced plans for a new citizenship test for immigrants including questions about domestic violence and child marriage. Obviously anyone on the day can bullshit their way through this multi-choice test and then some may go home and behave badly by giving their missus an occasional hiding and flog their teenage daughter off to the highest bidder as a child bride and if no party complains, because they are shit scared of the backlash from their traditional old ways of the family’s religious customs elsewhere, mainstream Australian society is none the wiser to what is going on in the households of these newly recognised Aussie citizens in the suburbs of Australia’s cities.
However let’s put our thinking caps on and find out who really has some knowledge of Australian values, ideals and customs by coming up with some real questions to be put to immigrants who are fair dinkum about wanting to become fully integrated citizens of the greatest country on the planet. Here’s few for consideration for starters –
Q. Your elderly neighbours in your new suburb ask you to pick up a slab of VB for them at the bottle-o while you are out shopping.What does this mean ?
Q. Your neighbours also invite you to come over to their place for a barbie after you finish your shopping. What are your neighbours intending to do to welcome you to your new community ?
Q. At the barbie, your neighbour asks if you would like some dead horse on your snag sanga. What does this mean ?
Q. After the barbie, your neighbour asks if you would like a slice of pav ? What does this mean ?
Q. Your neighbours then take you to the nearest club and buy you some drinks to welcome you to the community. After awhile they say it’s about time for your shout. What does this mean ?
Q. Budgie smugglers are quite prevalent along the coastline in Australia during summer. Should you do anything about them ? If so, what ?
Q. How about people smugglers ? What should you do about them if you hear about or come across them ?
Q. During summer, if you go to the beach, you should only swim between the flags. What colour are these flags – are they green and gold, red and yellow or blue, red and white ?
Q. When you arrive at the beach and see that it is very crowded, you decide to have a swim in a quieter area outside the flagged area. A volunteer lifesaver tells you to leave the water immediately and return to the flagged area. Do you tell him that as you are a good swimmer you are staying where you are or get out and swim in the crowded area between the flags ?
Q. If you are travelling on a holiday in Northern Australia during summer and there is a warning of a very severe weather event coming, where should you go?  – the nearest church, the nearest mosque or the nearest cyclone shelter ?
Q. While travelling on your holiday in Northern Australia, where it can be very hot, swimming is good way to cool down. Where is the safest place for you to swim ? The options are the closest river, the closest beach or the pool at your accommodation.
Q. In your daily activities in Australian communities you may interact with Aboriginals. What is the cultural significance of these people ?
Q. What event is celebrated on 25 December each year ?
Q. What is the significance of Australia Day ?
Q. What is the significance of Anzac Day?
Q. What is the national anthem of Australia ? Is it Down Under, Waltzing Matilda, True Blue or Advance Australia Fair ?
Q. What event stops the whole of Australia on the first Tuesday in November each year ?
Q. Easter is celebrated in March or April each year in Australia. What is this ?
Q. The Boxing Day Test commences at the G in Melbourne on 26 December each year. What type of event is it ?
Q. What are the colours of the Australian flag  ? Are they green and gold, red, yellow and black or red, blue and white ?
Q. There are two animals on the Australian coat of arms. Which of these are they – a koala bear, a kangaroo, a dingo, an emu or a crocodile ?
Q. What is the capital city of Australia ? Is it Sydney, Melbourne or Canberra ?
Q. Who is the national leader of Australia ?  Is it the Governor-General, the Queen, the Prime Minister or someone else ?
Q. While travelling in outback Australia, you may see signs mentioning blokes and sheilas when you stop at rest rooms at service stations. What’s the meaning of a bloke and a sheila ?
Q. In summer, eskies and thongs are popular in Australia. What are they ?
Q. If you are travelling at the front on a very crowded train or bus and there are no vacant seats when an elderly lady gets on, what do you do ?
Do you tell her that as the bus is train/bus is full, to wait for the next one or do you offer her your seat and then you stand up for the remainder of your journey ?
Q. Respect for your fellow Australians, whether male or female, is important when you live in Australia. What does this mean ?
Yours in hashing