Date: 27th November 2017……………………..
Run Pictures……………………………………….
The run was set this week in the Coombabah Lakes Conservation Area, nice and flat. Hashers converged at the shelter on Grassy Park on Hansford Road. Truckie drove in with the trailer spot on 6:15, just as the hare, Rug, was about to give instructions. Runners were set off across Hansford Road into Burrendong Road for a run through the streets. Once the runners were sent off, Rug lead the walkers west along Hansford Road. Seemed like there were more runners than walkers this evening. About half way down Hansford Road we started seeing arrows then we heard the runners coming behind us calling On On. Swollen was the first, and he slowed down to chat. We had heard some popping behind us and thought it was Swollen setting off firecrackers. But no, it was probably someone bursting balloons. Blackie was next and Swollen raced on ahead. The runners soon ran past us. Walkers continued on Hansford Road and on into Citie Road. Again the walkers diverged from the runners trail, and we went onto a grassy area behind some houses, trail was marked with shredded paper. Then onto a concrete foot path, then down to the creek. We walked on the boardwalk along the edge on the creek for about a kilometre, then through a housing area back to Hansford Road, then back to the Park. About half an hour, very pleasant walk.
Run Report 2092
The run was set this week in the Coombabah Lakes Conservation Area, nice and flat. Hashers converged at the shelter on Grassy Park on Hansford Road. Truckie drove in with the trailer spot on 6:15, just as the hare, Rug, was about to give instructions. Runners were set off across Hansford Road into Burrendong Road for a run through the streets.
Once the runners were sent off, Rug lead the walkers west along Hansford Road. Seemed like there were more runners than walkers this evening. About half way down Hansford Road we started seeing arrows then we heard the runners coming behind us calling On On. Swollen was the first, and he slowed down to chat. We had heard some popping behind us and thought it was Swollen setting off firecrackers. But no, it was probably someone bursting balloons. Blackie was next and Swollen raced on ahead. The runners soon ran past us.
Walkers continued on Hansford Road and on into Citie Road. Again the walkers diverged from the runners trail, and we went onto a grassy area behind some houses, trail was marked with shredded paper. Then onto a concrete foot path, then down to the creek. We walked on the boardwalk along the edge on the creek for about a kilometre, then through a housing area back to Hansford Road, then back to the Park. About half an hour, very pleasant walk.

The runners were still out when we got back to the shelter, they got back about half hour later, all said it was a good run, about 6 km.
Rug started setting up big pots on the BBQ area, and soon called out for starters which was a creamy ginger pumpkin soup. I noted hashers going up for seconds and thirds. This was followed by rice and beef curry, made by Fanny. Not too hot, but tasty. Ice cream and stewed pit fruit followed up for dessert.
GM called the circle, and pulled Rabbit, Fanny and Truckie in for being slow to form the circle and talking.
Returning runners were Blackie, Swollen, Missing Link, and Brengun. Jiggy gave a note.
Brengun was called back in for bad mouthing the Gold Coast Hash back at the Brisbane hash. Blackie gave a note.
GM called the hare Rug out, plus his accomplice Fanny. Blackie commented on the run saying too many mosquitoes and roos. Swindler commented on the walk. Truckie gave a note.
Visitors were James, brought by Magician, and Allan, brought by Jigsaw. Two Dogs gave a note.
GM asked Truckie if he had voted at the state elections on Saturday before going to Brunswick Heads for the hash weekend. Truckie said that he went to the polling booth early, but it did not open until 9:30, so he left. He said that organiser of the hash weekend, Two Dogs, did not inform hashers about the voting, nor that NSW was still on summer time. Two Dogs got the down down, Magician gave a note.
Hard On was asked to explain what happened after the Friday Splinter Hash lunch. He said he had been invited to Karawa Surf Club where he partook more food and wine (up to the plinth line), then went on to the Surfers Paradise Golf Club for more. He then got on the tram to head home, but fell asleep and ended up in Helensvale. Got back on the tram, and missed his stop. Shat gave a note.
RA came in and, while he was telling his joke, handed a photo around the circle of Hard On on his bicycle with a number of shopping bags hanging from the handle bars. It seems that while he was out shopping, he saw that the bottle shop was doing a deal on red wine. He bought two bottles, but on the way home was concerned that the bottles might drop and break, so he stopped in a park and drank one of the bottles. Continuing the bike ride, he was still concerned the other bottle might drop and break, so he stopped again to drink that bottle.
RA called out Fanny for doing 150 runs, and Blackie for doing 1150 runs. Each got a cap embroidered with name and number of runs. Blackie mentioned that that cap had cost him $22,000. Swollen gave a note.
Prince had spoken to Rock Hard and reported that, although he had lost weight, he was continuing with the alkaline diet and sticking with the alternative remedies. Hash wishes him well.
Prince also reported that Kwakka was still suffering from internal bleeding and was seeing a neurosurgeon. Hash wishes him well also.
Magician was called in for using his new Cyber Monday phone during the circle. Missing Link gave a note.
RA gave a joke about the bet to win a jar full of $50 notes.
Circumference dobbed in Swollen for chatting up an old lady in a zimmer frame. Swollen said she winked at him.
GM came back into the circle, and asked for a vote on having the New Years Day hash run at Swindlers farm or the park at Southport. Southport got the vote.
POW was Magician, but stepped into the circle without the gear. There were roars of protest, so he went to fetch the bag and don the gear. He called out Jigsaw for borrowing a kayak, but that was not good enough, so he was sent away. He then called out Two Dogs about borrowing a bike helmet, and Fanny for something about the LBG vote (???). Magician awarded a joint POW.
Botcho explained about having the password to protect the photo area of the website, and was amazed at how many emails and calls he got from hashes unable to access the photos.
Swindler closed the circle.
Remember to use [email protected] if you have a story for RA.
On on
Mad Mike
The runners were still out when we got back to the shelter, they got back about half hour later, all said it was a good run, about 6 km.
Rug started setting up big pots on the BBQ area, and soon called out for starters which was a creamy ginger pumpkin soup. I noted hashers going up for seconds and thirds. This was followed by rice and beef curry, made by Fanny. Not too hot, but tasty. Ice cream and stewed pit fruit followed up for dessert.
GM called the circle, and pulled Rabbit, Fanny and Truckie in for being slow to form the circle and talking.
Returning runners were Blackie, Swollen, Missing Link, and Brengun. Jiggy gave a note.
Brengun was called back in for bad mouthing the Gold Coast Hash back at the Brisbane hash. Blackie gave a note.
GM called the hare Rug out, plus his accomplice Fanny. Blackie commented on the run saying too many mosquitoes and roos. Swindler commented on the walk. Truckie gave a note.
Visitors were James, brought by Magician, and Allan, brought by Jigsaw. Two Dogs gave a note.
GM asked Truckie if he had voted at the state elections on Saturday before going to Brunswick Heads for the hash weekend. Truckie said that he went to the polling booth early, but it did not open until 9:30, so he left. He said that organiser of the hash weekend, Two Dogs, did not inform hashers about the voting, nor that NSW was still on summer time. Two Dogs got the down down, Magician gave a note.
Hard On was asked to explain what happened after the Friday Splinter Hash lunch. He said he had been invited to Karawa Surf Club where he partook more food and wine (up to the plinth line), then went on to the Surfers Paradise Golf Club for more. He then got on the tram to head home, but fell asleep and ended up in Helensvale. Got back on the tram, and missed his stop. Shat gave a note.
RA came in and, while he was telling his joke, handed a photo around the circle of Hard On on his bicycle with a number of shopping bags hanging from the handle bars. It seems that while he was out shopping, he saw that the bottle shop was doing a deal on red wine. He bought two bottles, but on the way home was concerned that the bottles might drop and break, so he stopped in a park and drank one of the bottles. Continuing the bike ride, he was still concerned the other bottle might drop and break, so he stopped again to drink that bottle.
RA called out Fanny for doing 150 runs, and Blackie for doing 1150 runs. Each got a cap embroidered with name and number of runs. Blackie mentioned that that cap had cost him $22,000. Swollen gave a note.
Prince had spoken to Rock Hard and reported that, although he had lost weight, he was continuing with the alkaline diet and sticking with the alternative remedies. Hash wishes him well.
Prince also reported that Kwakka was still suffering from internal bleeding and was seeing a neurosurgeon. Hash wishes him well also.
Magician was called in for using his new Cyber Monday phone during the circle. Missing Link gave a note.
RA gave a joke about the bet to win a jar full of $50 notes.
Circumference dobbed in Swollen for chatting up an old lady in a zimmer frame. Swollen said she winked at him.
GM came back into the circle, and asked for a vote on having the New Years Day hash run at Swindlers farm or the park at Southport. Southport got the vote.
POW was Magician, but stepped into the circle without the gear. There were roars of protest, so he went to fetch the bag and don the gear. He called out Jigsaw for borrowing a kayak, but that was not good enough, so he was sent away. He then called out Two Dogs about borrowing a bike helmet, and Fanny for something about the LBG vote (???). Magician awarded a joint POW.
Botcho explained about having the password to protect the photo area of the website, and was amazed at how many emails and calls he got from hashes unable to access the photos.
Swindler closed the circle.
Remember to use [email protected] if you have a story for RA.
On on
Mad Mike