Date: 3rd December 2018……………………..
Location: Main Beach ……………………………..
Run Pictures……………………………………..
Category Archives: Hash Trash
Splinter Lunch November 2018
Date: 30th November 2018……………………..
Location: Mr Thai, Southport …………………
Host: Fuller Shit………………………………………
Run Pictures………………………………………..
The case of the missing Prawns.
Eighteen Hashers turn up for Fuller Shits Splinter Lunch, in the back streets of Southport.
Great to see Rug turn up after his bike tour with the Link mob. When asked ” where are the rest of the Link mob. in quarantine apparently” was his reply.
quarantine. noun. a period of isolation or detention, esp of persons or animals arriving from abroad, to prevent the spread of disease, usually consisting of the maximum known incubation period of the suspected disease.
Being a very hot day the cold beers never touch the sides as we wait patiently for our gourmet lunch. the entre was great, Just wait tell the prawn dish arrives called out Fuller, its a top dish. Well the prawn dish arrived and the lovely waitress called out ONLY THREE PRAWNS EACH.
This fell on deaf ears and it was first in best dressed. Sir Botcho and Ballbag being the true gentleman that they are just waited patiently for the prawns appear in front of them. But alias the prawns were all comsumed by the time the serving plates arrive infront of our two patiently waiting Hashers. Boo! Hoo! no prawns for these two
Two dishes followed curried deep fried fish and a chicken dish I think.
It was another fun day out for Splinter crew. Cold refreshing ales were downed at the Anglers Arms before heading home.
PS: Rug and the MI5 are on the case. Prawns were counted
Run 2143…Sir Rabbit & Sir Jo
Date: 26th November 2018……………………..
Location:Southport ……………………………..
Run Pictures……………………………………..
Run 2142…Carefree
Date: 19th November 2018……………………..
Location:Main Beach ……………………………..
Run Pictures……………………………………..
A nice cool evening with a cooler wind appearing later in the evening.
The runners returned to tables set up with chairs and the odour of the BBQ.
The meal was BBQ patties, fresh bread rolls, various crispy salads and sauces. Followed by nutty ice cream cones.
S- Bends explained that this evening also celebrated and sets the tone of our three birthday hash members. Happy Birthday to Brewtus, Care Free and Ice Man.
He mentioned runners not to crush their beer cans as these were to be re-cycled.( Not the runners)
Care Free , the hare, was our returning runner. Down down for him.
He also brought back a gift for the GM Weekly from the HolyLand. There was a tale about Jordon and the Holy Water that helped to spread the word.
Blackie took a down down next.
Run report. Two Dogs mentioned how this run zigzagged but it was fun to follow.
Run report. During the walk Woodsy made a detour to his residence to collect his jacket as the cooler wind was effecting most runners.
The three Birthday Boys were called into the circle and a down down followed for these celebrated runners.
Next weeks run. This will be by Sir Rabbit and Sir Josephine as Swindler has had a knee operation and is recovering. He will be the hare in February 2019.
Arse Nik steps forward and presents his long overdue City Walk Passport to the GM.
A down down followed for this achievement.
Circumference reported on the Brisbane hash over 60’s lunch…very funny menu.
Sir Winton Churchill quote of the week.
“Diplomacy is the art of telling people to go to hell in such a way that they ask for directions.”
8:25pm. Carefree closed the circle.
On On Sec. Have you phoned an ill mate. Are you OK MATE.??
Run 2141…Sir Slab & Shat
Date: 12th November 2018……………………..
Location:Ormeau ……………………………..
Runners: 31…………………………………………..
Run Pictures……………………………………..
This run met up with the Brisbane hash with a combined meal at the Norfolk Hotel.
There was some instructions given to the runners and walkers about the chalked and flour marked trail. All runners returned all safe and sound with no complaints.
There was one runner who endeavoured to try the long jump trick over the open water drainage channel. This was a novel way to cool off and wash sweeting hands.
The served meal arrived quickly considering the amount of dinners there were. It was a fair price and tasted good. Bar wine and beer was on tap with speedy service.
7: 25 am. The GM Weekly decided to present himself as his normal self. There was no Winston Churchill this evening.
Shat and Slab were invited to cool off by sitting on the ice, down down followed for these gents.
Then it was Two Dogs into the circle with two other pet dogs whom looked more interesting and stole the show.
Not to be excluded, VD was called into the circle with three other Brisbane runners. Down downs followed.
There was a call for the runners whom were named Peter or Grahame to enter the circle. It was amazing how many there were.
Vistors. There were two for Germany. Welcome down down was in order.
After some debate on the evening the runners wanted to enjoy their meal in the hotel.
7: 35am. The GM closed the circle.
This was quick ten minute circle, so thats all folks. Have you phoned a hash mate yet? Are you OK mate?
On On Sec. FA