Category Archives: Hash Trash

Run 2152…Sir AH

Date: 28th January 2019………………………….
Location: Mudgeeraba ……………………………

Run Pictures

This run started early at 5pm as it was Australia Day. The run was well marked with pink PVC tape and well marked chalk arrows. There was a drink stop half way to ease the hot run. Port and lemonade with a few ANZAC   biscuits and other shacks. It is common in Pommie land that port with lemonade was drink in the summer months.

On the return to Lions Park the runners dug into more snacks of ANZAC  biscuits, crisps with cheese dips or a jar of Vegemite.


6.45pm. GM Weekly opened the circle.


Visitors and returning runners.     This was Bren Gun and a Down Down was awarded.


The hare, Sir AH called into the circle to thank him for setting the run.

Run report.    This was given by Bren Gun who mentioned that it was well marked with pink tape and chalk arrows. It was a bit of rough going as the runners had to go up and down hill on loose stoney terrain.

Walkers report.     Nasty thought this was a good walk until going up the hill at Moonbeam Parade.

Food report.     A great meal of spicy chicken stew with vegetables. The desert consisted of peaches in custard and jelly. A down down followed.


RA report was by Hal Al.    Ferret, Jig Saw and Sir Slab in the circle. Sir Slab was regarded as a fine example of a non Australian as he had no passport. A Down Down followed for these runners.

Charge from the floor.    Sir Slab advised that  Sir Prince, from returning from his recent visit to Brisbane friends, found that he had brought back some one else’s phone to the Gold Coast. You just cant trust your visitors these days!!  A Down Down was in order for this runner.

A second charge from the floor was  by Miscarriage.  As this was Australia day and all things sacred to Australia should be thanked, he objected to the jar of Vegemite being called “axel grease”.

The RA told a joke about a bus full of people  whom had a whip-around to raise funds when a driver parked his bus on a cliffs edge.


POW.    Enter the Ice Man. A runner should show respect to fellow runners and use decent language. KB received this trophy as he showed dis-respect to a fellow mate. A well loved mate Sir Prince.  A Down Down to this hasher.

Our GM calls on Sir Slab and Rock Hard to enter the circle.Congratulates these runners and presents caps for their achievements.     Rock Hard for 400 runs.   Sir Slab for 1500 runs. A Down Down followed.

The GM had a new idea about hash names. He asked Excelpet to explain how he got his hash name.. After some explanation the idea was abandoned.


Next weeks run.     Excelpet will be the hare.   Meet  on Maddison Road at Emerald Lakes.


Car Rally.     Mad Mike is organising this great event.  Scheduled for weekend of 15th / 16th March. Keep this weekend free as it will be a good week end to have some fun with your mates.


We were further advised that  there is no Winston Churchill quote this evening. Sir Churchill passed away on Thursday 24th in 1965 at an age of 90 years.

On 28th January 1788, the first British penal settlement was founded in Botany Bay.


7.15 pm.  Bren Gun closed the circle.


On On Sec. FA.


Have you phoned an absent mate? Are you OK mate.??

Run 2151…Ferrett

Date: 21st January 2019………………………….
Location: Miami ………………………………………

Run Pictures


The Don McSween Park is right on the beach. After the run and devouring Water Biscuits and cheese dips  with carrot sticks as the evening snack. We observed the rising  and dripping from the ocean waters,  a full moon from the horizon of the ocean.  With a cool sea breeze blowing, the full red moon rising, children on skate boards, people  waking dogs, it was a truly magic evening.


This tranquilly was short lived as Cracker Man surprised all of us with bangs of fire crackers. Enter the Dragon.!


Nosh was a leg of ham, salads, pine apple rings and some chicken pieces. The desert for this warm evening was welcomed cold ice cream with peaches and custard. Second serving was available to any takers.


8.25pm. Our GM Weekly called to circle up.


Visitors and returning runners.    Misscarriage, KB, Wrongway, Swollen Colon ( Cracker Man), Glider  ( Harvey Bay) and Tangles. There was mention that may be cracker Man was in Paris arranging the street riots.  A Down Down to this rebel lot.

A very likely story was told by Woodsie about his travel into Cuba and his travel insurance after his vehicle had an accident. He suffered a few injuries such as cracked ribs and a broken nose. He looks petty good now.!

But he did not loose his kind heart as he presented the GM with a real Winstone Churchill cigar.

S- Bends believes that the accident was caused by a large and full wallet that throw the vehicle on to a collision course.


Birthday Boyz. There is no slowing down for these  active runners but rather a Dow Down and a well sung Birthday song by running mates.( All censored by ON On Sec). Happy Birthday Hal Al, Shat and Sweat Hog.


POW.  This was also the hare, Ferret. He thanked his cook assistants for their support with tonights nosh. KB  did an excellent job. A well deserved Down Down followed.


Run report.    Brutus mentioned that the run was  a scenic run down the fore shore of the ocean. A worth while run this night.


Walk report.    Sweat Hog said that it was terrific run as he can remember. (The fresh sea air  brings on memory loss.!)


Charge from the floor.  Shat had a show and tell from his I Pad to illustrated an article from a Glossy Magazine of KB in his glory.  A Down Down followed.


Woodsie told a emailed joke on why most runners enjoyed sex. This brought laughter from the runners.

Then it was Sweat Hog’s turn to tell his joke about his flying days. Sounds like he had a great job.!


Miscarriage told a a story of his recent trip and adventure in Cambodia. Sir Prince was  some what also involved in the adventure, and for this a Down Down followed.


Future event.  S- Bends reminds runners of a cocktail evening with the Galapagos Band at the Southport Speak Easy function room on Saturday 30th March 2019. If you would like to attend this jazz evening, just book and pay up.


Next Hierarchy meeting. Wednesday 23th January 2019 at 9.30am. Main Beach Surf Club.


Next weeks run.  Please take note that this run starts at 5pm.

Down Down for the VIP Hasher

Glamorous punter GCH3 Member Kitchen Bitch quaffed champagne in VIP marquee at Brisbane Polo event

Glamorous punter GCH3 Member Kitchen Bitch quaffed champagne in VIP marquee at Brisbane Polo event

Shat’s 76th & RRR Lunch

Date: 18th January 2019………………………….
Location: Brisbane …………………………………..

Lunch Pictures

We had 20 attend, Miles gave a speech on what good guys we all are, after
which we toasted ourselves. Twin Tub told a couple of his famous jokes and
also VD, I can’t recall what they were as by then I had slurped my way
through a few drinks. A couple of others got up and mouthed off, who and
what, again my memory has gone.
We toasted Shat on his reaching the physical age of 76 and mental age of 16
(he will graduate from high school soon). A few other big mouthed Hashmen
got up and rattled on about god knows what.
We read out the apologies and the range of bizarre and dubious excuses
given. The mob were sked if each passed the pub test, I don’t think any did,
not even Barebum who wrecked his knee getting out of his flash Audi
convertible coupe.
Now a little side story here. Flasher’s eyes lit up when he saw mushy peas
were available in lieu of a fresh salad. Coming from the industrial
wasteland of north England, he stated he was bought up on this type of
stodge and other artery clogging food for which the area is noted, fresh
salads were a no no for him as a kid. A photo of his plate is attached. Now,
we all know from the days of our youth that every chunder has a large
content of carrots and peas, even if the chunderer has not consumed such
food for weeks before hand. The peas always inevitably bounced across the
floor (or rear taxi seat, or whatever), away  from the main mass of vomit.
Medical scientists have been trying to figure out for hundreds of years why
peas and carrots are there when not ingested beforehand. Now the question I
ask is-  did Flasher have a chuck on the train home and if so did the mushed
peas reconstitute themselves in to whole peas and therefore bounce across
the train floor.

We had a great day, everybody had fun and we now look forward to Handjob
Great train pub crawl. Will arrange another RRR in west end before june.

On on Brengun

Run 2150…Hard On & Shat

Date: 14th January 2019………………………….
Location: Chevron Island …………………………

Run Pictures

This was  going to be a different run this evening. We grouped at a side road that was closed at the end. Not such a bad spot but very different. It was an” End of the Road” circle as well.

An easy run , but not to easy crossing a few busy roads.

Our booze master, S-Bends declared that he had a sale of left over odd beers that he had to clear out of the cooler boxes. No one complained about this at a $ each. There was  some debate if these were Mexican or Vietnam beers. Who cares, just buy two.

The after run snacks was a tasty chilli con carne dish with cheesy biscuits. This spicy and tasty dish  was devoured very quickly.



The nosh at the restaurant,  managed by Christo, was great and the price was so very inexpensive. Beers and wine were cold and supplied quickly.


7.10 pm.  Circle opened by GM Weekly.


Returning runners.  These were Aussie and Kwakka.  Down Down followed.


Hare report.   Aussie gave a brief report saying  it was a good run. Fuller Shit was called into the circle to explain why he parked his motor bike at the road end. Hard On was included on the Down Down that followed.


POW. Who is ,or what is Thirsty Thursday? Down Down taken.


Shat advised that the wife of Seedy ( Ex runner)  had sadly passed away.


S- Bends informs the runners with  with much glee, that a newly born Grand Child was born that afternoon.  The  baby Grand Child is healthy,  strong and kicking wild. The child”s name is Atlas. A Down Down was directed to celebrate this very special occasion. The runners wished S- Bends much happiness. He was even happy that a runner gave him a battery jump start. All that excitment.


It was noted that Ferret had new shoes.  We all know what happens next.


Next weeks run.  This run is under full control.


Quote.  Winston Churchill.    “There is nothing government can give you that it hasn’t taken from you in the first place.”


7.30pm.  Circle closed by Foxtrot Oscar.


Please rember this is the start of the NEW YEAR. Please phone a mate and wish him well. Are you OK mate.?

ON ON Sec.  FA.

Run 2149…Jigsaw

Date: 7th January 2019……………………………
Location: Benowa …………………………………..

Run Pictures

9th January. 2019


32 Runners.


The run was from Jig Saw’s residence. This was a spacious area with tables and chairs for all, with a great swimming pool which was utilised by tired runners on their return.

There was an easy and relaxed feeling among the runners after  their quiet time off over the Christmas and New Year period.  I was away for a few weeks and enjoyed bening part of this group of people again on my return.

On returning  from the run, there was a tasty dish and snacks available. The nosh consisted of tasty mince and spaghetti with fresh salads, followed by fresh sliced friut with cool white ice cream.


8.05.  Circle opened by GM Weekly. As nearly always as Winston Churchill.  This time with cigar from his very secret stock. He had learnt his lesson by not  leaving his cigar unsecured and being hijacked by light handed runners.


Guest runners. A big welcome to two of them. These were Hendrick and Lorens. They were called into the circle, after some friendly abuse they were Down Downed in normal fashion.

To pay respect to the Christmas and New Years runners, S-Bends, Truckie, Ferret, Blackie were called to take a Down Down while in the circle.


Our much loved hare, Jig Saw was called to take a Down Down in the circle.


Run Report.  First home with out a short cut taken was Bent Banana. The chalk marked  run arrows were easy to follow. Over all, a good run. A Down Down followed.

Walk Report.  Presented by S-Bends.  One check arrow was missed but soon found by walking back some distance.

Ice Man gave some report in Italian.  A further Down Down followed.


Charge from the floor. The RA directed this “New Shoe” charge to Arse Nic and Sir Botcho, and in true tradition, vile liquid was drunk from these receptacles. One sure way of destroying sensitive taste buds.

Jig Saw and Nasty were having a go at each other. Some thing about getting on top of each other. Sir Black Stump cooled it off by  giving a Down Down to these fighting cocks.

A story of debacles of an old and past GM was told.

Arse Nic was not off the hook yet. He had to take another Down Down for some uncertain reason.

Then it was the returning On SEC, FA  to  be called  into the circle. He returned from Thailand and questioned about this.  A welcome back Down Down was directed by Sweat Hog.


POW.   To  have a fair vote who would receive this covert award,  Madamoiselle Latrine, Ferret, Bent Banana  all whom had no shoes on in the circle were to be selected to receive the POW.  Ferret now is the proud wearer of this.


Committee Meeting. 23rd January 2019. Stay tuned.

Cocktail party.  Saturday 30th March 2019.


Next weeks run. Hard On will take care of this.


Quote by Winston Churchill. “ A nation that forgets its past has no future.”


“If you’re not a liberal at twenty you have no heart, if you,re not a conservative at forty, you have no brain.”


8:30 pm.  Circle closed.


On Sec.  FA.