Date: 4th March2019……………………………
Location: Elanora …………………………………

Date: 4th March2019……………………………
Location: Elanora …………………………………
Date: 25th February 2019……………………….
Location: Highland Park ……………………….
8.30 pm. GM Weekly opened the circle in his normal attire as Churchill and thanks Blue Card for the use of his residence for tonights run.
Visitors and returning runners. These were Jig Saw and Now Loved. Botcho awarded the down down.
Walk report. GM decided to give the walk report. He said it was well marked and all walkers stayed on the trail. The walkers on the way back meet up with man and Two Dogs. He had a-lot to say and kept the runners back by talking to them. No not, Two Dogs, the Man with two dogs on the trail.
Run report. Led by Blackie with Bent Banana mentioning that there was a tunnel to go through. Not a bad run of 59 minutes and approx. 6.3 km of up and down hill trail.
Food report. This consisted of piping hot chicken pot stew with generous amounts of well cooked white rice. After the meal there was ice cream with soft cake. All agreed it was a welcomed nosh. This was followed by a down down to Blue Card by Rug.
S-Bends, our booze master receives a 50th run cap presented by the GM. The birthday Boyz were Hard On and Slug, and a in true tradition received a birthday chorus and a down down. Many thanks for the cold birthday beers. S- Bends receives another down down for his excellent booze master duties.
RA report. There is a charge from the floor by Misscarriage. He requests all the Kiwis into the circle. These are Botcho and Sweat Hog. After a friendly chat and teasing they were down downed.
A joke about a bird that was sold dead did not Cheep. Mad Mike and Truckie was praised on sterling efforts in arranging the car rally next month.
Truckie was called into the circle to explain why there was a “no show” for breakfast on Wednesday. Blab, Blab, blab etc. A down down was delivered.
A further floor charge was directed at Fanny Charmer. It is mentioned that there is a first duty towards the GM and bad remarks is punished by a full down down.
The RA tells a story about a fellow aviation friend just before his weeding day. The friends new wife has four children and another one one the way for good performance and reward. We wish them well.
POW. Fanny Charmer calls S-Bends, Hard On,FA, and Rug into the circle. These runners were trying to become the new political party. Fanny Charmer turns his attention to Oscar Foxtrot and presents the POW trophy to him as he was silent and not taking any sides.
GM and S-Bends advises that there is only four seats left to attend the Southport Speakeasy function. It was also requested that all out standing AGPU trophies need to be returned before the
next AGPU in April 2019.
Next weeks run. By Caustic in Eleonora.
Winston Churchill quote of the week. “Never give in, never, never, never, never-in nothing, great or small, large or petty-never give in except to convictions of honour and good sense.”
9.0 pm. Circle closed by Ice Man.
Have fun times. Never crush your beer cans. Phone a absent friend.
On On Sec. FA
Date: 18th February 2019……………………….
Location: Ashmore …………………………………
The run started through some bush and along a creek and then on to the main road.
8.20pm. GM Weekly opened the circle.
Visitors and returning runners. Hal Al on his return from Bali presented the GM with a pair of colourful trousers. All runners let off a “hooray” when the GM fitted into the garment. A tight fit as there was a natural tenancy for clothing to shrink when bought from overseas. Brutus was instructed to give the down down.
Walk report. This was lead by Wrong Way who modified the trail. Some runners protested as this walk was the wrong way.
Run report. Rug viewed this run as a good run and extremely well marked.
Food report. The nosh was good and wholesome. It consisted of chicken pieces, corn on the cob, plenty of green peas and well cooked potatoes. Ice cream with peaches and custard completed the evening meal, which was consumed by most runners sitting on the grand stands of the sporting complex.
Booze report. Blue cans of beer was selected to celebrate the 2019 victory for the State of Origin. Happy birthday was sung for Woodsie . Unfortunately he could not attend his special day. The down down was in his honour.
Brewtus informs that his father sadly passed away last week at 74 years of age. The GM confirms that he knew his father from school years and he remembers some fantastic times with him. The GM eventually married Steve’s sister. To honour Steve, the GM instructed a hymn to be sung in chorus to him.
Sir Prince with Sir Rabbit as his proxy mentions how a loving gift of a card with a box of chocolates melted in a bed. This brought disgust on the lovers awaking in the morning.
Bent Banana with Blackie was called to enter the circle to remind them of a past photo where a considerable amount of wine was consumed. A down down was delivered to these long standing runners.
Weekly calls on Laurent to enter the circle to give a brief history of his past life. Laurent mentions he is a maintenance officer for a block of units and was introduced to the hash group by Arse Nic. Before arriving on the Gold Coast, he was living in France. A down down followed to welcome the new hasher.
POW. Sir Jo reminds and cautions Brutus, that he has a long term memory. Calls on KB, Fanny Charmer and Wrong Way. As there is no desertion of mates by leaving early will be tolerated, Fanny Charmer was awarded the POW. A down down as punishment was delivered.
GM reminds runners to book and pay for the pending Car Rally. Only 9 places left.
Also there is a meeting for hierarchy on Wednesday 9.30am, 20th February 2019 at Main Beach surf club.
Please do not to forget the “Last Hooray” at Southport RSL Club.
Miss Carriage mentions he will be arranging a day on the green. Date is Saturday 9th June 2019. All are welcome.
Brutus and S- Bends tells jokes which brings laughter to the runners.
Next weeks run. This will be organised by Blue Card on the 25th February 2019.
Winston Churchill quote. “Fear is a reaction. Courage is a decision.”
9.0 pm. Foxtrot Oscar closed the circle.
On On Sec. FA
Date: 11th February 2019……………………….
Location: Chevron Island ……………………….
A great opportunity to meet all your mates and re-set your clocks, just as KB assisted Wrong Way with his vehicle’s time piece. This makes sure runners arrive on time. Truckie will be asking assistance to reset his his clock before next weeks run.
This was a splendored evening with a gentle cool breeze coming off the near by river. The half moon high up in the sky was positioned over the deck. A mirror of lights, reflecting off the calm surface of the river from the well lite high rise buildings across the waters. Large candles on the tables completed a rather romantic scene.
The walkers got side tracked and decided to purchase some ICE on route for all to enjoy. Thanks to ice carriers , FA, Karl and Woodsie who cooled/ chilled your beers and wine. On returning, all enjoyed the bountiful cheese dips and water biscuits so close to the water. It this how the name came about.?!
To night’s meal was spiced chicken stew with vegetables , soft rice and buttered bread rolls. This was followed, by out of this world sponge cake. Plenty left for second helpings. Thanks KB and Swindler.
8.25pm. Circled formed by GM Weekly in his usual attire of Winstone Churchill.
Visitors and returning runners. Swollen Colon , Seedy, and Karl a first time visitor. A down down followed.
Run report. The hares, Swindler and Hard On were in a debate if this run was 7.8 or 6.2 kilometre’s. All enjoyed the outing and all arrived back safe. Bend Banana said it was well marked and arrows easily seen.
A secret code was written on the trail and a reward was on offer to the person that found it. Lawrence was awarded a jar of pure honey by hare Swindler.
Nosh report. KB was pleased about the how good the portion control was. A well deserved down down was given.
RA report. It was advised that Mad Mike was progressing well and out of hospital and recovering well with a recovery nurse at home.
Swollen Colon ( Cracker man) was noted for not disturbing the evening with bangs , and awarded a down down. Blackie told a joke about a therapy session with a very fit and tuff lady.
For compromising the RA earlier that night, Excelpet and Karl were called into the circle and down downed by Oscar Foxtrot.
The passed Show Pony was remembered as it was now two years from his passing.
All were reminded about the pending Car Rally that Mad Mike is organising and if attending, should place their bookings and payments.
KB was drilled by Madamoiselle Latrine about a night out at a hotel last year. It was a great party consuming vast amounts of wine and falling asleep. A photo was produced from a mobile phone. A down down was instructed by Ice Man.
POW. Blackie was wide eyed with Sir Jo when they were called to enter the circle. These runners left their mates behind by leaving early last week. A down down followed.
Next weeks run. Bend Banana mentioned it will be difficult to meet tonight’s efforts.
Quote of the week by Winston Churchill. “One always measures friendships by how they show up in bad weather.”
8.55pm. Circle closed by Sir Jo.
On On Sec. FA
Many thanks for phoning your absent mates or the bad weather they may be experiencing.
Date: 4th February 2019………………………….
Location: Carrara ……………………………………
S- Bends informs runners that the special imported American beers (IPA)will be $5 each.
The Booze Master was trying out some thing different from the normal or local beers. Unfortunately these IPA beers were not a preferred taste of the runners. Birthday beers taste better. Please donate Australian coins into the kitty bucket as other country coins are not welcome.
There are Birthday beers at $1 each. Many thanks Bent Banana.
The run was on even terrain and the run was well marked, except for one missing arrow that caused a little confusion on what direction the runners should take.
The returning runners were treated to a quick snack of cream cheese and water biscuits. For the main meal is was sliced ham with plenty of fresh salads and buttered french rolls. Dessert was various cake slices with custard.
8.25pm. Circled called by GM Weekly.
Visitors and returning runners. We were all pleased to see the return of Rug, Swindler and Slab who returned from an overseas holiday. After Slab sharing a quote with runners, there was a Down Down.
The hare, Exelpet, entered the circle and the GM gave the walkers report. He said it was a dam great run even though he considered it a long one.
Run report given by Sir Prince and praised Bren Gun on his continued efforts to run to the finish even at his octogenarian age. A well deserved Down Down was given to both.
Nosh report. Sir Rabbit encouraged to pass comment on this as he was a connoisseur on lettuce salad dishes as all rabbits are..
POW. KB calls Sir Prince, VD, Brutus and Misscarriage into the circle. Some friendly teasing and abuse followed. In the end Brutus received this trophy as he has passed comment on Jaguar and Land Rover vehicles which KB was so found of. A down Down followed.
RA report. Rug explained the complex problems be encountered in the Philippines to renew an expired passport. The old passport details among other important information was not recorded by the authorities. Some technical past details were no longer regarded in obtaining another. What a debacle, but not worth while tearing his hair out for. Was it painful ?!!
Charge from the floor advised that even with the Townsville floods in progress, emergency vehicles were called out for Sir Prince wife’s broken toe. What is really implied is that he should toe the line. A down down was given.
Now for some personal achievements. Slug was awarded with a 200th run cap.
A reminder about a free training program that Arse Nik was organising at the Surf Club. All
welcome to attend.
The Southport jazz function still has a few seats available
Next weeks run. The runners were advised that the next two runs will be given in advance as Botcho will be away on leave. Please read dates and locations carefully.
The GM Weekly takes the opportunity to thank Sir Botcho for his assistance in standing in for Hash Cash.
Birthday Boy. This was our active runner, Bent Banana. Have another full year of fun.
Sir Botcho advised that medical attentions that Mad Mike is having is progressing well and all runners are wishing him well. So mates phone and say. Are you OK mate?
The Gm presents tonights hare with a pair of hash running shorts. A Down Down for all was ordered.
Quote of the week by Winston Churchill.
“Things are not always right because they are hard, but if they are right one must not mind if they are also hard.”
9 pm. Circle closed.
On On Sec. FA.