Category Archives: Hash Run Reports

Run 1859

[ujicountdown id=”Hierarchy Nominations” expire=”2015/06/01 04:30″ hide=”true” url=”” subscr=”” recurring=”” rectype=”second” repeats=””]

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Run: 1959

Date: 18/5//2015

Location: Southport

Hares: Swollen Colon

Runners: 28



Run 1959 with Swollen Colon

18 May 2015

 28 hashers eagerly waited for the run information from Swollen Colon at the back of his factory in Southport.

The circle layout was very different and looked interesting! Swollen Colon had partially demolished his factory and taken out all his ironing boards and distributed them in a wide arc around the carpark with an open fire stating to roar into life.

Looking good so far as Nosh and Run of the Year !!!

The video explanation has Swollen Colon trying to make all present believe that this was going to not only the Run of the Year but the Nosh of the Year.

The Video of Run Instructions

[fvplayer src=”” width=”568″ height=”320″]

The Run

This was to be a Run for Runners and a Walk for Walkers. An unusual plan so was still looking good for Swollen Colon as we got the run information. Once again those excited and repetitive words of let’s go that way!! The runners went one way while the walkers went the other way and the hashers took off in different directions…!!.

Would we all meet in the park area as Swollen Colon had advised he had a special surprise for us!!.Would it be a drink stop or a stripper waiting for us?? The lights of the runners appeared out of the dark toward the waiting van and Swollen Colon.

2 - Copy   3

4   5

As the runners came up to the selected location we all waited for the drinks or the stripper to appear. Then in the quite of night it all happened.

Yes…this Swollen Colon is true pyromaniac. We all know that Swollen Colon has this propensity which leads an insane person to accomplish his purpose by letting of fireworks whenever he can as well as burning anything he can get his hands on.

The fireworks exploded in amazing display that lasted for 10 minutes. This was no doubts Swollen’s best pyrotechnic display of illegal fireworks and effort to date.

The park was ablaze in lights and sound, dogs barked, raced away from their owners and went crazy, people screamed, neighbours yelled out and Hashmen all gave a loud applause for Swollen Colon at this amazing display of sounds, lights and surprise.


As the sound of the Police helicopter could be heard in the distance, Swollen Colon advised everyone to piss off quick!!! ..The police helicopter circled the park with spotlight blazing trying to locate the culprits but the Hashers by this time were well on the way following the well-marked trails while Swollen Colon jumped in his van with Kwakka and raced back to the safety of his factory.

Back to Factory Circle

Well, we must give Swollen Colon 10 points out of 10 for the most unique circle of the year with ironing boards and a roaring fire.


The GM called all to order except those allowed to sit. Somehow a special dispensation was given to Botcho (sore back), Ferrett (sore legs from too much dancing at the Car Rally dance) and Show Pony (still in recovery mode from the operation on his back).


Truckie reported it was a great run with a total of 5.9Km in a time of 45 Minutes. Bent Banana as always providing highly accurate information advised that the run was not 5.9 Km but 6.5 Km so obviously he over-ran the checks or Truckie was a shot cutting Pri@## as Bent Banana insinuated!!

However for a change the detailed run instructions and well-marked trail resulted in a total run success and not the usual Fu###@@ up.

Well done Swollen Colon for excellent run in an area where many runs have occurred.

The Run Finish

Very tight finish with Josephine, Brewtus, Jigsaw and Sir Black Stump in with the first runners. Due to the well-marked trail and good location no one was lost and within the hour all runners were back to the factory around the fire.

Bent Banana commented that it was a prick of a run with the longest checks ever at any Hash run this year. He suggested that Swollen Colon needed to do more runs so he could keep up to take on latest Hash run rules.

The Walk

Ferrett reported that it was an excellent walk and noted for the first time a walk had been actually well marked and runners and walkers joined up for the entertainment .Shat did the walk guided by Show Pony ,Hard On ,Blue Card, Swindler and once again the walkers had the honour of being accompanied by the GM. This was the second time this year so well done GM on getting so fit and healthy.


The Nosh

As expected this was an attempt to be the last chance of return to Gourmet Food as the Nosh of the Year. It sure looked good on the fire in big pots but what was in these big pots of food?.

Swollen Colon advised that a large amount of pre Hash preparation was involved with top quality food quality, food quantity, presentation, time etc etc etc etc … Would this be the Nosh of the Year ??? With Mrs Swollen proudly standing nearby, this Nosh was looking very good but for Swollen Colon was debatable as to the amount of effort and no outsourcing that he had contributed to this Nosh.

Could we ever forget Hash Crap with “Bring your own Tin of Food” which was rated the WORST Nosh of the year to date? This was looking a little reminiscent of that event with those big pots on the glowing fire. Oh Yeah!!!! Great to see Mrs Swollen standing with the Nosh Chef.

Resident Food critic Josephine was seen inspecting the food during the preparation and gave the THUMBS UP!!

  • Great Curried Sausages and curried potatoes.
  • Beans and peas excellent
  • Beef Stew tasted good but bit tough.
  • Desert of fresh fruit with lamingtons

Proudly Swollen Colon stepped forward to accept the accolades for this fine Hash food with Mrs Swollen proudly standing behind him. Well organised Swollen Colon as the food was excellent…maybe more outsourcing is the real answer to quality Hash Nosh.

Great to have the GM supervising the Nosh to keep up the Nosh Gourmet Food Quality.

The Winners Circle

The RA quickly got the Nosh Chef and Hare Swollen Colon into the circle for a detailed explanation of the run and nosh.

The group circled around ironing boards watching the GM and Caustic in anticipation of a pending announcement. No such luck for the Caustic immediately gave orders to the Booze Masters to prepare Ice for any misdemeanour. This was bad luck for Caustic as Weekly forget to bring sufficient ice.

Down Downs


  • Sir Black Stump for selling his ranch and now fully cashed up again
  • Truck Tyres for several offences including abuse of RA
  • Ferrett on the Car Rally for showing disrespect to two old ladies on his way to the toilet
  • Sir AH for upsetting Mrs Blackie on the Car Rally
  • M Latrine for drinking all the red wine at the last 2 weeks hash
  • Weekly for talking over the RA again
  • Jigsaw and VD for talking in the circle

Useless Shirt

It appeared at last with Swollen Colon who promptly passed it to VD


Shat appeared wearing the POW and bought out a long list of potential candidates. VD once again had to take this treasured award on behalf of Aussie.

GM Report


Once again with tears in his eyes the GM was touched by the gift from Sir Blackie of the bottle of sand from Somerset Dam. He is certainly a GM that appreciates his gifts from returning runners.

GM advised next week run will be at the Swindler Residence. All inclusive WINE BEER and 4 course Gourmet Meal $25..

Swindler & Blue Card Birthday .Dress TOP HAT

The AGPU is now fully booked and closed

At 8.55 after much laughter & frivolity it was the those familiar words of Ferrett, Botcho and Show Pony in unison that echoed over the assembled mob ……… End of CIRCLE




hard on

Run 1958


[ujicountdown id="Hierarchy Nominations" expire="2015/06/01 04:30" hide="true" url="" subscr="" recurring="" rectype="second" repeats=""]

Run: 1958

Date: 11/5//2015

Location: Carrara

Hares: Bent Banana

Runners: 34

Gold Coast Gourmet Hash

The Sewerage Memorial Runsewerage



Payment for AGPU is now overdue

  • Dress:   Formal – Hash Tails
  • Starts Time: Broadbeach 4:30pm Sharp

Don’t be late and miss the big opening event

Warrior Nasty recovering from major surgery. He confirms that he will be attending the AGPU.


The photos is self-explanatory …not a happy hasher day.

Sewerage Memorial Run 1958 with Bent Banana

Promoted by Bent Banana as the Annual Sewerage Memorial Run and time for reflection of our past Hashmen.

34 dedicated athletes circled around Bent Banana once again at Alambe Gardens Cemetery Nerang – Broadbeach Rd. Carrara as he issued the run instructions.The pre-run briefing from Bent Banana was lots of waffle and there were those mumbled words …

go that way and find the very well marked trail with flour and chalk ” .and then adding those immortal words .Only a bloody moron can get lost as we all know the way ”

After last few months of the so called Best Bush Run of the Year followed by the so called Best Nosh of the Year this was looking a hard act to follow by Bent Banana for this totally predictable annual event.

The Run


Bent Banana had spent considerable effort in setting this well-marked through the cemetery and across the park .As he had past experience all expected it to be a the usual run.

However it appears Bent Banana spent a considerable time planning this run considering the recent debacle last time we ran this trail and from all reports it was an excellent run!!!

As usual Sir Blackie , Brewtus ,Rug , Circumference ,Fanny Charmer and Botcho were leading the runners through the graveyard.

The runners moved forward passing walkers who somehow seemed to merge at the planned places .Well done Bent Banana for your organisation of a good trail in very predictable territory.

On On was then called several times on the run as the group all moved and cris-crossed each other in the bush and across the park . It appears that after recent runs in very high grass and mud Bent Banana had arranged to have the whole area mowed and dried out before the run..very thoughtful Bent Banana.

Ballpoint , Aussie ,Truck Tyres and 2 Dogs soon became leading runners and were reported as putting out their lights so fellow hashers would get lost this really true??

All runners this week did do the full run and it was by all accounts an excellent run and unlike the previous debacles.

The run time was 34.25 minutes with distance of 4.25 Km and covering an area of 2 sq Km.( no wonder no one got lost). The run was 22 metres uphill with 19 metres downhill..In other words a very tight run .

Ballpoint celebrated a milestone tonight with 50 runs.Well done Ballpoint.

Brewtus and Flasher somehow managed to get back first again ..well done.. Two Dogs, and Missing Link came in next in 34.35 min followed by Truck Tyres ,Rug and Fanny Charmer, Jospephine and Circumference in 35.69.

New Run Critic Lartine who ran all the way noted it was a very well marked run with new territory for this location.

Run Critic 2 Dogs “ Great well marked run with more Zigging than Zaggin. Hare Bent Banana put in a lot of effort and experience for this run.

Circumference also got in on the act and commented “Amazing how Bent Banana found new territory after all the runs from here” while Sir Blackie commented it was very nice of BB to mow the grass..

Great effort Bent Banana for an excellent run in very familiar territory.

The Walkers

As always a big group of walkers raced out with the Runners. As there was no trailer on cemetary location our Grand Master for the first time in 45 Hash Runs actually did the walk…..Unbelievable!!

The dedicated professional walkers led by GM with Show Pony ,Shat, Kwakka , Swindler, Jigsaw, Blue Card, Rock Hard all quickly moved down the hill and somehow soon reappeared to the safety of the cemetary allegedly to assist Sir Slab, Sir Rabbit and Ferrett prepare for the ceromony.

Now Loved completed the walk in record time while Hard On returned late in a lather of sweat.( not sure where he walked??)

What great comraderie these brave bunch of Hash Walkers continue to experience.

The Memorial Service

[fvplayer src=”” width=”568″ height=”320″]


Once again 34 hashers gathered around the gravesite with many wondering how long before they too would be there!! Hopefully a long time yet!!

Ballpoint paused to reflect that his best friend Brian who attended a few of our Hash runs recently passed away suddenly and was listening nearby to the proceedings.

Sir Slab gave an long oration on his old friend Sewerage who passed away 21 years ago. It appears that part of the hash trail they were running was across the roof of the train they were traveling on in NZ. Sewerage fell off the train roof and passed away a month later from brain hemorrage ..RIP


Ferrett also gave a rendition on several past hashers while as usual Sir Rabbit provided background music with sounds taken from Sewerage of his notorious after dinner farting performances.





The Circle was called under the high arches of Grace-Banana Land. Fantastic venue and very well set up for the Gourmet Hash. Bent Banana was looking as a very good contender for Trailer Nosh of the Year as a late candidate.


Great fire with logs donated by Sir Blackie kept the group warm and in good spirits.

The Nosh

Presentation was perfect.

9   10


First course of Tomato Soup with fresh parmansan cheese went down well. Flashers bowl would have fed 10 people and this may be the reason the soup ran out.


Report from Food Critic Now Loved as top quality food with EXCELLENT POINTS for every course.

A big thank you for Grand Master KB and Aussie as well as the others that lent a hand in the preparation of the nights nosh and of course Bent Banana for providing great nosh and setting the excellent run.

For the record:

  • Steaks were Black Angus Grass Fed
  • Potates & pumpkin roasted to perfection
  • Fried rice reportedly leftover from Thirsty Thursday weekend
  • Fresh fruit salad of Melon ,Bananas and Pineapples purchased from the local Fruit farm outlet with Ice Cream

For the Hare & Nosh Chef Bent Banana it was always going to be a hard act to follow after the effort by Miscarriage’s that at this stage is high ranked as one of “The Best Trailer Bush Nosh of the Year?”

As promised by the GM Kitchen Bitch the hash in now truly back into gourmet. It was unlimited help yourself food so many had second helpings as long as you got in quick.

Well done Bent Banana for providing the meal with NO outsourcing from Mrs BB …a great effort that helped to make this ANOTHER REAL hash night of quality and true HASH Nosh in a great location.

DD to:

It was noted that several sacrilegious events occurred at the ceremony site that should be severely punished.

  • Shat was alleged to have thrown his wine glass onto a grave site.
  • 2 Dogs was alleged to have been seen urinating on a grave site.
  • Cumsmoke was seen as willfully ignoring the somber event by making a phone call during the ceremony
  • Rock Hard was seen spilling wine on the gravesite while pouring the blessed wine
  • Bent Banana as Hare and Nosh Chef for a great run and great nosh
  • Now Loved as returning runner from Bali where he was a witness for the Gourmet Hash at the recent executions
  • Truckie for leaving has kit bag behind
  • BJ as visitor & friend of Show Pony

Prick of the Week


Given by Flasher to Shat who delegated the DD to his proxy Latrine.

Report by GM


Yes .this is our GM in full attire after enjoying the first walk of the year. He did promise that this year it will be his goal “to get fit with great walks followed by Gourmet food that he will personally supervise.”

Bent Banana who recently returned from a trip to Vietnam bought back a gift for the GM. However he felt should go to Caustic. The mini hand grenade he then rolled to Caustic exploded under Caustic feet to his great shock. For the first time it seemed Caustic was lost for words.

GM advised that that next week run will be by Swollen Colon and fireworks are guaranteed once again.


End of CIRCLE …….by JOSEPHINE @ 9.50 pm




hard on



Run 1957

Run: 1957

Date: 4/5//2015

Location: Carrara

Hares: The Sirs

Runners: 39

Run 1957 – The Sirs Run. Gold Coast Hash Birthday. It all started just around the corner from tonight’s location, way back in 1978.

hash first run venue

The #1 run venue has long gone.  Surfers Paradise raceway

The Sirs Run…it was always going to be a special one, wasn’t it? All of us had fond memories of last year’s Sirs Run from Sir Rabbit’s house and the delectable (no, I am not kidding!) English sausages that he provided. Apparently, and tragically, I am assured by Sir Rabbit that they are no longer available.

Tonight’s run started with the hash trailer having to be expertly manoeuvred through the gap in the fence and into the park off Hickey Road at Carrara. There were millimetres to spare and as yours truly was at the back of the trailer, pushing on it so it didn’t roll down the hill at breakneck speed, several other hashers were at the other end pushing it down the hill!! Nearly a hash debacle with yours truly almost squashed under the trailer.

The troops gathered and Sir AH proceeded to put up a giant galvanised pipe flagpole, strapping it to the lightpole above the barbeque area and shorting out the light in the process! Luckily we are totally self sufficient for power with the hash trailer.

When the trailer flaps were put up we all looked on with astonishment at the sight of the new tables and chairs. Gone were the crappy black chairs that were all falling apart, all replaced with beautiful new red padded chairs and mould-free tables!!

The RUN:

A record number of runners set off for a run that had been set by Sir Slab, who swept the trail on his mountain bike, ensuring that we did not stray too far off course. As there had been about half a metre of rain over the weekend, we knew we were in for it in terms of mud and other shiggy. We were not disappointed and the run went through some quite treacherous territory, but luckily no mishaps by Miscarriage or other runners. All got back safe and sound, albeit a little soggy and muddy, but all agreed it had been a great run. Two Dogs and yours truly clocked it at 6.5km. Sir Blackie must have found the run boring because he engaged in frivolous shenanigans, including stomping past runners in the muddy bits, throwing up mud and slush all over us and on several occasions also trying to shove runners in order to throw them off balance and fall into the mud. Luckily nobody succumbed to these vile tactics!!

There were a record number of runners tonight, approximately 20!! Congratulations guys and nice to see the less than frequent runners such as Arseup, Cumsmoke, Pile Driver, Latrine and Seedy running with us tonight

A last comment about the run was that it kept the runners together, including, unbelievably…Flasher!! At one stage we all thought we must have been off trail and on one of Flasher’s wild goose chases as he stayed with us all the way!

The walkers all complained that Shat had gotten them totally lost in the backblocks of Carrara, at one stage being heard to mutter the words “Errr…I think I’ve got the map upside down!!”. Four hardy souls apparently did the full walk…hmmm…so 4 walkers plus 20 runners equals 24…take that away from the 39 attendees tonight and that makes 15 others who probably just hung around and drank all of our red wine!!


The sirs did NOT disappoint…starters were some lovely spring rolls and dumplings, all fried to perfection in the hash woks. Sir AH walked around serving everybody and making sure we all got some of the goodies. Main course was a lovely Thai style chicken curry with vegetables and bamboo shoots and with rice cooked to perfection, although somebody had the audacity to complain that it was “gluggy”…don’t listen to them Sir was great!…as were your sausages last year! Latrine was effusive in his praise of the Nosh…what a gentleman! Sir AH excelled himself in the preparation of desserts…lovely jelly and fruit cups topped with flavoured yoghurt…and Mrs Charmer enjoyed some of the left overs that I took home to her!


First things first….Weekly was called out and immediately iced for telling the GM to fuck off! Argument ensued for several minutes as to why Weekly considered it necessary to have uttered those words but this won him no favour and the ice it was! Visitors and returning runners were welcomed and the GM was showered with gifts, however undeserving and unappreciative he may have been!

The GM announced that due to the black hole in hash finances now being so huge due to the purchase of the new hash furniture, the Paris trip for the hierarchy is now cancelled.

Congratulations were given to all the Sirs on their great run and nosh…well deserved it was too!

Returning runners this week are Flasher, Pile Driver, Seedy and Miscarriage. Visitors are son and step-son of Sir Prince and their friend Matthew from the UK. Welcome guys and a well deserved down-down for bringing our average age down considerably.

Mme Latrine was called out to the front and castigated by the RA for his antics at the Splinter Lunch, essentially draining everybody else’s bottles of wine! The icing that he received was however not for that but for his deviant act in seat-sniffing…those of you who are interested can obtain more details from the RA at your leisure…the details should not go into print lest they offend some of our non-hash readers!

Truckie was, as usual called out to the front and iced, this time for sending a stupid email to Missing Link about the car rally. It is in the carpark of Outback Australia that we are meeting, is that perfectly clear Truckie??

P.O.W passed from Iceman to Flasher this week, for the offence of breaching carpooling protocols. The Useless shirt has gone walkabout with none of us having any idea who has it!!

Moonbeams performed his usual duty at the END OF CIRCLE. (He actually tried to do it about half an hour before circle closed!)

I think that is all I can think of this week…

Signing off for now…

fanny charmer2

Fanny Charmer

Substitute to the Substitute to the Hash Scribe

Link to Hash Pictures

Run 1956

Run: 1956

Date: 27/04/2015

Location: Paradise Point

Hares: Ice Man

Runners: 36



Anzac Day Road Bike Victim Recovering in Hospital.


It appears that Nasty was the victim of a malicious act by a person or persons unknown who placed a large rock on the road to slow down speeding cyclists.


Missing Link who rode passed the large rock at great speed in excess of 35Km /hr. failed to notify 2 Dogs who was following close in his tailwind at 34km/hr. and about to pass him.


It appears that 2 Dogs who was so busy concentrating on passing Missing Link who was hot on his back wheel at 40Km/hour and about to pass them both, that he failed to notify Nasty of the impending disaster as 2 Dogs swerved to miss a rock that has been strategically placed on the bikeway.


2 Dogs returned to scene of the crime after the ambulance conveyed the damaged and shocked Nasty to the Gold Cast hospital to collect the evidence. He proudly displayed the evidence at hash on Monday night after telling the police he would return it to them after the hash meeting as evidence.


The lead police investigator has several suspects including Sir Slab who some unknown person alleged had placed the rock on the bike trail when he set the trail. It was alleged that Sir Slab was concerned that the Warriors would catch him! However this claim has been rejected as hearsay by the police with no foundation whatsoever and was totally dismissed.


It appears that Warrior Nasty may be out of action for a few days with major shoulder reconstruction surgery. We hope he gets well soon and returns to join the Warriors.


It was reported by the reliable and honest 2 Dogs that as Nasty hit the ground he was heard to scream out  “Bellatores vivat “!!!! (or in English …Long Live the Warriors )

1  2

                     ….the rock                                                                     …. the injury


                 …… the victim

Magician Survives Earthquakes in Katmandu

Hi There y’all’

Both Down Under Wear and Magician are fine here in Nepal. Been here for 2 weeks now and just finished the Annapurna Base Camp trek. All our HASH training has been put to good use. Helping out where possible.

Pretty chaotic here at present but life moves on pretty quickly here in Asia. Choppers continuously overhead, Not a “Danger WET FLOOR” or any red and white tape or any signs “Beware of large crack in the Ground” or any OH&S personnel to be seen anywhere. Pot holes and cracks all over. Just deal with the situation in front of them. The earth moved yet again last night at 2 am-at first thought it was Magician’s guts which have been playing up lately.

On a lighter note Magician, and oh yes DUW, survived the night in the local “garden” with the farmyard animals and itinerant Trekkers (remarkably similar to a Hash circle) and has just made a meal of a whole boiled egg.

Upside is the kg’s are just falling off Magicians now athletic frame and Michelin man has now morphed into a prime Thai cage fighter.

83 kg down to 77 kg and still trending down.

Plan is to fly to Paro in Bhutan tomorrow but highly unlikely so plan B is another trek in the Annapurna region getting there on the 10 hour local bus again. Can’ t leave for 2 more weeks so “The journey continues”

All that HASH training has been put to good use. Oh yes the Gorka beer is warm.

ON ON   Magician & Down Under Wear

Editor Update:

The Magician has pulled it off again!!! It appears now Magician & Down Under Wear will be evacuated from Nepal by RAAF Hercules to Vietnam, There he will be able to make full claim on holiday expenses under insurance so he can return at a later time to resume his vacation.

Run 1956 by Iceman at Paradise Point

27 April 2015

[fvplayer src=”” width=”568″ height=”320″]

38 hashers including 2 visitors eagerly waited for the run information from Iceman. No one was really sure the complicated run information from Iceman but he was overheard to say as he had spent all day in the kitchen preparing gourmet food for the nosh instead of outsourcing the food so he had minimal time to set the run.

As you can see from the video the explanation is almost impossible to understand!! See if you can work it out how you can have 3 different runs?

Once again those excited words from Iceman as runners and walkers got instructions “to go that way for more detailed instructions??” that out!!.

The Run

The Runners with detailed instructions from Iceman then raced out in front of the walkers lead by Bent Banana and Botcho.

This may be for first time in recent Hash Run memory that Iceman’s plan may work as the runners and walkers grouped up under the bridge.

A slow amble across the road by the runners as they discussed what the arrows really meant .Then On On was called by 2 Dogs who seemed to know the trail.

Sir Black Stump reported it was a well-marked run with lots of chalk and a very good run even though it was short.

2 Dogs as always providing highly accurate information advised that the run was total of 4.84 Fu*#@ up and not the 9.6km promised by Iceman. He did note that most did not find the true trail so set and well hidden by Iceman.

He commented on the double arrows, false trail, check, false trail check, check back and here they were 4km later at the trailer.

For a change the detailed instructions and so called well-marked trail resulted in a total run Fu#%@ up.

Well done Iceman for unique run in the local area where many runs have occurred but no one could follow your trial.

The Run Finish

The tight finish with Ballpoint, Brewtus, Bent Banana, Josephine, 2 Dogs, Circumference, Rug, Fanny Charmer, Veteran, and Botcho in with the group of returning runners all at the same time.

Sir Black Stump maintained he did the whole run and that’s why he was back so late..he did note that he could not find any arrows so really not sure where he went !!!

Due to the short trail and good location no one was lost and within 28 minutes all runners were back to the trailer and to start finishing off the free red wine supplied by Sir Rabbit to celebrate his 1600 run. Great effort Sir Rabbit

The Long Walk

Shat reported that it was an excellent walk and for the first time in while that a walk had been actually well marked. Show Pony back on deck at last enjoyed the walk guided by Hard On, Slug, Rockhard, Sir AH and Swindler. Hard on immediately had a red wine as he viewed the missing Anaconda Sign.


The Winners Circle

The RA quickly got the Nosh Chef & Hare Iceman into the circle for a detailed explanation of the run and nosh.


The Losers Circle

“If only I could have run faster” commented Josephine “I would have beaten Botcho and 2 Dogs but I think I was the only one who did the full run.

The Great Aussie BBQ by Chef Iceman

At last a return to Gourmet Food as Iceman thought he looked set to take the pole position as Nosh of the Year.

Iceman advised that a large amount of pre hash food preparation was involved with top quality food, food quantity, presentation, time etc etc The Nosh had been produced as a result of his working all day in his kitchen.

Will this be the Nosh of the Year?

Grand Master Kitchen Bitch obviously very impressed at the quality and volume of the Nosh took over from Resident Food critic Rug and personally inspected each dish in great detail and gave the positive THUMBS UP!!

The Great Aussie BBQ Trailer Nosh Menu

  • Snacks from Aldi with dips to feed the immediate hungry ..great dips
  • Fresh Ham on Bone topped with mustard on French bread. delicious
  • BBQ meat patties & fresh bread rolls ..cooked to perfection
  • Fresh Chips & Fresh Salads .fresh and delicious
  • Pavlova, ice cream cones with sprinkles. ..sensational

6 7 8

The GM advised that Iceman well and truly produced the Nosh goods and produced a Gourmet Nosh. But for sure it was well over budget so thanks Iceman. Great to have back the Trailer Nosh Gourmet Food Quality.

Well planned and organised Iceman as the BBQ was excellent.

Josephine who has a the copyright on burgers did comment that “you should not have meat in the burgers”

The Circle

The group circled around the GM and Caustic in anticipation of another pending announcement with more freebies for the Hash members at the AGPU.

No such luck for RA Caustic once again immediately gave orders to the Booze Masters to prepare warm ice for any major or more particularly minor misdemeanour.

Icing Vengeance at its worst as RA Caustic goes into his final icing rage


Iceman ,You did not deserve this after the efforts of great Trailer Nosh and good run.


GM gave recognition for 2500 runs. Sir Rabbitt 1600 runs and Ferrett 900 runs with a DD. Then followed more DD


  • Visitors Opium and Blow Job
  • Returning runners Swindler & Crocodile
  • 2 Dogs for assisting Nasty after the fall into the ambulance
  • Iceman for telling a joke “ it was a Fuc#%* good run”
  • Rug for poor behaviour at Splinter Lunch
  • Link for failing to warn 2 Dogs of the Rock


Awarded by Fanny Charmer to Iceman after a great deal of deliberation and listing several deserving recipients who were not attendance the finally was left with only Iceman for giving a very short run. (Iceman, you did not deserve this !!!)

GM Report

  • Next week run by Sirs.another great run guaranteed. Need your GPS as in the bush
  • Bent Banana advised that Thirsty Thursday Weekend run soon as a …“Hash Weekend not to be missed “camping out at Canungra.
  • The GM advised that his missus attended her first hash function last weekend at the Anzac day bike ride. Thanks to Hard On advising Mrs KB of the Mankini episode it will also be her last Hash function.

At 9.20 after much laughter & frivolity it was the those familiar words of Ferrett that echoed over the assembled mob ……… End of CIRCLE

Link to Hash Pictures

