Category Archives: Hash Run Reports

Run 1714

Run: 1714
Hare: Sir Slab & Sir Prince
Location: Robina
Date: 6th Sept., 2010

Robina Cricket meeting or not the run venue was ours!!!

The pack gathered and the faintest waft of Thai spices was already in the air.

Sir Slab you’re on -> that way, and off went the back into alleyways and tracks that no-one knew existed in this built up area. A fantastic run though all sorts of terrain and back to be greeted with a strong nomination for N.O.T .Y.

Sir Prince is in his glory ………. Cleaver in hand, pots and wok on the boil and 25 kilograms of prime chicken fillets at bargain basement prices, our Asian chef shows how it’s done for “just a tad “over the hash nosh allowance. Thai soup followed by enough Thai green curried chicken to feed not only the whole pack to overflowing, Cumsmoke three helpings and then the Robina Cricket Club Committee to boot.

Just when we all about to burst …. Out comes the famous Sir Prince Banana fritters and ice cream ……… the diet and the budget are now officially shot to pieces.

8.40pm circle is called.

First up is NOT the hares as usual but our two booze masters………… Where the fuck is the ironing board alter demands GM Flasher??? How the hell can you lose such a precious and expensive piece of Hash gear you two twits???? Seems Cumagen didn’t tie it on, or Goatfarka has been boogey boarding behind the Goat Boat. Either way these two are obviously shattered to realize they will not have to lug this item from pillar to post each week.

GM announces another new innovation in hash ….. a weekly sponsor !!!

First out of the blocks is Bent Banana’s Bawdy Boutique ………. Edible undies and pushem up bras are on introductory special this week only!!!

Next up are the two hares ……… Sir’s Slab and Prince Valiant.

1000 years hashing rolled into one night!!!!!!!!!!!

Shet is asked to comment and quotes the run as the best on he has been on (in the last six weeks) Botcho, last year’s trail master says “excellent, good false trails…. Even Miscarriage helped by leading the pack down most of them”.

On the nosh ……Missing Link says “great …. Excellent …. Well presented too!”

Even the Cricket team got to vote !!!

Veteran gives a note !!!!!!!!

Caustic calls for a point score and Missing Link gives it 9.5/10 …. A clear leader in the N.O.T.Y stakes.

Returning Runners …… Shet (6 Weeks) Blackstump, Showpony, Sqeeky Fart (son of Old) are called to circle to hear Blackies “near death” experience.

Seems there is something to be said for Dicky Knees slow training methods, as Blackie has spent over 10,000 hrs training, 1,000 Klms on the bike, 2,500 Klms running and to Tasmania and back swimming…. All that to miss the plane by a day!!! Seems it left today without our Blackie for good reason ( and thank goodness it did) Our Blackie wasn’t feeling the best last week at hash so off to Pindara emergency he goes ….. You’ve peaked early Blackie says the doc!!! “You’ve got massive sperm build up in the legs old boy!!” or was it deep vein thrombosis ????????? So if Blackie had survived the plane trip (not so likely apparently)he would most have certainly ended up in a Budapest hospital, which aint soooooo pretty.

But the cure is in sight ….. “Easy Blackie” says the Doc. “Just take these 180 injections over the next few months with two a day into your guts, turn yourself into a human condom with this elastic gut to ankle thingey and don’t have sex for three months”. That’s all !!! Then you’ll be right as rain again.

GM makes another appointment ( the hierarchy is looking like the house of Lords)

After sniggers about frivolous charges coming our of last week from some un-named hashers, Sir Rabbit has been appointed “Honorary Ombudsman of Frivolity” making him the adjudicator of all charges.

Caustic asks ………. Is that with a silent “P” ……… P O O F ?????????

R/A is called.

Blackie gets it for his “sore legs sob story”

Miscarriage gets it just as payback

Sir Rabbit adjudicates on his P O O F capacity and gives a note.

Booze masters get it for running out of red ( a MAJOR crime) and light beer.

Caustic and Shet get charged too and Goaty fronts up to say “I’m outahere” so betta find another booze master to help my mate out. I’m off to Centrelink Cairns!!!

Thanks for all your friendship in hash and DON’T look me up in Cairns!!!! (you’ll keep)

( Been great having you Goaty ….. we will miss your humour)

Cumagen accidently spills his DD on half the pack ( Booze masters do that …. Coz they think that shit is all theirs)

Shet gives a note!

Charges are called for ………..

You guessed it …….. Miscarraige is up first (why is he sooooooo quiet??)

Rockhard is attacked for having the “temerity” (big word for a little man) to call Miscarriage Missing Link …… However it seems Miscarriage’s eye sight is failing him!!! Rockhard is of course this week’s POW and under that coat of his lurks “the prick” …………..

It’s yours Miscarriage !!!!!!! ……….. P.O.W!!

Miscarriage protests to our newly appointed POOF Sir Rabbit who simply states …… your fucked old boy !!!!!

Rock hard gives a note and Miscarriage goes into equal first place in the POW half-yard DD stakes taking only two gulps to get it down.

Rug is up next and attempts to strap on the ultimate charge……….. Seems a hash member had advised him where to get new printer cartridges at the right price ….. but if you have been in MI6 you don’t need to read the instructions ( Two Dogs says British Intelligence is impossible … they don’t go in the same sentence ???) ……… so permanent tattoos on his hands and $1,500 worth of fucked carpet later Rug tries to lay the blame on GM Flasher and charges him, calling for “icing” …… GM Flasher admits some blame and R/A puts it to the vote as to icing or not………… the resounding vote is “YES ICING!!”

Good ……….. RUG you’re on the ice ……… no bare feet for our GM ….. Get you bare arse on it !!!

Squeaky Fart gives a note.

Sir Slab advises the pack that Yetti from Christchurch NZ has texted back on the earthquake after Sir Slab enquired on his wellbeing .. the reply was “House fucked –wife OK’’ or was that the other way round??????

Rug is off the ice.

A member was charged by GM Flasher that he had received a call from some black guy looking for a member to look after his sister ….. something to do with having elbowed cat or something??

Josephine survived the secret hidden code quiz.


BAZZA’S BIRTHDAY BASH at the FERRET hole. 70 Years and going strong !!!!!!!!

Moonbeams called END OF CIRCLE …. 9.30 on the knocker.

Bye Bye Goaty … safe travels!!

On On


Run 1713

Run: 1713
Hare: Pizza & Jigsaw
Location: Chevron Island
Date: 30th August, 2010

Our stand-in last minute hares gather on the western end of Chevron Island to greet the pack and send them on the way with the promise of a great “drink stop” on the way round.

Pizza heads off just after the pack leaves in his trusty ute and greets half the pack on the way over the Chevron bridge .. The word is out !!!!! Drinks will be at the “Pizza Hut”!!! Pizza’s work in progress abode opposite the golf course. Caustic/ Scarface is the sweeper following the pack off in the general direction of the NSW border. The SCB’s soon figure Pizza’s joint is just along here and round the corner; they are greeted with numerous icy cold beers with red wine chasers both brewed by our Italian stud, with the grapes squashed with his own feet during some sex romp in the back yard wine vat. There’s only 52 litres of the beer and 640 litres of the red announces Pizza ……… so drink up boys!!!!! “AND SO THEY DID !!!”

Over the next 40 minutes the pack came in from all directions with every excuse imaginable for SCB’s. Pizza calls “last drinks at 7.45 pm ….coz I gotta take these wogs stayin ear to tha airport, so fuck off!!!

Back to the nosh on Chevron and Jigsaw takes the tag team duo to the next level.

Seems sister-in-law Helen has (been) volunteered to do the cooking with a great lasagna and Jigsaw’s secret recipe dessert being enjoyed by all.

8.35 PM Circle is called.

The hare comment is first and Josephine declares he got on the piss early and headed off West ……. Good solid run and great drinks stop too!!!

The Bent Banana gave “Helen’s Nosh” 8/10 commenting on the great herbs used in the dish.

The pack gave Helen a telecommunications DD along with Jigsaw while Pizza was off delivering the wogs to the airport.

GM Flasher declares “he is not FEELING himself” ???????……..(that will be a change)

Returning runners Bung, Blowfly and Josephine are called to get a DD . Josephine lodges his usual protest claiming “you’re short on numbers (That will be enough of the SHORT comments) Sir Rabbit gives a note.

POW Rockhard is called with all the POW gear still firmly in the carry bag.

KB gets nominated for being on the piss at Pizza’s ALL NIGHT (as you may see in these notes)

Rockhard gets the POW back for hierarchy abuse (finally) and ROCKHARD YOU’RE ON THE ICE.???

Point Two gets through the secret code letter quiz!!!!!!

Aussie gets it for 3.30 AM spam not knowing the moon from Mars. Goat Farka gives our extraterrestrial traveler a note.

Aussie is back in for further travel tales …… seems the Saturday Sharks game was transferred to Sunday and they told the other 15,000 people and forgot our lonely little Aussie. Bent Banana gives a note!!!

Jigsaw stands in for his co-hare Pizza and charged with No Effort.

Seems Pizza is quoted as saying “You would only #$@% a harriet if you are too lazy to W@#$ yourself !!! Hmmmmmmmmmm S.O.L. appears to have changed Pizza’s stand on this subject.

Old Fart gives a note !! ( What the hell is he doing here SO early??)

Rectum claims to have carried Old Fart all the way !!!! Old Fart gets a DD and Rectum gives a note.

Charges are called.

KB charges Caustic with now knowing what it’s like to have a gash .. as usual KB’s charge backfires and KB gets the DD

Sir Prince Gets a DD for some reason the on sec cannot read (told you I was getting pissed)

Goat Farka escapes and Caustic and Point Two both end up on the ice (Caustic is cheating with the feet locations …… but watch this space) “Fucking pathetic” protests Point Two (that’ll get you 5 minutes more)

R/A and GM abuse, and profanities continue to cascade from the guilty pair to see their time extended numerous times.

Bent Banana offers a hash prayer of three verses.

Point Two is off the ice!!!!!!

Goat Farka is wacked for “bad attitude” declares……. don’t give a fuck …. I’m off to Cairns (You’ll be back!!)

Next week’s run … Sir Prince.

Old Fart has secured the Hash trailer a new home …….. Gold Card coming for SURE !!!!!

However that’s not the only Gold Card Old Fart is getting this week …….. seems Telstra has seen 32 years as long enough to support aging scout masters and Old Fart is about to get the MASSIVE redundancy package ….. 12 September will be a big day …….The 13th is a Monday so be ready for Old Fart’s shout!!!

Sir Rabbit gives a note !!!!!!

Goat Farka is observed getting into Cairns mode early joining Caustic in the no shoes brigade.

Circle closes 9.10PM

Another day in Hash land closes in a fog of alcoholic (p)mist.

Thanks for the lift Goaty.

On On


Run 1712

Run: 1712
Hare: Shat & Veteran
Location: Biggera Waters
Date: 23rd August, 2010

Lands End bridge is not that hard to find …. Just follow the water keeping it on your right.

Well that’s OK for some….. but Scout masters like a tougher challenge than that!!!!

…….Like head North. Hmmmmmmmmm The tails of Old Fart continue in this exciting episode of ……….Old Fart lost in the bush volume 3…….. More later…..

A stroll around Biggera Waters and up to the smallest park on the Gold Coast to find Shat and Veteran with their stolen Coles shopping trolley and a bucket of “Drink Stop piss” made from Penfolds 707 and the finest ginger beer…….. then back to the Nosh for a feed of spuds, followed by an Adelaide favourite ( according to Veteran)the famous “Pie Floater” topped off with an icecream cone stolen from the back of McDonalds.

OLD FART is still not back and search party discussions fall on deaf ears!!!!!!!

Better save some nosh for Old Fart …. Fuck him !!

Circle is called at 8.06pm

First up …. Hares Shat and Veteran

The standard of the night is set early with Shat calling the GM a cunt.

Flatulence offers comment on the nosh … Pies and Spuds “a bit starchy GM”

Bella the R/A’s girl liked it (only time it gets a feed)

5 out of 10 was the score from Flatulence.

Pussy Boy gave the run comment ……. Very “straight forward” good to see large arrows

Moon Beams rose to his feet to give a note.

Returning runners .. Hitler, Pussy Boy, and Swollen were asked for excuses it seems working, girls and getting your dick wet took some preference to hash …….. (go figure which one the excuse applies to)

It’s 8.15 and a huffing and puffing Old Fart has found his way out of the scrub to join the pack.

Just in time to witness Pussy Boy and Hitler in a “Photo opportunity” with the tool of humiliation …….. That’ll teach them for talking about wet dicks!!!

Miscarriage gives a nooooooooooooooooote!!!!!

R/A is called to circle ……… He MUST have amazing powers !!!!!!!!! No RAIN !!!!!

R/A opens with 1, 2,3, 4 shit jokes.

KB is called to circle on some trumped up charge about R/A abuse

…….. Shoes off KB ..You’re on the ice!!!!!!!!!

Piss off you pricks ….. this hurts!!!!!

Swollen sets off the fireworks to mark the occasion.

KB gives Swollen a note!! Miscarriage gets it for touch parking a brand new car ….Point Two gives him a note!!

POW Guitar Man is called . I have a couple of nominations .

  1. R/A is a cunt (that will get you a long way Guitar Man . You need to be named yet!!)

Miscarriage says not good enough to have that name ….. (another bold statement considering the potential consequences)

  1. Rockhard ….. a serial offender for POW .

Rockhard gets it …….. Guitar Man offers a note and Rockhard proceeds to take the rest of the night to consume the half yard of POW piss.

KB is off the ice ………. (Fuck it hurts )

R/A calls Guitar Man back in to discuss his potential Hash name.

Rainbow’s hump, Piss Bucket, and O-Fender are suggested as names for this out of work muzzo mate of Rainbow’s.

However this is cut short with R/A abuse from Guitar Man and he finds himself on the ice compliments of our R/A.

Charges are called for.

Miscarriage charges Sir Rabbit with purchasing “NEW TACKLE” for Mrs Rabbit Hmmmmmmm !!

Goat Farka charges Old Fart with having to wait on three occasions now for his nosh. Quoted as 1 hour 2 hours and now 3 hours late … Goat Farka’s inventive mind has come up with a solution ……… Goat Farka produces a game fishing rig with a yellow belt to go around Old Fart’s neck ……….. We can reel the cunt in after 1 hour claims Goat Farka, then I can get my nosh on fucking time for once!!!

Goat Farka gives a note and the pack sing the DD song at Old Fart pace.

Croc gets it for “hairy palms” … feel this boys !!!!! Then they get to know they are transplanted pubic hair having had his hand on his cock for the last 5 minutes .. a dash to the dettol bottle follows for the pack.

Cumagen gives a note.

Sir Rabbit reminds all of the Splinter lunch.

Bike Ride this Sunday too!!!

Aussie tells the story of a women’s work is never done …….. So let the lazy bitches get up 2 hrs earlier. ( good luck Aussie)

Swollen told the tale of his visit to Tamworth Hash …… seems he snook up on a Goat Farka just like ours in MANY ways ……. 100 nannies in one night … that’s our boy !!!!!!!!!

Seems G- string and new set of jugs flashing is all the go in down town Tamworth.

Old Fart reminds the pack that the scouts are fund raising looking after the Basketball ISL comp next weekend at TSS ……… should be some great competition and well worth a look he says.

Sir Prince brought news of a previous member Vial ……. Seems he is on the way to wealth and fortune putting together Tattslotto syndicates cost free (to him) and making a fuck up of Chinese bride selection using the same process.

NEXT WEEKS RUN …….. Unknown (seems Hitler is off getting his dick wet again)

8.45pm circle closes.

Cumsmoke and his love head off to a night together and Old Fart can’t find his way to the car……… Another day in Hash land ends.

On On


Run 1710

Run: 1710
Hare: Rock Hard & Sir Rabbit
Location: Nerang
Date: 9th August, 2010

The pack gathered ready for a run knowing full well this was sure to be into the dark back blocks of the Nerang state forest. A few questioned flew through the heads of the GCHHH as they waited, will the R/A’s powers be tested with such a bad weather forecast, also “where the fuck” are the booze masters?? Hares Sir Rabbit and Rockhard promise a great run and NO-ONE will go hungry tonight.
The pack charged off into the darkness over the latest innovation in hash trail setting …………………..
Microscopic arrows >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Seems Jigsaw has been holding quiet lessons in arrow sizes and placement. The FRBs get completely lost at the half way point and it is only the glow of the bike track that guides the wayward pack back to the nosh area. Sir Prince and Sir Rabbit get ambushed by a yowie and call for new kimbies.

Back at the nosh area!!!!!!!

Where the fuck are the boozemasters ???????????

Frantic phone calls go out and it revealed the booze masters have been on the piss at the brewery and on the way with the Mr Whippy brew and the GCHHH new Keg Gig equipment.

A SPECIAL NOTE OF THANKS to Pizza who has donated on permanent loan the SEVEN kegs required to stock our brews ………. That’s $560.00 worth of savings. Thanks heaps Pizza.

Nibbles are served and Sir Rabbit proudly advises Aldi has had some great $1 bargains.

The statement by Sir Rabbit proves to be totally accurate the nosh has NO portion control and the hearty beef curry is dished out in huge portions.

Saved by the bell the booze masters arrive and show living proof of “don’t fuck with the gas pressure” …………. The final result gets the nod from all with great comments on the new Keg Gig booze set up. Seems the Booze Masters give it the vote too.

8.28 GM Flasher calls circle and the R/A’s powers immediately fail ……….. Seems he may have almighty powers but he cannot control the human intervention with the flood lights that go out at the very second Flasher calls “circle”
The Hares are first up as usual ………… Sir Rabbit and Rockhard.

Rectum gets the job of trail report……… Micro arrows!!!!!! Seems he went via the hospital to the nosh. Even the skills of FRB Rectum failed on the micro arrows. Rockhard takes the comments to heart and responds with very humble “fuck off” you winging prick.

Bent Banana comments on the nosh calling it a “meaty curry” very tasty and gives it 8/10 seems Sir Rabbits secret herbs and spices are all handmade ….. Aussie wants to know how he makes the “comin”

Missing Link gives the hares a note !!!!!!
KB gets called into circle …….. seems the GM has retracted his demand for spell check closure and protests about misspelling Flazzher. KB gets to pick a proxy DD and the obvious choice is Aussie.
Aussie gets a DD and a further “D” on his dunce’s hat!!

GM Flasher announces a VERY IMPORTANT point for hashers to NOTE ……. There will be a yellow card in the photos or the hash trash each week to check if members have read or viewed them. The penalty for not knowing the code for the week ………. Icing !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Goat Farka announces a pending move to Cairns and mix with fucking up the booze is called to circle, his backchat to GM sees him instantly ordered to “all fours” Caustic is called in and the pipe of H#@$%&*%$# is applied ……… Caustic seems to enjoy the experience and gets flushed with excitement (see photos) Goat Farka goes to jerk off the appendage between Caustic’s legs and promptly snaps the end off it !!!!!!!!!!!! Hmmmmmmmmmmmm (rule one ??????)

Ice him !!!!!!!!!!!!! Follows the act of GM tool abuse …… so now Goat Farka is on the executive seats with the last parcel of ice firmly tucked under his crack. Bent Banana is called on the offer a “hash prayer” at the threat of a DD if not ……… Bent Banana does a great job on Mr Bangles and missed the DD.

The R/A is called …………..
Goat Farka is let off the ice.

KB and Goat Farka are called to circle and an AMAZING MOMENT of shyness overcomes the R/A who discharges the pair without penalty and announces he has NO material………… The fact is he did have dobbed info but had looked to the heavens and could see his arse was heading to the ice if that cloud dumped its guts on the pack ……(Which it did 3 minutes into the trip home and hasn’t stopped yet) Amazing powers of the R/A.

Charges are called for ………….
It backfires on the R/A who gets a DD and Rug gives a note.
The R/A is straight back in with the dog food stash of half a plate of Sir Rabbit’s stew sitting in the R/As dish………. Seems his excuse was two ham and egg rolls at 4.30 pm GM votes the R/A guilty as charged and a DD followed.

Josephine is called to circle to be presented with the freshly hashed 700 run flak jacket.

Sir Slab is asked to give a note ………. WITH PLEASURE GM was the response.

Well done Josephine !!!!!!!!!!!

POW Bung announces he only has one suspect ……. Botcho !!!! Seems a secret e-mail on photo paparazzi has leaked back to Bung.

Botcho immediately does a dash to the Botcho Machine to produce the first “Gold Card” let off claim.

Then Botcho completely fucks up the use of the card when Bung hands the choice back to GM

Flasher to choose another POW …….

Botcho steps up to cop the POW anyway and says goodbye to his treasured Gold Card too. Seems asking the pack to get it back was met with “fuck off” sympathetic responses (sharing and caring lot)

Botcho sets a new record for the POW yard glass with no less than SEVEN gulps to finish it.

Sir AH calls for numbers for the Great Spit Bike Ride………. E-mail Sir AH please.

Sir Slab gets a leaving DD …. He has saved up his pension monies and is off to share a backpackers in the humble town of Thredbo Village for the next three weeks.

8.58PM Circle closed.

Booze masters last to arrive and last to leave…….. Thanks guys!!!!!!!!
3 Minutes later it pissed down raining and STILL is !!!!!!!!!!!!
PS …….. Don’t forget the yellow card code !!!!!!!!!!!
On On!