Category Archives: Hash Run Reports

Run 1758

PLEASE NOTE; Due to your glorious Hierarchy’s ability to manage funds, the weekly food contribution has now risen to $135.00 (which includes the fact you do not pay the $15.00 on the night). However if you do not spend the full amount please don’t claim it as we will know by the quality and quantity of food and launch an immediate enquiry, and subsequent reprisals.

In the event you have a great event/idea planned and wish to spend above the allocated amount you must pre arrange this with the Hash Cash, Blackstump, who will kindly advise you to go “jump” (or on very rare occasions consider your request). Nights at pubs/restaurants will attract a $5.00 fee.

Please note as from next week, to ensure the words are being read, a “secret” Hash foot will be implanted in the weekly photos. During the circle the RA will randomly ask for the description of the photo where the “foot” is located. Non compliance will result in the usual and swift reprisal.

Run: 1758
Date: Monday 11th July 2011
Hare: Miscarriage
Venue: Emerald Lakes

Runners: 32 (including a wounded and early retiring Sir Slab)

Weeks to AGPU: 47
It was supposed to be Blackstump’s run at the Ponderosa ranch. However due to an attempt by the group of overachievers trying to emulate a geriatric version of the Tour De France peloton, Blackstump was involved in a rather nasty bike prang at Nerang Velodrome, rendering him incapable and consequently banished to Pindara Hospital for some forced rest and recuperation. Miscarriage was therefore thrust into the hare’s role at short notice.

Using this excuse, plus the fact that he had just returned from Sydney, no doubt with his twin in tow, watching the State of Origin in some dodgy pub in the midst of enemy territory he decided that the “quick fix” was another “postman’s” run. This occurred despite the revered Trail Master decreeing that this format should never be repeated, following the Mudgeeraba effort (albeit trying conditions). A good pack started the run with most willing to participate to see just how long before it deteriorated into the expected debacle. Seven envelopes were handed out at the start, with the first taking us to the western boundary of Emerald Lakes and the second under the road and through the golf club, somewhat resembling the reverse of a previous run. Somewhere the instructions must have got lost in translation as runners seemed to disappear once envelopes were read out. The diminishing pack headed into the depths and hills of Carrara still heading in the reverse of the past run.

The Hare seemed to be at the front most of the way ensuring the pack didn’t go astray, much to the opposite of the normal run routine. Some 15 runners stayed with the pack in fear of ending up lost in the depths of beyond, and continued along the hills and bike paths before emerging on Nielson’s road for the lengthy trek home, finishing in just over the hour.

In the meantime KB had been busy decimating a nearby tree in order to provide some much needed warmth on what was the coldest run night of the year to date and, in the process, contributing some $46.00 worth of carbon tax. It is good to see we are in safe hands when 30 + strange people resembling a hobo convention can start a huge fire in a residential enclave and not attract any real response.

Back at the hut, which after all these years still bore no working light, Miscarriage brought out the chicken wing entrées bringing back memories of Pizza’s “quail” wing debacle at Evandale, except these were reals chicken wings. Next up was the tasty chilli mince and mash, including real mince in generous quantities. The finale was the hot apple pie and ice cream favourite.

As the weather plummeted to below zero (well, felt like it anyway), the crowd gathered by the fire and watched the security vehicle do yet another drive by unfazed (or unwilling to respond) by the fire and gathering. Too much paper work to explain this one he figured. Sir Prince Valiant was the only person who ran here on run number #1, when this was the Surfers Paradise Raceway, and gave us an insight into the run on that memorable virgin night.

Miscarriage was asked to give a run report on his own event and commented, of course, how wonderful it was and how he kept the pack together. Sir Prince however did add that many a runner seemed to disappear at the varying stages. Jigsaw commented on the food giving it top praise and scoring it at 6.5/10. KB was also praised for his fine efforts at providing the excellent fire and was awarded a down down credit by the RA. Thoughts also go out to Now Loved who’s apparently feeling a little better. Send him a text or email guys.

Down Downs:

Stumpy (or is that Shorty); Visitor from Sunshine Coast Hinterland

Mags, Rob; Returning runners

Rob; Due to history in the seafood business was named “Prawn Star”

Prawn Star; Drinking from wrong hand during RA’s circle

KB; Drinking from wrong hand, lost his credit

Blowfly; Queue jumping in front of Hierarchy

Missing Link; Last year’s Hash Cash trying to do in this year’s Hash Cash, Blackstump, at aforementioned velodrome incident. Perhaps, for delving into last year’s financial affairs

Rectum; Using initiative (saying he had driven all the way from Toowoomba) to get into seeing Blackstump, however at same time GM & Pony were denied access

Flasher: Charged by Botulism for trying to get sympathy from nurse during visit to Blackstump in hospital

Rectum; Charged by Pizza for incident at AGPU

Sir Prince Valiant; Drinking from wrong hand

Rockhard; POW awarded by Caustic for carrying on about how warm his “Skins” gear was

That is all,
On On from “The Desk”
Two Dogs 

Disclaimer:Involvement in Hashing may be a dangerous sport. Related activities carry a significant risk of damage to property, personal injury or death. Participate at your own risk!

Run 1757

Run: 1757
Date: Monday 4th July 2011 – American Independence Day
Hare: Aussie
Venue: Len Fox Park, Labrador

Runners: 33
Weeks to AGPU: 48

PLEASE NOTE; Due to your glorious Hierarchy’s ability to manage funds, the weekly food contribution has now risen to $135.00 (which includes the fact you do not pay the $15.00 on the night). However if you do not spend the full amount please don’t claim it as we will know by the quality and quantity of food and launch an immediate enquiry, and subsequent reprisals.

In the event you have a great event/idea planned and wish to spend above the allocated amount you must pre arrange this with the Hash Cash, Blackstump, who will kindly advise you to go “jump” (or on very rare occasions consider your request). Nights at pubs/restaurants will attract a $5.00 fee.

Run: 1757
Date: Monday 4th July 2011 – American Independence Day
Hare: Aussie
Venue: Len Fox Park, Labrador

Runners: 33

Weeks to AGPU: 48
As seems the usual these days a good crowd arrived, despite yet another event for the well trodden realms of Labrador. Aussie, filling in at late notice decided to capitalise on the date and add an American Independence Day theme advising runners to wear appropriate attire. A good spattering of the hounds donned the red white and blue including hats, shirts, track suits and flags (many of the mini kind donated y Sir Point Two). Sadly though, no sign of Latrine in sight.

The run started to the north but quickly disappeared west into the depths of beyond after a first on back. Over the highway and further west as we zigged and zagged running into checks and on backs. Before hitting Turpin road we turned south and again were turned by on backs cleverly concealed under wheelie bins. Along Turpin road and then east before heading towards Sir Rabbit’s Den for no doubt a themed drink stop. Wrong, on back. It was then the lengthy trek home along Stevens street (no drinks at Blowfly’s either) and skimming past McDonalds hoping for an American themed dining experience, again to no avail.

Back at the circles of wisdom (circular concrete seats at the park), the pack were met with a spread of nibbles made up of appropriately themed pretzels, popcorn, and dips. Even Budweiser beer was made available at the usual $2.00, making it hard to knock back. The hot dogs followed with a few starting to grumble, thinking this was it until the hamburgers appeared and we finished off with the Cheesecake dessert. A feast Uncle Sam would have been proud of, it’s a pity American type food is likely to wipe most of us out and further expand those bulging waistlines.

Rectum gave the run report stating it was “short but good and (importantly) kept the pack together”. Caustic followed with the nosh critique saying “it even looked like real meat” and gave it a worthy 7/10, however he did complain saying we should ban future runs from the Labrador area for the rest of the year (another Corrosive Caustic Comment or CCC for short).

The GM reported that our first legal action was in the wind with Missing Link claiming compensation for short payment of his “Gourmet” meal last week. As a consequence weekly nosh fees will rise to $135 per week, including the $15 run fee not required from the hare (only one). Read above for full details.

Down Downs:

Excelpet & Carlos (or is that Roma, Pizza’s mate); Visitors

Arseup & Blowfly; Returning runners

Aussie; Hare

Kitchen Bitch; Walking to Grand for a beer & for holding beer in wrong hand

Rock Hard: For missing KB holding beer in wrong hand during RA’s session

Show Pony, Flatulence, Bent Banana; KB’s accomplices at pub

Bent Banana; Rule #2 infringement involving a lewd act upon a helpless bovine and subsequent photos going viral.

Bent Banana; Drinking from wrong hand during RA’s circle

Rock Hard; Missing above said infringement

Sir Rabbit; Doing ½ Marathon and wearing gay Liberace outfit (Swollen, Excelpet & Miscarriage also did the Half Marathon, well done over achievers!)

Caustic; POW from Rainbow for trying to dob him in and for golf course indiscretions

Caustic; Trying to charge Aussie for “borrowing” his esky (possession laws applied)

Excelpet; Charged by Cumsmoke for deserting post and leaving him with Trail Master posting

Aussie: Charged by Miscarriage for similar offence to Miscarriage’s brother at recent royal wedding

That is all,
On On from “The Desk”
Two Dogs

Run 1756

Run 1756
Date: Monday 27th June 2011
Hare: Missing Link & Cumsmoke
Venue: Cascade Gardens, Broadbeach
Runners: 30
Weeks to AGPU: 49

Missing Link, the nosh hare, looked on with growing anticipation as the numbers continued swelling. Despite the Council’s best endeavours to deter entry to the once popular park, some 30 eager hashers found their way to the venue. Missing Link advised he had better ring the missus (co-cook) and tell her to add more water to the nosh to ensure enough to go around.

Cumsmoke, the run hare, then took the stage and advised it was payback time, there was a walkers trail, a short run and a long run and is was on south (surprise, surprise). So off we trotted to the convention centre then on over the road, further south and then down towards the Oasis shopping centre, around the streets, through the dining crowds and then north along Surf Parade, which turned out to be a good extra loop. The trail then headed east towards the beach to our second check opposite Kurrawa Park. We seemed to have lost Bent Banana and some followers despite the Hare, Cumsmoke standing at the check (having driven here in his ute). The remainder found the on trail and headed north along the beach road wondering when we would finally turn for home.

We arrived near Garfield Terrace with again the hare in attendance, where Blackstump took the initiative and opportunity to call him a “brainless twit” (or something along those lines anyway). By the now the pack was faltering as we continued towards Northcliffe Surf Club, where we came upon our first on back (and being called through) much to Veteran’s annoyance (once again). We veered back and turned west where we found a few lost runners including Blackstump. The trail then headed over Isle of Capri Bridge, where I, having done the circuit on many occasions decided to do the right thing and keep Blackstump company for the run home.

Miscarriage and his mate Brendan (or is that Brian), Swollen and Rectum finished the long trek around Monaco street, TE peters Drive and back past the convention centre. A few others including Slab, Veteran and Sir Rabbit (not wanting to peak too early for his half marathon run), decided to turn back for home along the highway, succumbing to a moment of common sense.

Back at the venue Missing Link brought out the huge pots with the crowd eagerly awaiting the traditional Vindaloo and Massaman Curry. I must say there was plenty of rice and the apple pie and custard dessert was fine however there were some very mixed reviews on the main course, probably something to do with trying to stretch the feed to cater for the numbers. Anyway it is feared, though I’m assured, that no Ibis were harmed in the making of this feed (although none were spotted in their usual nesting place).

The circle was called with GM, Shat, calling for run reviews with Sir Rabbit giving it 5/10, Veteran 6/10, and Miscarriage 6/10, a very pleasing 16/10 (probably getting bonus points for intense planning and creativity!!!!). Both Show Pony and Kitchen Bitch complained about the nosh, with both commenting on the inability to actually find any chicken 3/10.

Down Downs:
Missing Link & Cumsmoke; Hares

Swollen Colon was given a 30 second icing but no down down (Hierarchy exemption) for a rule #16 infringement, caught training on Sunday (training for Kokoda challenge run, overachiever!)

Miscarriage; 3 x down downs, two for holding beer in wrong hand whilst guest RA, Two Dogs, holding court and one for his twin’s indiscretions in the old dart. Too long a story to repeat here but suffice to say it included stairwells, locked doors, and naked people.

Truck Tyre & Brendan (or is that Brian); visitors

Rainbow; POW (from Bent Banana) for speeding and illegal U turn on the way into run venue

Bent Banana; as charged by Ferret for claiming and eating Sir AH’s meal at Splinter Hash Lunch
Caustic Crusader also gave a story about a potential future Hasher, which is probably best repeated by Caustic himself. Remind him by asking for the “Toblerone Story”
Story came from the Splinter Lunch about Sir Cumference winning lots at the pokies and doing the generous gesture of shouting 20 schooners for the crew. Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on how you look at it) only about half a dozen remained to finish the beers.

Miscarriage also gave us the story of his runs with London Hash (young overachievers apparently) and Phuket Hash, where three people passed away in 3 days (not going there!).
Also please note Brisbane Hash, “Over 60’s” lunch on Friday 22nd July at Clayfield. A few from the Gold Coast Hash already confirmed as going up. See Shat if interested.

That is all,
On On from “The Desk”
Two Dogs

Run 1755

Run 1755
Hare: Swollen Colon
Location: Olympic Court, Southport
Date: 20th June 2011

Runners: 28

Weeks to AGPU: 50

Firstly I must thank Swollen for the great mystery prize of an ironing board cover etc as it actually went over as a treat to Mrs Two Dogs, who knew the product, how much it was worth and even advised that we actually also have one of our own. However that’s where the joy ended. And thanks to Bent Banana for waiting as he could have continued running and would have won the prize for himself, being the closest to finishing at the mystery time.

The venue was Swollen’s factory at Southport, at which the car park was adorned with numerous ironing boards (No doubt Swollen’s antique ironing board collection). This giving ex GM, Flasher a flutter of excitement and something that will no doubt stir up Goatfarka when he sees the photos (he’ll probably go on a rampage and acquire them for mass fish filleting practices). Of note too was the excellent fire with ironing board being used as a grate to cook dinner on and the now familiar fruit stall. Ferret had also brought along some of his treasured Hash magazines and Year Books, donating them for others to read. I’m sure with a bit of persuasion we could conscript Swollen into turning his factory into a Hash apparel emporium providing us with a complete and only finest of garb for now and the future.

The run brief began with explanations that the trail could involve pink paint, yellow paint, chalk, flour and or paper and was on and right up the hill. The only problem was that whilst the fluoro paint may look great in the daytime it was barely visible at night. Somehow the pack managed to still find their way to the bush at the end of the street, where we continued on pink paint and paper. After a while we emerged at the main road and headed back around towards and past home, a very dangerous practice. We lost most of the pack previously with others heading west before stumbling across the home trail far too early. The remainder of us went north, then west past the council depot and back into some bush before again emerging on Wardoo Street.

By now only Rectum, Bent Banana, Veteran, Blackstump, Rock Hard and I were left and spent some time at the check opposite Johnstone Street trying to find the trail. We finally continued on the path parallel to Smith Street, with Blackstump declaring enough is enough and heading for home. The remaining 5 followed the trail back into the bush across the paddock and into the back streets near the Uni.

We eventually emerged near Bunning’s on Olsen Avenue and trudged wearily up the hill and back to Southport Nerang road and then back to where we were before, apparently missing the home trail somewhere past Bailey Crescent (probably where the yellow paint trail was hidden). After some one hour and 17 minutes we emerged back to the waiting pack.

Lucky for Swollen, as in the old days this would have resulted in 17 minutes on the ice.

Soon the fine meal of curries, greens and spuds was served up on the ironing board trestles and the pack soon made short work of the feast provided. The GM then adorned his Cop hat and baton and declared the circle open, being held around a ring of now carefully positioned ironing boards (another first). The run critique by Rectum gave it a good wrap with a 7 from 10 mark, however Rug was a bit less generous giving it a 6. Ferret commented on the food saying it lacked sweets but otherwise good.

Down Downs:
Swollen Colon: Hare

Swollen Colon: 69 runs

Moonbeams: 500 runs (Sub Committee being formed to investigate claimed extra 1500 runs with Sydney)

Sir Point Two: 1000 runs (gifted with priceless & tailored Sports Jacket)

Bob: Now named Bondage (due to Alan Bond look alike)

Roy (ex Barnacle): Now named The Big Orifice, or Big O for short

RA Josephine took over proceedings instigating the rule of left hand held drinks only, being watched over by Rug.

Further down downs went to:

Kitchen Bitch & Flasher: Only ex Hierarchy present being punished for avoiding down downs at AGPU

Flasher: Ex GM being punished for nominating Josephine for Worst Nosh award and then being dumb enough to give him unprecedented powers as the new RA.

Flasher: Wasting energy by leaving hot water running in factory

Bondage, Big O & Rug: For holding drinking vessel in right hand (and Rug for not noticing)

Show Pony, Sir Prince Valiant, & VD: Returning runners

Bent Banana: POW as nominated by Flasher (f..ked if I can remember what for)

Big O: Mobile going off in circle

Sir Prince Valiant also gave us a short brief on some happenings (something to do with certain person being evicted from the Ritz) at the royal wedding but preferring to wait until Miscarriage’s return before giving a comprehensive wrap up.

The night finished with a David Copperfield impersonation by Flasher (magic trick) and a joke by Swollen to top off another good night
For your info the “other” Down Down tune being used by the GM goes like this:

“He ought to be publically pissed on,
He ought to be publically shot,
He ought to be tied to the urinal and left there to fester and rot,
Drink mother…ker, drink mother…ker etc”

That is all,
On On from “The Desk”

Run 1754

Run 1754
Hares: Cumagen & Caustic Crusader
Location: Wood Choppers Inn. Mudgeeraba
13th June. 2011

Apparently there’s still 51 weeks to go so f..ked if I know what happened!

The Hares need not have worried about changing the venue as new GM, Shat, had everything under control and phoned RA, Josephine, from his mountain temple and asked that the gods looked down upon us with compassion, and so it was to be. However if you were someone who actually listened to the weather report we were supposed to be swimming in 100mm of torrential downpour and 100km/h winds, so Cumagain decided the best course of action was to fall back on the old “envelope” run routine where 8 envelopes were handed out to various “reliable” members and off we went, down and west.

After having already seen envelope one’s finish spot at the start, I opened my number #2 envelope to reveal the second leg, a couple of 100 metres onwards and on back where someone handed me envelope #3 (pattern emerging here). We then drifted further south then turning down some familiar paths from many runs gone by. A couple of the ex Hierarchy were seen shortcutting (Caustic and Flasher I think) but soon came undone in the slop hidden beneath the surface. Then we got to the next stage, which seemed to catch a few off guard as nothing seemed like it was meant to be.

We finally emerged where we thought we were, but weren’t really, but in fact some 100 metres north and parallel (making sense here). The confusion continued for a while but we finally emerged at the right place and again on trail. The recipients of the maps, unable to see without glasses, kept handing me the maps until we finally emerged at our last legs along Somerset drive and then the seemingly easy short cut across the footy field, with most except Rectum being turned back by the creek crossing.

Back at home base, outside the Wood Choppers Inn, we delved into the Hash version of the farmers markets with Jigsaw and KB providing the Fresh Fair, while the rest paid the $5.00, overseen by Eagle Eyed Blackstump, and made good on the beverages provided. Then it was inside to the bar and fireplace where a selection of meals had been organised by Caustic, who apparently had spent many a day seeking the right venue for such a distinguished crew. As usual in these types of events some poor prick was left waiting for their meal and Cumsmoke was the lucky last recipient this time around (what goes around they say).

Apparently rumours prevailed about the failure of certain persons being able to recall the apparent fine entertainment of the AGPU night. Then it was time to gather the crew for the first official circle of the new regime.

Shat prevailed, donning his new cap and welcoming all to the Year of the Shat, no frivolous crap, just good fun and for measure, on this occasion, we could all be seated in the comfortable surrounds. Shat then thanked the past Hierarchy for selecting him and that he was “thrilled to bits” at the opportunity. First order of business was the reading of the new Hash rules, apparently down loaded from an International site and thus must be fair dinkum and must be adhered to.

I’ll post the new rules in due course after some careful editing and thus hopefully avoiding our first legal matter of the year, probably something to do with discrimination. Run reports followed with Shat claiming it was “Marvellous” but Trail Master, Veteran declaring it was a mere fluke that it worked, was completely unhash, and was never again to be repeated.

Down Downs went to:

Caustic Crusader & Cumagain: Hares

Sir Rabbit & Flasher: 1401 runs to Sir Rabbit, presented by ex GM, Flasher

Cumsmoke & Swollen: some dodgy charge by Swollen re AGPU pole dancing incident and certain persons seen roaming around Broadbeach at all hours.

Blackstump: for taking on task of getting Mumbles home, and being left in dog pit by missus with possible legal action due against past Hierarchy leading to said privileges being revoked.

Caustic: attempts to charge committee, falling on death ears and leading him to announce the return of the infamous “Rat Pack”

Jigsaw: falling off push bike trying to answer phone

Botulism, Veteran & Two Dogs: because KB noted they were the only Hierarchy missing out on a drink tonight (and I though this shit wasn’t supposed to happen this year)

By the way a special welcome to Botulism, who was invited to join the Hierarchy by Shat as webmaster (permanent role) and Hash Flash, a kind offer he couldn’t refuse.

A great start, a good crowd (for a public holiday), and a great opening night.

By the way, anyone whinging about paying $15.00, plus $2.00 a beer please note that Monday cost me as follows:

Pre dinner drinks outside: $5.00 (one beer)

Dinner (Steak Sandwich): $12.50

4 Beers: $18.00

Tips: $3.50 (and got me zilch)

Glass of Wynns Shiraz: $8.00
= $47.00

That is all,
On On from “The Desk”

Hash Rules

1. There are no rules
2. No Peruvian Llama Jockeys * 
3. See Rule 1 
4. The Grand Master is always right 
5. When the GM is wrong, Rule 4 applies
6. The Religious Adviser (RA) is always right except when Rule 4 applies
7. No Peruvian Llama Jockeys
8. The Hash Statistics are always right. If there is a perceived discrepancy between the stats and reality, then reality is wrong   
9. No stealing, but borrowing is okay … Borrowing is a complex issue and where any doubt exists the GM should be consulted
10. No Peruvian Llama Jockeys  
11. Rain is not permitted during Hash runs. The RA is personally responsible for ensuring fine conditions prevail
12. No discrimination. Poms, the Unemployed, Dogs, Criminals, Teachers, the Disabled, Nymphomaniacs and even Lawyers are all encouraged to run Hash. Alcoholics are particularly welcome. Athletes are tolerated in some Hashes. Athletes, Dogs and Women while permitted to run can never aspire to become Grand Master 
13. Definitely no Peruvian Llama Jockeys 
14. No competitiveness. 
15. Under no circumstances are Peruvian Llama Jockeys permitted to run Has
16. No Training. Hashers caught training are deemed to have breached Rule 15 and will be liable to punishment. A range of activities may be interpreted as training, and for guidance the following non-exhaustive list is provided:
a) Running other than official Hash runs
b) Cycling (fornication on a push bike is exempt)
c) Visiting a gym for purposes other than perving on the ladies aerobics class
d) Using the stairs where lifts or escalators are available
e) Servicing the wife/girlfriend when so pissed it is a marathon effort.
f) Stretching of any kind (exceptions may be made for beautiful women)
17. All Hashers must commit to memory Rules 1, 2 and 3 and be able to recite them at any hour of the day or night regardless of their state of inebriation 
18. Peruvian Llama Jockeying will not be tolerated under any conditions 
19. No fighting on the Hash. This rule is absolute and the entire culture of Hash relies on strict adherence to this rule. If a fellow Hasher causes you immense displeasure by stealing your car or impregnating your daughter (wives are exempt) then belt shit out of him at some place other than Hash, and on some other day than Hashday, a day of reverence and tranquillity 
20. Peruvian Llama Jockeys will be shot. No Peruvian Llama Jockeys
21. Amendments to Rules 2, 7, 10, 13, 15, 18, 20 and 21 are illegal

* Peruvian Llama Jockeys:
i. A person who should not be in Hash
ii. A Whiner or Winger
iii. Somebody that lets other people find trail
iv. A Peruvian Llama Jockey