Category Archives: Hash Run Reports

Run 1789

Run: 1789
Date: Monday 13th February 2012
Hare: Cumsmoke
Venue: Rugby Club Benowa
Runners: 23

Weeks to AGPU: 17
It must have been a busy day for poor old Cumsmoke, allegedly working 6 days per week, having to ring Caustic to organise a wet weather venue, ring Pizza to organise a piss stop at the Pizza Palace, set a run, watch it get washed out and reset via the mobile alternative, now that’s stressful! By the way KB and Rectum ended up getting conned to cook the food, and Rug did the money, so this was really an outstanding effort at “outsourcing the run”, he just need someone to set it for him and he would have got the Quinella.

The pack of 23 soles gathered at the rugby grounds and were given the brief to head off into the hills, being warned it was an 8 – 9 km effort but had a drink stop, but the run also ran close to home on a couple of occasions (I’m sure that’s one of the Hash rules, is to not to).

So off we went, with Rectum and Cumagen shortcutting across the field, along Benowa Road before heading left onto the maze of back streets. Through the park at the check (one of few) and over the on back as we figured the run would emerge on the road ahead. Sure enough as the pack continued towards Ashmore, left (via the check with double arrows to the left?) into Hillview Parade and up and down the hills as Rectum disappeared into the distance.

More left and rights, in the hot and humid conditions, as we finally emerged near home but turned right into more side streets. Here the following pack of Sir Prince, Sir Rabbit & Co had got miserably lost but fortunately had Missing Link on hand who had inside information of the drink stop at the Pizza Palace.

So off they went, making a bee line for the drink stop to join the walkers who, I presume, had already got into the the terrific brews on offer. The rest of us, including Sir Cumference, Bent Banana, the Albanian visitors and Cumagen, continued through some what familiar grounds before returning to Benowa Road then right towards the race track precinct. We again emerged at Benowa Road immediately across the road from home and with double arrows and figured it was on home and the drink stop was nothing but the usual smoke screen (alas we were wrong).

The groups returned at varying times as KB and Rectum prepared the feast (well sort of) of snags, chicken skewers and salad followed by pretty little cup cakes (must be a rule against having gay dessert in the Hash). We shared the Rugby BBQ saving Cumsmoke having to clean the trailer (another outsource coup by Cumsmoke).

During the circle KB was iced for plotting to serve the RA a chilli infused snag, unfortunately within ear shot of the RA. Rectum gave the run good marks saying it was well marked, 6.5/10, whilst Truck Tyres said the food was good, 7/10.

Thanks to Caustic for the venue, Pizza for the drink stop, KB & Rectum for cooking and Rug for taking over the Hash Cash job. Thanks too to the Hare, Cumsmoke, for some how pulling this potential debacle out of the fire (pure arse rather then planning one would think)!
Down Downs;
Cumsmoke; Hare (run set by car)

KB; Trying to pass on chilli infused snag to RA, only to have RA overhearing plan (Iced accordingly)

Bent Banana; Trying to throw rubbish in bin from 1 foot away and miss

Now Loved; Dodgy parking across two car spots & new “Black shoes”

Sir Prince Valiant: Driving wife’s car to Hash when storm threatening

Sir Rabbit; Drinking from wrong hand

Cumsmoke; Returning runner

Pizza; Thanks for excellent brews at his drink stop & returning runner

Caustic; POW (by Cumsmoke) for outsourcing Cumsmoke’s lift home last week to Ferret but. Himself then running out of petrol at entry to home

Cashy?; Rugby Club boss, thanks for use of his all weather venue and BBQ

On On from “The Desk”
Two Dogs

Run 1788

Run: 1788
Date: Monday 6th February 2012
Venue: Old Burleigh Town
Runners: 29

Weeks to AGPU: 18
Sir Rabbit was suffering his usual logistic nightmares when it’s his turn to drive, car arriving home late, car has no petrol, other car only three seats and no air con. Consequently we were under pressure from the start.

However all looked good as we hit the highway figuring we’d timed it perfectly. Alas the Gold Coast highway system collapsed yet again with a prang at Palm Beach now backing up traffic to Robina.
We ducked off to Reedy Creek Road figuring still plenty of time. Alas again we didn’t figure on the well synchronised traffic light system on the Gold Coast, there is none, as we spent the next 15 minutes waiting for several changes of lights just to get nowhere.

Fortunately the (presumably) Argentinian lass on the red scooter distracted us from our angst. “Don’t worry”, said Sir Rabbit, “they’ll hold the pack till we arrive”. “No they won’t, low care factor”, I replied.
We arrived about 10 minutes late just in time to see the Hare heading north giving us a hint of where the run would finish from. The GM was stationed at the start heading us off in the right direction.

Up over the expected Tallebudgera Creek bridge we went and after a few kilometres we came across Moonbeams and Now Loved gazing across the creek where we would eventually have to get to.
A bit further on we came across KB and Croc doing similar, however as we again found the predictable trail there was no sight of these two to be seen again. Again we seemed to keep reeling a few stragglers as we reached the highway and across the creek again before starting the trek westwards.

Towards the Fleys boardwalk seemed obvious as we continued with Sir Rabbit upsetting some local feral with his horn blowing, however he was under RA orders so he had no choice. In the distance we could hear the reply horn, from Sir Prince presumably.

As we entered the bush we came across the on back and presumed the pack would be going up the hill to circle around. We continued onwards along the track and boardwalk and caught up with Botulism and Rug making the bee line for home.

After about an hour we arrived home to find the rest of the pack well and truly enjoying the birthday crownies provided by Bent Banana (I think). Following the sausage entre, mains of burgers and steak and multitudes of canned goodies and salads the Hare had acquired from Aldi and others, the Gm called the circle to order (the dessert of ice cream and fruit followed).

Rectum gave the run report saying he’d love to say it was wonderful and well marked, but he couldn’t, saying he got lost several times. Cumagen and Link also added that although it was a debacle it was actually one of his better ones 5/10.

The food fared much better with Ferret adding that it saved the Hare and gave it a 7.5/10. Blacky made a well received come back showing off his new additions provided by the hospital. It was obvious he was concerned that the cash was being fritted away and also had to make sure he could make his hospital payments. Another great effort Sir Circumference, great feed and also a thanks to guest chef, Moonbeams.
Down Downs;
Circumference; Hare
Albanians – Ian & Kirk the Ripper along with Kevin; Visitor
Bent Banana & Swindler; For bringing guests

Blackstump, Cumagain, Rock Hard & Slab (from last week and bearing gift for GM); Returning runners
Rug; Leaving BBQ in a mess from last week plus new shoes

Missing Link; Still no gift for GM

Now Loved; laughing at RA (burning his fingers on hot sausage)

Flasher; Charged by apprentice RA, Rectum, for sending weird emails

Flasher; Charged by apprentice RA, Ferret, for sending weird emails to his wife instead of him

Testicle; Trying to charge Albanians over some trivial life threatening matter

Bent Banana; Birthday Boy (69th?), Crownies and 500 runs

On On from “The Desk”
Two Dogs

Run 1787

Run: 1787
Date: Monday 30th January 2012
Hare: Blowfly & Veteran
Venue: Len Fox Park, Labrador
Runners: 25

Weeks to AGPU: 19
Where was Caustic tonight with the run being held in his favorite part of the Gold Coast, Labrador, with it’s sweeping landscapes, endless trails, vast bushland, and stunning vistas. Even Aussie made the 555 metre trip from his new palatial abode up the road.
There was even some recent sightings of Latrine indicating a possible come back but alas the last sighting was of him with packed bags boarding a bus heading, allegedly, towards the airport, talk about extreme measures to miss a run!
Actually considering the massive down pours we’ve been having, Trail Master, Veteran stepped up to the plate and delivered well at short notice. Blowfly had put his hand up to do the food but said that wife, work and new baby meant he didn’t have time to set a run, another example of a pathetic excuse.
The trail started in the usual direction, north then west along Central Street. Soon the first check then north again before the inevitable zig zag through the back streets of beyond. I managed to find the first on back but sadly only Rectum joined me as the others had strayed behind in the humid conditions and continued on trail.
We soon crossed Government Road and headed along the path towards the Aussie Rules ground. Around the oval then another check before the start for home eastward up the hill and again across Government Road and towards the sports centre. Sir Slab and I lost the trail here as Swollen and Rectum continued on trail.
We figured we’d soon pick them up if we headed along Turpin Road and sure enough as we emerged at the Broadwater we came across the walkers and the two front runners for the sprint home.
Sadly Flasher had a crook leg so he failed, yet again, to find another alternative route through Labrador. Aussie gave the run a good report saying it  was well marked but could have done with some more checks, 8/10. The fine feast of garlic bread, pasta dish & home made ice cream, prepared by Blowfly was given a “very nice” report by KB and received 7/10.
Down Downs;
Veteran & Blowfly; Hares
Swollen, Blowfly, Moonbeams & Missing Link; Returning runners (with some piss poor excuses like new babies and bike prangs)
Botulism; Trying to organise golf day on a lake then trying to blame the RA
Moonbeams; Not singing & holding drink in wrong hand
Aussie; Driving 555 metres to run
Blowfly; Wrong hand and being absent too long
Missing link; No gift for GM after extensive trip to Sydney
Swollen; Away too long
KG; Late
Moonbeams; Trying to charge Botulism with slack web maintenance
Sir Prince Valiant; Trying to charge Sir Slab with “forcing” crew to drink three pints after Splinter Lunch
Aussie; Van abuse?
Aussie; Blacky abuse

On On from “The Desk”
Two Dogs

Run 1785

Run 1785
Date: Monday 16th Jan. 2012
Hare: Truck Tyres
Venue: Pizzey Park, Miami
Runners: 19

Weeks to AGPU: 21

 A small pack assembled at the designated start point, spur of pacific av. Miami. Conditions were bleak, overcast and threatening rain, half the pack in raincoats.

 The Hare Truck Tyre’s instructions were quite clear, but not the markings of chalk, flour, paper and would probably get washed out. The runners set of to Pacific Av. on trail, left into Oceanic Dr. and on to Pizzey Dr. at this point rain, rain and more rain, markings holding up but only just, a left turn into Pizzey Park Sporting Complex and on through some pretty good running hash territory, ably lead by FRB’S Miscarriage and new runner Favio (aka James).

The pack confused at this point due to return markings, suddenly realized we have short cutted a big portion of the run so far. Half the pack decided enough of the wet weather and headed home on the return markings, Which left Miscarriage, Fabio ( aka James) Bent Banana and Veteran to make a decent run of it, all be it a wet run. Not on trail to Bardon Av.

The now small pack headed past the Gold Coast Burleigh Heads Golf Club, through some back streets on through the East side of Pizzey Park and on on home.

Back at the car park the now wet pack had vanished like water rats to the on on venue the Junior Rugby League Club. Unbeknown to the Hare were having there AGM. However, ignoring that we were undercover with lights on one section of the there deck, I think they thought we were part of the club.

The Hare went missing for some time, it was thought he may have done a runner, but not so, on returning we were greeted with a meal best described as left over xmas lunch. Starters corn chips salsa dip. Main. Ham, Salad and tomato onion dish’s. Desert. Trifle, Jelly and Peach’s. The good part of this unusual menu there was plenty of it.

 Circle was called approx. 8.30pm G.M. Shat called upon Caustic to critic the run. In his exact words ‘ I managed to stay dry’ Caustic must have been running with an umbrella ‘ ‘good run under the circumstances’ gave it a 7.75

 G.M. Shat called Cumsmoke to critic the food. I could see where this was going was not disappointed. Slammed the salad, liked the Desert. score 2

 Stand in RA Miscarriage called out Cumsmoke for DD overheard saying Blackie was full of sh*t terrible thing to say. Other DD’S for misdemeanors. Pizza, Flasher, Fabio( aka James) Bigamist and Caustic

 Visitors. DD’S Bigamist, Little Dogs and Fabio ( aka James)

A good wet Hash nite was had by all, well done Truck Tyres

 On On Veteran

Don’t forget Botcho’s Splinter Hash Golf Day From his place Friday 27th Jan. Golf commencing at 9:00 am Pre lunch drinks 11:30 and lunch from 12:00. Please let Botcho know if your coming to Golf and or lunch only. He needs to know numbers.  Special Guest “Wishful Thinking” will be attending


Run 1784

Run: 1784
Date: Monday 9th January 2012
Hare: Elvis
Venue: Runaway Bay Soccer Club
Runners: 23

Weeks to AGPU: 22
A good pack arrived, many sporting their Elvis tribute shirts, in line with the recent Gold Coast Elvis festival at Surfers. Elvis was running around flogging off the remainder of his suspect 2012 edition of his tribute shirts sporting the famous Gold Coast “Hasn” slogan, truely to be a collectors item.

We were given the brief by the Hare, who would not be joining us as he was else where committed playing football (or soccer to some). The arrows were in pink, blue or white and lots of toilet paper and flour, we were told, so Blacky would not get lost in the wilds of Runaway Bay. We trudged off into the steamy hot night, figuring a long hot slog in the famous environment park.

After some tooing and froing we finally picked up the trail at the north of the fields and soon came across our first check. Local knowledge soon had us heading west following the mini arrows. Another check then it was north along Morala Avenue where the trail turned east following the sports centre fence line. Usual suspect, Flasher, decided here he would do his own usual run and continued north, not to be seen again for some time.

The walkers, with map in hand, in Crocodile’s capable hands headed off north unaware the map was upside down and were now following Flasher in the reverse direction, another debacle in the making. The rest of us continued on trail, which now seemed to turn through the environment park, but via some suspect swamp.

Undeterred and as determined as always, Misscarriage headed into the swamp only to be swallowed up and go arse over. Seeing this the rest of us back tracked and continued on trail. Another check at the bike track then around the cricket oval before heading east across another field to the sight of the biggest Hash marking in recent times.

Further over and along the bike track before heading towards Oxley Drive. Along the west of the park we went before the inevitable right turn at the bush section. The following pack, with a map in possesion, however missed this and headed North for the long tour of the park and the eventual extra 40 minute stroll. The remainder came across the walkers going in reverse and Flasher lost at some check claiming he had been on trail all the time.

The trail soon emerged at the eastern edge of the park before the solid kilometere run home with the front runners finishing in about 35 minutes, enough for the hot and humid night. Flasher however got it all wrong again and took the wrong turn over shooting the home trail (Karma they call it).

Back at the car park the group gathered and consumed the Crownies finally brought by Crocodile whilst we awaited the lost patrol of Sir Prince, Sir Rabbit, Jospehine, Aussie and Rug. Cumsmoke and Flatulance had discoverd the Zumba class and were considering joining before realising they were well out of their league.

After all had arrived it was time for a short circle under the full moon before heading indoors for the curry and ice cream feast. The group settled back and watched the evening games whilst partaking in a few ales and wines (with a few acquiring left overs from the sausage sizzle).
Down Downs;
Flasher; Serial shortcutter

Crocodile; Leading walkers on reverse trail, even with map in possesion

Elvis; Hare

Misscarriage; Failing to bring GM gift from OS tour

Testicle; Leading Misscarriage astray at airport bar (now there’s a first)

Crocodile; Awarded POW by Rug for walker incident and slow to produce Crownies

Elvis & Testicle; Retuning runners

On On from “The Desk”
Two Dogs