Category Archives: Hash Run Reports

Run 1886

news flash


Big news for the Gold Coast House  Harriers.                                                                                             Next week will be a free night!! No run fee and your first Beer is free!!                                     SAVING YOU $15. What a caring  Hierarchy

Run 1886
Hare: Kitchen Bitch
Runners: 26

Hash Pictures Mobile Link

Our GM was a no show on the night apparently called to solve some Gold Coast  transportation issues at the last moment but he had sworn in Black Stump by telephone as the acting GM.

Blackie stumped up to the task and called up the circle which he said would be a sitting circle in a rectangular shape.

Rug asked to comment on the run said he had been too busy putting his POW uniform on to think about the run.

Lurch said he was disappointed as there was enough hills to test him. Mademoiselle Latrine said he had done the whole run for a change to build up an appetite for a highly anticipated five course KB Nosh.

Rug soon gathered his thoughts and while he was fearful of protests from Greenpeace for the Baby Dolphins that had been slaughtered to provide the fine fish dinner KB served up. Clearly not too worried from any personal blowback from the Greenies he gave the Nosh a 9.5.

Rectum received special recognition for his efforts in the galley assisting KB and was given a temporary renaming for the night – Kitchen Bitch’s Bitch.

Mademoiselle Latrine took a DD for paying his $15 Nosh Fee in small coins. If you blinked you missed the DD – 1.23 seconds and nominated for the Guiness Book of Records.

Caustic brought a charge against the hare KB for using solvent based blue paint to mark the trail. In a spirited denial from KB he asked Caustic would he bet his  ” Family Jewels” on it. Caustic not willing to take the ultimate bet backed down and uncharacteristically fell silent.

Rug the current POW called out a few on the short list:

The booze master for departing before Rug arrive at the drink stop

Ferret asked to borrow Rugs car so he could drive from the start point back to the Nosh but took the keys but left the car – a total debacle

Swindler for conduct unbecoming a Hasher at the Xmas Party for spraying a beer over fellow hashers when given a DD

And the winner is……. Swindler.

Caustic brought sad news of one of our senior members Nasty had apparently been possessed by an alien force while riding his bicycle home after a social tipple and had misjudged the space between 2 bollards  and was suffering from 2 broken ribs and a bruised liver. Me thinks the bruised liver may have been a preexisting condition.

Next Weeks Run – Missing Link from a little known park Cascade Gardens. Normal 6:15 start.

Splinter Lunch – this Friday with a Xmas Party revisited at the Shore Restaurant 2 Ocean Ave  Surfers Paradise.

Merry Xmas to you and your families.

On on

Blue Card

Another Caustic Contribution


Run 1885

Run 1885
Location:Surfers Paradise
Hare: Hierarchy
Runners: 36

Hash Pictures Mobile Link

The infamous Christmas Party.

Absolutely nothing that can be reported here!

A good time was had by all. Merry Christmas

NEXT WEEKS RUN: Kitchen Bitch –yeh no hamburgers!

JOKE OF THE WEEK from Caustic C

Cum Smokes pick up line…..

On On

Blue card

caustic joke

Run 1884

Run 1884
Hare: Jig saw
Runners: 36

Hash Pictures Mobile Link

Jigsaw had invited the Hashers to use his pool but it was not a pretty sight particularly with Cum Smoke doing a good imitation of Free Willy the killer whale.


First up Bent Banana gave a run report and said he was a bit confused by the two way arrows and couldn’t understand how Flasher was on his second drink at the drink stop in the park. By now it could be expected that Bent Banana knows Flasher as a perennial shortcutter especially when there is drink involved. Rock Hard said it was a good flat walk and he enjoyed Pizza’s homemade moonshine guinness stout.


Jigsaw had excelled himself with the nosh and we could all see now why Mrs Jigsaw never cooks. Josephine gave the nosh a 7.75.

THE RA Miscarriage

We had a guest RA this week and it was Nelson Mandela risen from the dead, returning to this life as a Muslim wearing white flowing Arab robes.

Rug seems to be becoming the regular nosh critic, and probably a well deserved appointment as he looks like he has been in a good paddock. He said the good old dips were reminiscent of days gone by when the booze master provided dips. There was plenty of pasta and he thought the best description of the meal was beef stroganoff but he wasn’t sure that pasta was one of the main ingredients. As for the dessert, Rug thought it was pure genius to put aviation fuel on sultanas and light them to put a new dimension to the cheap icecream which went with it. Being particularly generous with a Christmas spirit he gave it an 8.9. Kitchen bitch without being asked for an opinion interjected said he would like to give Pizza’s beer an 8.75.

Rock Hard was called out as being an absentee from the cocktail party although he had pre-paid he was severely castigated for wanting his money back just because he was a self-admission to hospital on the day. Nelson Mandela recognised another man of colour in the circle and called Missing Link out for an uncharacteristic Muslim action of downing a drink. The RA thought the meal should have been called ‘beef stroke me off’ after Jigsaw had flashed one of his special movies up on his 100 inch television screen before the nosh.

The RA complained that he had been relegated to last in the nosh queue after Lurch carrying a large trough instead of plate jumped in front of him. The 4 Peter’s Blackie, Shat, Rabbit and Bent Banana got a Down Down for imitating the RA at the cocktail party as they were all wearing name tags saying that they were Peter when there was really only one important Peter in the Hash club.

Flasher received special recognition for staying on the trail for the first time in years.


Cum Smoke was last weeks POW and was in fine form to find a suitable victim to take the mantle this week. Slug would have got it except we would have been subject to a 20 minute acceptance speech. Lurch nearly got it for sending a debt collection note for certain vehicle defect infringements but finally the award went to Rug as the only Hasher still with a VHS machine who would be able to watch a whole bag of instructional VHS tapes which Cum Smoke had found in his collection.

Nasty took a drink for being the best dressed in his Liberace outfit.


Christmas Run Monday 16th Dec 2013 drinks 5 for 5.30 sharp departure Bruce Bishop Carpark Roof. Wear something red and Christmas like. Need to pay $25 or if you have had less than 10 runs for the year $50. If you get lost or have any questions, call the GM on 0407 134 745



I was devastated to find out my wife was having an affair, but by turning to religion I was soon able to come to terms with the whole thing. I converted to Islam, and we’re stoning her in the morning.

My wife suggested I get myself one of those dick enlargers, so I did…. she’s 21 and her name’s Sarah.

Went to the pub with my girlfriend last night. Locals were shouting pedo and other names at me just because my girlfriend is 21 and I’m 50. It completely spoilt our 10th anniversary.

Following the tragic death of the Human Cannonball at the Kent Show, a spokesman said “We’ll struggle to get another man of the same calibre.”

My son was thrown out of school today for letting a girl in his class give him a hand-job. I said “Son, that’s 3 schools this year. You want to stop before you’re banned from teaching altogether.”

Just been to the gym. They’ve got a new machine in. Only used it for half an hour as I started to feel sick. It’s great though. It does everything – KitKats, Mars Bars, Snickers, Crisps, the lot..”

Question – Are there too many immigrants inAustralia ? 17% said yes; 11% said No; 72% said “I am not understanding the question please.”

I thought the wife would be the ideal candidate for a new TV show.
Turns out I got it all wrong and the program’s called Fact Hunt.

The cost of living has now got so bad that my wife is having sex with me because she can’t afford batteries!

Some bastard’s just pinched a pair of my wife’s knickers off the washing line. She’s not bothered about the knickers but she wants the 12 pegs back.

On On

Blue card

Run 1883

Run 1883
Location:Currumbin Waters
Hare: Sir Slab & Sir Prince
Runners: 31

Hash Pictures Mobile Link
Sir AH representing the keen pack of walkers said the walk was “scenic” Just shows how verbose and insightful a Hasher becomes after 1000 runs.

Josephine not to be outdone “enjoyed the flat bits” and always keen to bring sex into it mentioned “good virgin country”

Shetland out of Show Pony brought a charge against my old mate “you didn’t deserve that” Flasher for short cutting and leading him off trail. Not very original Shetland – it’s a weekly event.

The GM in a burst of his never ending generosity of spirit scored the run 8.5

Well what a change from the last few weeks of McDonalds inspired dishes.

Jamie Oliver meets Gordon Ramsay! Sir Prince and the Kitchen Bitch in fine form. The woks were firing and the boys were cooking up a storm.

Rug our resident foodie critic thought the sheep testicles meat balls entrée were particularly tasty especially the frozen centres were a nice contrast to the overlooked outer shell. The piece de resistance was combining the mango dessert into the curry and rice as one awesome dish.

THE RA Miscarriage

Shetland copped a DD for being so naive as to ever follow Flasher on a run.

A usual welcome and DD to some returners and new faces, “Last One, Paul (mate of Nasty but a nice guy) and a Virgin (mate of Rug but a nice guy).

The 3 travel agents in the club received a DD for doubtful business practices and excessive profit gauging.
Shat House Tours
Trust Me Tours
Slabatical Tours

Cocktail Party Sat 7th Dec 2013 6.30 kickoff at Ferry Rd Markets

Christmas Party Monday 16th Dec 2013 drinks 5 for 5.30 sharp departure Bruce Bishop Carpark Roof

In the absence of Moonbeams VD jumped in but after a dummy spit and tears from Josephine the circled was closed again by Josephine in a good impersonation of the low dulcet tones of Moonbeams



Please ponder the statement below


This is ONLY intended for intellectual AND

deep thinking Hashers.

On On

Blue Card