Category Archives: Hash Run Reports

Run 1911

Run 1911
Location: Highland park
Hare:Blue Card & Carefree
Runners: 33


  • VD reported safe in the Tower of London
  • Shat’s upgrade to first class on recent flight to Europe fails
  • Flasher finds his passport to get away on another mercy mission to Thailand
  • Kwakka and Now Loved relax in the South of France

Note: Please read words and view carefully as again next week a question will be asked by the GM in the circle about these words and clue to see who is the most observant GCGHHH.

 Run 1911 with Blue Card

Promoted by Blue Card as the First and Best Bush Run of the Year.

A large group of 32 athletes circled under the gum trees as GM called the rabble to order. All could see that Blue Card had now lifted the bar on the Gourmet Hash as we watched this huge piece of prime meat slowly rotated over glowing coals lit by the lights of the nearby Hash trailer.

The pre-run briefing from Blue Card was non existant except for the few mumbled words …“walk down there and find some toilet paper and keep going”

The GM had failed to ask for a run briefing from the real Hare Carefree who as a very experienced hasher had spent many hours teaching Blue Card on the real techiques of laying the trail with interesting signs.


Our GM sent the group on their way at 6.16 again with his signature words “ good luck finding the trail’ as hemoved back to the keep warm near the glowing coals with a nice red.

He then was overheard saying “I just love the Hash and the great exercise we get”. Yes our GM is a real athelete!!

After last weeks Best Run of the Year ( debatable!!!) followed by the heavily promoted Best Nosh of the Year this was looking a hard act to follow by Hare Blue Card.

The Run Warm Up

Yes… Some hashers actually do stretching before they run


Guess who this resembles?

The Run


Are these some new hash markings?

Hare Blue Card and Co-Hare Carefree spent most of the day laying what was supposed to be the trail of the year.


Leading the runners down the timber pathway though the bush as always was Botcho followed closely by Fanny Charmer, Aussie , Rectum ,Full of Shit , Rockhard ,Two Dogs ,Iceman ,Lifeline Lurch ,Jospehine ,Truck Tyres and Co. They suddenly seemed to find themselves at the bottom of the driveway to where they had just arrived for the run. Was the run over so quickly ?? or was this another debacle !! not a good start.


On On was then called and the group all moved up the first of several hills to find most of the trail but as all arrived back well under time it is suspected (in fact certain) that although they did do the full run it was far too short for this standard of Hash athletes.


The effort was put in by the Hare for this run ..a special Free Birthday drink stop for Blue Card. Poor No Friends Carefree who manned this easy to find drink stop was left standing like a stale bottle of the proverbial piss as he waited for those few runners and walkers to arrive at the location ..well done Hare Blue Card for organising this drink stop with free crownies!!

Yes..These words say it all …direct from Run Critic Rectum and well said by a very experienced hasher!!………….. “An excellent run that was well laid out by a true professional Hare,lots of markings and those that got lost obviously made no effort to find the trail..BUT too bloody short”

Rectum reported the run as far too short and very easy so we are not sure why he didn’t do it twice as he usually does? Was he scared on missing the food?? Yes..33 minutes is too short for this little champion!!

Two Dogs reported no regoups as a big run failure !! .. Future Hares please note as it is important to learn from these comments by from these experts hashmen.

 The Walk


Q: Why is this walking hasher be able to climb to the top of the stairs?

Although the walking group is getting slower as most of these geriatics have made little effort to move away from the Nosh and Booze area in the past weeks,we were surprised to see such a large group this week leave the comfortable surrounding and warm fire. What a brave but patethic bunch of Hashers.!!

 Again we see the those ex runners Bent Banana ,Caustic, Sir Rabbit ,Prince Valiantrunner_prince, Jigsaw, Miscarriage join the ranks of the dedicated professional walkers. Are they now permanent walkers??

The dedicated professional walkers Hard On, Seedy , Caygee, Glen M, Slug , Weekly, , Cumspoke ,Show Pony, Ferrett & Swindler all moved out a brisk pace. Most quickly faultered at the second hill and slowly limped back to the warm fire and smell of burning meat.    

The Nosh

“Voted the Best Bush Spit Roast Nosh of the Year so Far”

As promised by the GM Kitchen Bitch the gourmet in now back into hash.

What another great feast by the last years ex-Hierarchy Hash On Sec – Blue Card after some of the recent Nosh debacles during his year of power.


THE Best Bush Spit Roast Nosh so far this year.

Well done BLUE CARD for doing all the work with no outsourcing. ..a very professioanl effort that helped to make this a memorable night of high quality HASH nosh.


  • Homemade French Pumpkin Soup with a dollop of Cream and fresh parsley
  • Prime Angus Rump Beef slowly cooked for 4 hours over glowing coals served with baked vegetables, mushroom gravy and sour dough breads
  • Hot Apple Crumble Pie served with hot custard

Resident food CriTic CUMSMOKE, Who as we all know is A very inexperienced expert on Spit Roasting:

“all food cooked to perfection.chicKen was perfect”…yes , CUMSMOKE is real authority on Spit Roasting of Prime beef.



Again the GM appeared resplendent in full GM attire with Hash Chains, Katmandu Hat and the Moses Staff.

DD to:

  • Returning Runners & Visitors Miscarriage, Big Daddy Miscarriage, Caygee , GM Glen
  • Warriors Bikie Cycle Group for wearing those magic blue vest complete with club badges; Seedy, Caygee, Jigsaw , Glen GM
  • GM kindly took a DD for unbecoming behavior


Welcome Induction of a new member Dustin “Floppy Dick” Williams who is a friend of Nasty (looks like Nasty has more friends that we thought)

Thanks to our Lifeline Lurch our new HHHHaberdashery, Floppy Dick now has a full wardrobe of hash shirts, has completed 400 runs and attended Interhash in Borobudur ..well done Lifeline Lurch for your expertise in outfitting Floppy Dick so quickly.

Welcome Floppy Dick to Gold Coast Gourmet Hash and join in the fun as often as you can.




Given by Jigsaw to Fanny Charmer for forgetting his Hash family and mixing with the big knobs at the recent Mudgeeraba Show. Can you believe Fanny Charmer was selected as the judge of Miss Mudgeeraba? He obviously has hidden talents and we suspect that he is aptly named!!


The Icing



It seems that Miscarriage deserved those words from Caustic and the icing due to his failure to attend the AGPU and disappear overseas before the Hash event of the year. As always for last year’s Hash debacle “blame stops at the top”

Yes…as the GM continues to advise Icings now only for the MOST serious of offences and what can be more serious than the failure of a Hierarchy Member not attending the AGPU.

I can say that close up this photo above is nothing like the sight that fellow hashers where subjected to when we were forced to watch this horrific rear end event after Miscarriage got off the ice.

Report by GM


Our new GM wants to be known as a “Man of the GCGHash”.

He promises to be kind, attentive and all inclusive. His mission will be “to offer support for all Hares to create great runs and great walks followed by Gourmet food that he will personally supervise”

……………………….is this man a realist or is he just trying to get out of exercise on the pretense of helping others!!!

GM advised next week run will by Miscarriage ..Luckily Miscarriage was present tonight to find out this news!!

End oF CIRCLE …….by Show Pony @ 9.02 pm



 view pictures on mobile

Run 1910

Run 1910
Location: Benowa
Hare:Jig Saw
Runners: 33

Gold Coast Gourmet Hash

Or is this now the “Cape Canaveral Hash

[Run 1910 with Jigsaw]

  • Miscarriage now safe at last in Phnom Phen with surplus funds.
  • Head Job looking to purchase another wedding cake
  • Rug arrives safely into arms of MI5

Note: Please read and view carefully as next week a question will be asked in the circle about these words and clue to see who is the most observant GCGHHH.

Heavily promoted by Jigsaw as the Queens Birthday Weekend Run with promise of Honours,Titles and Recognition for those who may have missed their AO earlier in the day saw a large group of 32 athletes circle up around the poolside at 4.45pm desperate to claim a possible lost hertitage. As we know Jigsaw operates a web site that finds your true hertitage and word was out that there may be several unfound Sirs ,a couple of Knights and even a few Dickheads in the GCGHHH.

Then can you believe Jigsaw asked if we all had Iphones to help us on this run /walk. Does Jigsaw not realise that this group of aging pensioners are flat out opening their front door or lifting a toilet seat let alone operate modern technology.

The word “co-ordinates” came out with the much unintelligible waffle and then he produced long bits of toilet paper with some letters and numbers in a martian scrip. Botcho was heared to echo the sentiments of most present …“is a running club or an orientering club”.

The pre-run briefing continued to develop into a strange dialogue of promised icings, passionfruits,hidden bags,hidden treasure all given in the most indeciferable instructions from this computer nurd. It was heard that all must stay out for 40 mintues plus or icing was promised especially to walkers as recent dispatches noted that many walkers have been staying behind to get stuck into the booze and the entre food. This certainly put the fear of Allah up them all as the only person who stayed behind was our GM-KB knowing he was safe from any planned icing attack.

Our GM sent the group on their way at 5.05pm with those immortal words “ good luck finding the cherry ..or was it find the passion point fruit??” one knew and as usual no one really cared.

After last weeks Best Run of the Year followed by the Best Nosh of the Year this was looking a hard act to follow by Hare Jigsaw.

The Run

“Voted the Most Innovative Run of the Year so Far”  Doesn’t Jigsaw realize GCGHHH do not embrace change!!!

What a debacle again!!! Walkers Jogging , Runners Walking, no one with any idea where to go ..yes..he had suceeded in a creating a total fuKKK-up

Two Dogs reported the run as quite easy as he was able to log the coordinates into his Micky Mouse Wrist watch that he recenly purchased on his Hong Kong shopping extravanaganza..pays to go shopping internationally!!008

NOTE: this photo bears no resemblance to the equipment we were supposed to use

Rectum it seems found the bag of goodies and shared them with his fellow runners. But once again he reported that the run was not far enought for him so he decided to run for an extra hour there something wrong with this hasher ..? or maybe in future we will let him go round twice.

As always Botcho, Two Dogs ,Flasher ,Fanny Charmer ,Blackie, Truck Tyres and Ballpoint seemed to be able to keep themselves occupied for the mandatory 60 min and as they all arrived back after the time allocated by Jigsaw. ( safe from Icing!!!).It is suspected (in fact certain) that they did not do the full run. Ferrett arrived with a bag of something while Flasher ran in sweating profusely alleging he was just beaten to the passionfruit by Rectum. Caustic maintained his usual position as sweep with the collection of the remainingpassionfruit ably assisted by Iceman and Circumference.

We were once again for the second time in 12 months honoured as by the presence of Cumsmoke (mainly we guessed for the food as he obviously knew of Jigsaw reputation as chef extrodinarie!!.)

When ashed to comment on the run Cumsmoke told all and sundry that it was “a Bum of a House Run”


Yes…change does not come easy for GCGH and this photo says it all.

The Walk

Well Well !!!.. the fear of Icing certainly got them moving. Even Sir AH who last week only wandered the 20 metres over to the Anzac statute moved away from the safety of the Hash House with his usual gang of happy athletic walkers.

Hard On , Blue Card , Slug ,Weekly ,Crocodile all huddled together to save walking while looking at the Iphone that Shat ownslike it was some amazing new appartus. It really was a waste of time as none of them had their glasses so not one of them would have been able to read it in any event…But saved them walking as well!!!!

Suprisingly Bent Banana ,Sir Rabbit, Rockhard and Sir Slab decided to go with the walkers all alleging some injury of sorts..not that anyone really cared!!


This photo has no relevance to the walk but look at it carefully

Of particualr note some of this walking group of geriatics again made little effort to move away from the outside of House Nosh and Booze area by keeping a low profile near the front gate to fill in the extra time to save that promised icing..Notable were Kwakka, Blue Card & his mate Shat .. What a patethic bunch of Hashers.!!

The Nosh

Jigsaw had a hard act to follow after last weeks “Voted the Best Nosh of the Year so Far”……….But a great roll up of 32 runners this week to try the best again.

Again under guidance of the GM Kitchen Bitch that he intends to put the “Hash Back into Gourmet” he stayed behind to help Jigsaw .What an amazing example of true hash spirit as the GM forfeited his chance of exercise for health and fitness to help Jigsaw who guaranteed NO OUTSOURCING.

A big statement after some of the recent Nosh debacles in past year and another great start by Hard on but Jigsaw was out to improve on last week.

Nasty ,Cumsmoke & Sir PrinceValient arrived in time for the food ..word was out Jigsaw was on the job!!..


Well done JIGSAW FOR your effort to make this another memorable night of high quality nosh with no outsourcing and more particularly no poRtion control.

     Disclaimer: This photo bears no resemeblence to the food served.

The Menu:

  • Homemade Dip of Cucumber ,cheese and “grassy stuff” in hollowed out fresh baked whole meal cobs ( again mostly eaten by the starving walkers who seem to get an incredible appetite as they pace the bitumen)
  • Delicious Meat Curry with lashings of Baked Pumpkin, Sweet Potato ,Rice and Cuscus
  • Iced Cake with Ice Cream for those needing icing!!!
  • Resident food CriTic WEEKLY: “all food cooked to perfection.VERY GOOD”.
  • new Member Tranny “sensational”
  • EX GM Now Loved “excellent food , delicious”

Well done Jigsaw …you really did not deserve what was about to happen to you!!!!



The GM again appeared resplendent in full GM attire with Hash Chains, Katmandu Hat and the Moses Staff.

DD to:

  • Canberra Full Moon Hash Visitor -“Dicky Knee”. Still here on gravy train as we pay for him. Advised he is spending a month on the GC looking for MH 370 that may be somewhere up in this area!! Can you believe that is his job in Canberra…Unbelievable!!
  • Returning Runners: Nasty & Cumsmoke
  • Truck Tyres. Fraternizing with the opposite sex from the other HHH.
  • Gold Coast HHH Warriors. .the Premier Riding Troupe

Shat, Blue Card, Jigsaw, Hard On, Kwakka, Fanny Charmer, Nasty, Truck Tyres, Swindler.

All appeared in expensive tailor made blue vests with logo .very smart dressers this group of high level cyclists!

  • Jokes by Iceman and Ferrett…both unprintable!!
  • Observation by BB that GM needs a razor as since he become GM he has no spare time.

0011…..A Major EVENT


Welcome Induction of a new member who is a friend of Nasty (yes he does has one!!)

Paul “Tranny’ Davies.

Thanks to our new HHHHaberdashery Tranny now has a full wardrobe of hash shirts from size extra SM to XXL.

Welcome Tanny and join in the fun as often as you can



Given by Circumference to Jigsaw for working his little ring off all night producing a banquet of a meal and creating as said so eloquently by Sir Rabbit…

“The Most Innovative Run in the History of the GCGHHH!!!

There is no justice in the GCHHH

The Icing


Yes…as the GM advised Icings are now only for the MOST serious of offences it could only happen to one person …Yes afraid so …Jigsaw again.

Jigsaw….don’t you realize thatthese guys hate change…I guess from now on innovation will cease forever in the GCGHHH!

Report by GM


Lost for wordS this week.

hopefully next week he will have something to report


End 0F CIRCLE …….by Sir AH @ 7.48 pm

 chip munk

“well done Jigsaw for making a great Knight for all”


 view pictures on mobile

Run 1909

Run 1909
Location: Southport
Hare:Hard On, Shat, Swindler, Seedy
Runners: 45

The word was out ..the Best Run of the Year followed by the Best Nosh of the Year was promised!!

The biggest number to ever attend a recent GCGH event with 45 dedicated runners and fitness fanctics hovering around as the excited crowd waited for Hare Hard On to arrive. Was he was still busy cooking the Nosh with his team of Hard On helpers or was he lost setting the trail ?

Our GM decided at 6.15 that the show must go on even with the Hare Hard On so one of the 3 Amigos was called to give the trail details. As a experienced hasher Amigo Shat described in details the set trail without giving too much away. With few words and the use of a mangled finger Amigo Shat pointed “ That way and find an arrow”…..excellent directions by Amigo Shat and a very sound briefing!!

The Run

“Voted the Best Run of the year so Far”


NOTE: this photo bears no resemblance to the location where the run took place

True to form Hard on produced the goods on the run. Several very well laid on-backs throught parks and the back streets of Southport seemed to confuse all except the most experienced of hashers. Swollen Colon back from 11 weeks swanning around in Europe and still sharp as a tack described the run as “excellent ,well marked and very challanging” .

Rectum it seems got lost at the small bridge and was unable to find the trail back….Rectum was later seem running past the assembled hashers at the Nosh location still looking for the trail. Two Dogs reported the run as “shitty” but maybe he needs some tuition on trail marks.

What the hell are these markings?? Are they from Mars??


As always Botcho,Bent Banana ,Sir Rabbit ,Prince Valient, Flasher ,Fanny Charmer , Sir Slab , Blackie ,and Co seemed to find most of the trail but arrived back under time so it is suspected (in fact certain) that they did not do the full run.

Yes..These words say it all ….direct from Swollen Colon and well said by a very experienced hasher!!………….. “An excellent run that had many challenges, lots of markings and those that got lost obviously made no effort to find the trial.The Hard-on Hare and his 3 Amigos Seedy , Shat and Swindler did not deserve the DD’s.”

The Walk


This walking group is getting worse as most of these geriatics made little effort to move away from the Nosh and Booze area. What a patethic bunch of Hasher.!!

Sir AH wandered the 20 metres over to the Anzac statute ( did he think this was an Anzac day walk ??) while Kwakka still exhaused after 2 years as Hash Flash walked “all the way” of the 100 metres to the bridge and back with VD and Co.

Only Moonbeams and Show Pony as excused walkers showed some Hash spirit as they did their stretching exercises at the table.

The Nosh

“Voted the Best Nosh of the Year so Far”

As promised by the GM Kitchen Bitch that he intends to put the “Hash Back into Gourmet or was it something else? maybe the “gourmet back into hash.

A big statement after some of the recent Nosh debacles but what a great start by the Hierarchy Hash Flash – Hard On


Best Nosh of the Year so far. Well done Hard-on, Mrs Hard-0n and all the little Hard-ons that helped to make this a memorable night of high quality nosh.


  • Homemade meat balls with Italian tomato gravy served on hot bread rolls
  • Chicken Schnitzel with fresh beans and steamed vegetables
  • Hot Apple pie slices with custard

Resident food CriTic CIRCUMFERENCE:

“all food ccooked to perfection.chichen was perfect”.


The GM appeared resplendent in full GM attire with Hash Chains, Katmandu Hat and the Moses Staff. It seems he is trying to wear several hats as only a few minutes earlier he was seen prancing around in the Chef’s hat. Guess in time he will realize he is the GM and it is impossible for him to follow in the experienced footsteps of Sir Black Stump who has the uncanny ability to be able to be Minister of Everything.

DD to:

  • Melbourne Visitors – Phantom 2, Pol Pot, 635, Happy, Spudder SteveCanberra Full Moon
  • Hash Visitor -“Dicky Knee”. He is staying at Surfers International and needs a left next week to Hash him on

           0412 731 110 if you can help

  • Returning Runners:

Swollen Colon -“who has been “living over there” .a bit suspicious as it was noticed that he had severe carpet burns.

Carefree -looking like Moses who had to come home after 11 weeks in Europe scanning around.

Seedy – not wearing hash shirt. He is meeting next week with Lifeline Lurch to rectify this problem.



Given by Caustic on behalf of Missing Link to Circumference for no reason whatsoever other just being there!!!

The Icing


Yes…as the GM advised Icings now only for the MOST serious of offences.

It seems that Weekly deserved those Caustic words and the icing due to the unfortunate incident with Moonbeams Red Vest at the AGPU. His attempt to pass the buck to his grandchild failed and only drew the comments that “blame stops at the top

I can say that close up this photo above is nothing like the sight that fellow hashers where subjected to when we were forced to watch this horrific rear end event as Weekly was put on ice.

 Report by GM


is This the wedding WALTZE by Our New GM???

Membership Drive – FIND a Potential New Member

Free night first time for any NEW potential member


  • Birthday beers to be encouraged
  • Payment of $2 into a sealed tin and held by booze master
  • Opened before our club birthday where there is free beers and a T shirt
  • Birthday Run is a Hierarchy Run on 4 May 2015
  • HHHasherdashery
  • “Hash Gear” to be collected to go into a pool
  • “Lifeline Lurch” to be responsible for this gear
  • When we get a new member we present him with a few hash shirts.
  • Off to a flying start with T shirts from Sir Rabbit last night a
  • We have left over 2014 AGPU and 2009 Oktoberfest shirts from Now Loved.
  • We also have about 40 blank shirts Swollen found
  • Run fee is increased to $140 minimum
  • Plus an up lift of $5.00 per head over 28 runners
  • Plus “trailer cooking bonus” of $1/ head
  • Membership development drive incentive
  • No run fee for first time invitees
  • Hash Visitor $10 only for the first 3 times then reverts to $15
  • Trailer Master appointed
  • Appointed “Lifeline Lurch” to be overall responsible
  • Trailer to stay with Missing Link
  • Trailer repairs and replacements to be taken from consolidated revenue.
  • Current Tables need attention & needs additional lights.
  • Hashman of the Year “Green Jacket” award to be advised now and given at AGPU
  • Hierarchy
  • Are exempt from POW
  • Are not exempt from DD’s except for GM who is exempt – adjudicated by Sir Rabbit
  • Steering Committee formed for the 2000th run
  • In March 2016
  • All the Sirs plus Two Dogs who will be a Sir by then and Botcho.
  • Booze Masters
  • Cost of Ice to be reviewed by Booze masters.
  • DD to be 50% Ginger beer
  • Reduce the different beers , 1x Light , 1x Heavy , 1x soft drink ,1x Cider , 1x red wine
  • All beers now $3 , wine $10 bottle

End OF CIRCLE …….by Moonbeams @ 9.10 pm

chip munk

On On


Run 1908

Run 1908
Location: Bundall
Runners: 47

Mobile Mobile Picture link

This scribe is now “yesterday’s man”. In a strange twist of fate although the baton has passed I still find myself penning the last few words. I have been struck down with an acute case of “writer’s block”. This may be due to suspected bad wine supplied by the hierarchy at the AGPU. It seems while I only had one or two glasses I was feeling very poorly the next day.

I will be brief.

For the record let me welcome in the new hierarchy:

Grand Master: Kitchen Bitch

Religious Adviser: Caustic Crusader

Hash Cash: Sir Slab

On Sec: Swindler

Trail Master: VD

Booze Masters: Rock Hard & Slug

Hash Flash: Hard On

The new RA has done nothing to ingratiate himself with the old hierarchy. Only five minutes after being anointed what does this new religious zealot do but ice all the outgoing hierarchy! The man has no respect.

One day a Rooster the next day a Feather Duster!

Finally best wishes to the new man with the keyboard – Swindler. No doubt with his well-known management capacity he will quickly surround himself with assistant scribes to do the work.


On On

Blue Card


camaera image_1

yearbook click here

Run 1907

Run 1907
Location: Varsity Lakes
Hare:Moonbeams & Kwakka
Runners: 39

Mobile Mobile Picture link

Run Report from The Hash – “Stig” .stig11

Moonbeams explained to the large group at the bottom of Lake St., Varsity Lakes, that he and Kwakka had set a great run and that it would be the last he would be setting for the GC Gourmet hash. That’s the first time I have heard that from a current member… is he going somewhere? Anyway he had put his crutches and Kwakka’s bicycle to effective use as it turned out to be just that – a great run.

It was runners and walkers off towards the Bond Uni and after two checks there it was out across the road and into some light scrub, where Flasher got lost again searching for another “root”, and then back into suburbia.

Ferret was sighted running around with chalk and whatever he did worked, as all the FRBs were caught on several false trails/checks which kept all together.

After 15 mins the pack opened up as it headed north west led by Circumference. Nothing eventual occurred, as the trail was well marked and it proved a good workout, with Truckie up there leading between several good checks.

After 30 mins the others eventually caught Jigsaw who was challenging another serial pest Rainbow (another Launceston Hash reject to join Ball Point), who were obviously attempting a gigantic short cut.

Eventually the trail led to Lake Orr , where it was marked: Home 2 Km., with four kisses.   The pace quickened until it met the bridge, where a Rectum “Lookalike” was crossing towards Christine Ave followed by our beloved RA Miscarriage. Bent Banana saw an opportunity and put on a burst knowing that the pair were off in the wrong direction. Alas Botcho and Dogs wore him down and although Miscarrriage was never sighted again, Rectum, the real Rectum, was already back and rested. A very fast 45 mins and one run to remember.



The joys of a pub run. A great variety of food and nobody gets to insult the chef!

A good crowd and perhaps nothing to do with the fact that the AGPU is on next week.

A runner called Rainbow a totally new face for the On Sec turned up no doubt not wanting to be accused of only attending one run a year – the AGPU. When asked to rate the run he scored it a 9 commenting it was the best run he had done this year with somebody else piping up and the worst.

Speaking of rare faces Ferrett the Trial Master not only turned up but acted as sweep. KB and Hard On took a drink for wearing brown leather boots instead of joggers on the run. KB explained how he carefully put his joggers out at the front door so there was no chance he could forget them when he left the house . Guess what they were still there on Monday night. KB was particularly resplendent in his John Howard Green tracksuit.

Rug our resident spy is off for a few weeks on a secret mission for MI6 so keep your eyes out for an inconspicuous face looking like Rugs brother in mufti at the back of a Muslim riot anywhere in the world. Stay tuned for breaking news on flight MH 370.

Flasher clearly wanting to invoke the divine retribution of the RA referred to the RA as the Acting RA. He wasn’t disappointed.

The RA was awarded an expensive Hash jacket designed and crafted in China, to commemorate 450 runs. Well done RA and we look forward to the next 450 . As you are unable to attend the AGPU due to pressing commitments overseas I’m sure we all wish you the best as a back bench Hasher next year.

Returners this week Phantom and Rainbow.

There is a short list of nominations for the positions on the hierarchy for next year and while not closed off the following names have been mentioned:


GM – Pizza- subject to joining AA

Booze Master – Caustic subject to modifying or exchanging his vehicle

RA: Weekly subject to him attending more than four weeks in 10 years

Hash Cash – Truck Tyres subject to him remembering to turn up at the right place and time

Hash Flash – Flasher subject to doing a photography course

Trail Master – Cumsmoke subject to putting in an appearance at Hash occasionally

On Sec – Ballpoint subject to staying out of a Mongolian prison

Nothing is certain and nominations are still open for all those gagging for a position so don’t be backward.

The POW was awarded by our Myanmar visitor Lion who after casting his mind back to the bike ride in Myanmar last year awarded the POW to Missing Link full living up to his name and going missing from the MV Seagull a fine ship plying the Irrawaddy River.

Next week’s run will be the AGPU and a 5 PM start from the cricket nets on Ashmore Road behind the BP service station on the corner of Showcase Drive and Ashmore Road.

The price will be a very reasonable $25 highly subsidised by the hierarchy to the value of some hundred dollars per person. To silence the critics while not everybody will get a T-shirt there will be a lucky draw for a T-shirt from the 2005 AGPU.

This is surely a collector’s item and will hold more gravitas than each person getting yet another T-shirt. Dinner will be at Signor Rossi’s in Showcase Drive opposite the Benowa Tavern. Dress has been designated as formal by the GM and this apparently means jeans and whatever else takes your fancy. The best dressed will receive a fine bottle of Gossips.


On On

Blue Cardpaper boy_2




A Rethink on the Retirement Age

words joke