Category Archives: Hash Run Reports

Run 1925

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Run: 1925


Location:Burleigh Waters

Hare: Caustic, Kitchen Bitch & helpers


Link to pictures Mobile
Making a Hash of Scotland
Chatting to most Gourmet hashers last Monday evening, I got the distinct impression that ‘relief’ was the order of the day as the sky had not fallen in despite the Scots voting to remain firmly attached to the welfare teat of Mother England. The thousand year old umbilical chord is said to be in pristine condition too….Scotland the Brave indeed!!!!!!
Rock Hard, an astute Planet Earth observer and a current affairs ‘freak’ was by far the most animated:

-“It fuc*!<n shits me to tears this bullshit about how teeny weeny Scotland punches way above its weight. What the f#*k have the Scots ever done for the fuc*!<g planet? Fuck all that’s what…… apart from Scotch whisky that is.

-“You mean” I said sheepishly, “apart from:



the Propeller;

Postage stamp glue;


Pencil sharpeners;

P-trap toilets; and

Piano foot-pedals”

-“My point exactly” he continued, these bastards couldn’t organise a root in a bloody brothel. Fuc#!<n useless they are.”

-“But didn’t they also invent:



Colour photography;

Chicken Tikka Masala;

Cloning (Dolly the sheep);

(Billy) Connolly;

Christmas trees;

(Root) Canal therapy; and also


-“Maybe they did” he replied, “but that’s nothing to write home about. Fuc# me!!”

-“I think you’ll find that they also had a hand in:

Telegraphic transfers;



Tea bags;

(Rubber) Tyres;


Trains; and

Tea towels”

It’s a moot point but Rock Hard makes it well: no one remembers how great Scotland was and how the world has benefitted from its genius. No one remembers because if contemporary Scotland isn’t quite the arsehole of the world, it is most certainly its armpit. The spirit of William Wallace (remember Aussie Mel on his big black horse inspiring his troops to a famous victory over the Pommies with the words: “the enemy may take your life……..but they will NEVER TAKE OUR FREEDOM!!!!”), that spirit is long dead. And in its place there is a nation so pathetic………….. so feeble……….. so bloody useless that it can only but wallow in a swamp of welfare dependency. All paid for by the Poms.

Our very own CAUSTIC CRUSADER was born and bred in that swamp. At 15 years of age he weighed in at a very healthy 120kg, made up of deep fried cheddar sandwiches and his penchant for deep fried Mars bars. He would scoff a couple for brekky (without toast), two more for lunch and another one for dinner, after his deep fried cheese sandwiches. He’d left school by then and turned to a life of petty crime. His old man had a word:

-“Wat d’fook d’ewe tink yor doon Jimmeh?” Straighen yor fook’n self ooot or yor orf too fook’n Australia”.

-” d’the ‘ave Mars bars n’ Australia?” was all CC could respond.

It’s fair to conclude that the intervening years have been kind to Caustic. Not only has he evolved to become one of Australia’s most eminent and (in)famous scientist, but he is also a pillar of the GCH3.

The run on Monday was a tribute to his progress as a human being but, more generally, to the greatness of the human spirit. It reflected his trip in life from the struggle of the Glaswegian beginning (climbing the bushland of the West Burleigh headland) to the enlightment period of the new world -Australia- (the placid, peaceful banks of Tallebudgerra Creek and its sandy beaches). Proving his Hash credentials once more, CC treated the pack to sought after ‘virgin territory’ i.e. a patch of bushland not yet decimated by wide-eyed developers or previously hashed. It was 9kms of pure Hashing bliss.

During the ensuing crit’, resident run assessor Two Dogs, could barely contain hisself:

-“Fuc#! that was good” he said excitedly, “just like having a good Chinese”.

Miscarriage thought the run was “a bloody brilliant Hash experience” but for the fact that he found the terrain “too flat”.

-“I like me runs like I like me custard” he explained, “with bloody big lumps in it”.

Shat was asked to comment on the walk and he too was very complimentory (Q: does this bloke ever have a bad word to say about anybody or anything?)

-“A lot of the walkers thought the walk was a bit too hard and a bit too lenghty GM, but I thought it was just perfect”.

But as good as the run was, it was his effort in the culinary stakes which truly set CC’s run apart from the usual debacle. Buggered runners were greeted with delightful finger-foody, tit-bitty, Quichy thinggies oozing with taste and flavour. Entree comprised of bbq seared fresh tuna wrapped in crisp lettuce leaves and seasoned with a lovely San Choi Ban type dressing. For Mains, the troops were treated to a Steak sanger, unlikely to make the Michelin star rating system, but a steak sanger to die for. Aged beef fillet par excellence.

It is indeed a measure of the Gourmet quality of the feed that by the time dessert was served, resident guts Lurch could not indulge hisself. “Sorry mate but I’m just too bloody full”. He missed out on a crispy waffle topped with marinated strawberries and a dollop of double cream ice cream and sauce.

Sounding out a crit’ on the nosh, GM Kitchen Bitch was overwhelmed by a massive: “Nosh of the year” refrain. Circumference presented the only dissenting voice when he said: “Bloody great tucker CC but the caramel sauce on the ice cream was, in my humble opinion, slight overkill.”

Circle time and the Grand Master got to work immediately. Weekly was iced for not paying attention to Lord GM and, despite his valid reason that he’d left his hearing aid in the car, his pleading fell on deaf ears. While he was cooling his bollocks, GM introduced Weekly’s nephew, a Hash virgin, and asked to rate his uncle. He appeared a decent enough lad but he is a dead set fucking liar.

In another example of the quality of the night’s fare, Rug was given a Down for an uncharacteristic display of poor manners. Upon being called to the feeding trough, and instead of lining up in a prim and proper Pommie way like the rest of the troops, he burst his way into the queue eager for his plate to be filled. He showed absolutely no remorse.

RA Caustic got in on the act, and much to everybody’s astonishment he said: “Today’s Hash was a stand-up Hash, so all you lazy bastards who sat to eat come in here for a Down.” As the Circle distintegrated, 30 blokes stepped into its imaginary centre and copped their penance.

Shat was called in to replace Weekly on the ice for the petty crime of calling the RA a ‘c###’. And quick as a flash the GM interrupted: “Remember fellas that this is a new-age Hash and we do not condone personal abuse. Those of you who feel slighted please understand that the Hierarchy feels your pain and wish to apologise most profusely. Having said that, it is entirely OK for the Grand Master to call you c#nts a bunch of fu#kin# c#nts.

Weekly, revelling in his ‘Useless’ sweater, was asked to handed on. “I feel most comfortable in this” he said “and I’m most reluctant to pass it on. “However I reckon Hard On deserves it…..”

Sir Prince Valiant entered the Circle to handover the POW. He looked particularly handsome with the condom on his noggin.

-“I have 3 candidates for this much sought after award, but really it can only go to one bloke: Cumsmoke, for ripping off my neighbour and pulverising her rose garden, you’re the POW.”

There was a last call for Bent Banana to be iced for RA abuse. Caustic revealed that he had wanted to ice BB earlier but with the shortage of ice and the fact that BB has a habit of leaving behind all sorts of bits and pieces from his arse, he decided that decorum should prevail and iced him last.

Before closing the Circle, a sheepish Rock Hard asked to say a few final words:

-“It is clear that not all Scots are useless; it is also clear that in Caustic Crusader the spirit of William Wallace lives on and on and on and on….

And on those heartfelt words, Josephine closed the Circle.



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Play Button Play Button

Run 1924

Run: 1924


Location:Burleigh Waters

Hare: VD & Slug


Link to pictures Mobile

Due to the Stand-in stand-in Scribe Aussie  getting pissed and spilling red wine on his laptop and duly farking it we requested contributions from the Hash as follows;compuer _red wine





Why did I volunteer to be the stand In On Sec.

laughMy memory is bad at the best of times!! Even worse after a few reds. The story about me spilling wine on my computer was my best yet.

I won’t be asked again!!



Showpony’s recollectionpony_image


Sorry RA I can’t remember that far back only that Flasher left his hash mug behind. Devastated!! Did anyone find it ? Apparently there is a Handsome reward

And a Down Down for stupidity



Sir Rabbitts recollection’srabbit_01

A stand out would be SOW Son Of Weekly impersonating Pavarotti and doing a great job. Flashers dress up as a Rabbi was a show stealer. Weekly was dumfounded why he got a down down for his sick joke. Excellent job of the food and presentation. Well orchestrated and entertaining circle. I just love the chook on top of the staff, gives the performance a bit of class and looks great in the photos. The run would have been a lot better had the hare or a representative guide us through the partially washed out trail. All in all, another great hash night with a good balance of events unfolding in a perfect order. Looking from SOW’s first impression, I reckon he must of thought we are a well organised and somewhat orderly gathering for a bunch of mostly old c–ts. Give yourselves a pat on the back. I’m not in favour of punishment for someone stepping up with good intentions fucking up their laptop with red wine, but a severe reprimand should be in order for anyone consuming piss in the vicinity of a keyboard or any electronic equipment should be advised. After all: electronic stuff is allergic to all forms of liquids. It’s now time to select the beverages for tonight’s activities.

On On

Sounds like a Down Down for the Stand-in Stand-in Scribe !!

Two Dogs Foggy ThortsPlus_Two_Dogs_1

I feel a very cheap red wine inserted​ via the other end would suffice as punishment RA,

As far as I can remember :

  • It pissed down just prior to the run
  • Half the run was washed out, splitting the pack
  • Some how, as per usual, the pack re-emerged from various directions to find the last few kilometres of well marked fresh trail
  • About 4.76kms and 32 minutes for the lead run pack
  • It was rumoured some had retired to the nearby Footy Club fro refreshments
  • Food by VD of cheese whatsits starters, schnitzel main and what ever it was dessert was excellent
  • Somewhere during proceedings we had opera singing, or was that the piss taking effect
  • Great effort by Slug & VD in some times difficult circumstances

 Sounds like a Down Down for the Stand-in Stand-in Scribe !!

Bent Banana’s Bletheringsbanana_shoes


(Go And Get A Dick In Your Ear)

Flasher that little Jew said that!

Just thought I would let you know.

Maybe I will get a credit towards my next DD

On On BB

Sounds like a Down Down for Flasher for RA abuse

To which in normal childish Hash fashion Flasher replied

BB..You miserably wanker…and knowing that Caustic will be at a low ebb seeing Scotland is staying British!

I think you should be on ice again so you can leave your little brown mark…

On On, Flasherdog and flasher

  • Sounds like another Down Down for Flasher for RA abuse

BB;s reply to Rabbi Flasherwitz

I think Caustic would believe a retired banker, before a moslem islamist who recently converted to Judaism.



  • Sounds like another Down Down for Flasher for RA abuse

The RA’s Punishment list

 Down Downs –Weekly, SOW, others

Useless Shirt-SOW

POW-Prince Valiant

 Outstanding Event-SOW singing a Pavarotti aria or 2

 Nosh: Starter:Toasties  Main Chicken:Schnitzel  Desert:Some good sh-t with custard and ice-cream

 End of Circle 9.13pm (approx)                                                                                                                  On On bottle_top2RA/Caustic






peopleHardons Contribution


Botcho has photos and these may help in the recollection Mine are gone Regards HardOn


My deduction (before I forget) is Alzeihmers is alive and well in Hash

Ballpoints Contribution

editor_1Dearest RA,

On the subject of the ‘Words’, Fanny Charmer mentioned ‘en passant’ two weeks ago that I would be doing them last week. “You remember” he said to me, “Swindler asked me to do them last week and you agreed to do them this week”.
-“Did I?” I said to him most surprised. “I can remember no such thing”. But he was most adamant………and most animated that I’d forgotten.
Later that evening he returned: “sorry BallPoint, it was Latrine that Swindler asked, not you ole mate. You two look so much alike you could be bloody twins and I got all confused, silly me”, and he toodled off with egg all over hisself……

Is he for fucking real?
Still, if Arnie and DeVito are twins then maybe……..

That being said, I think you’re barking up the wrong tree RA, in seeking to punish the ‘stand-in stand-in’. For what do you make of the clown who made the fateful decision to give an even bigger clown (Mademoiselle Latrine) the prestigious task of writing the run report? Is it any bloody surprise we have a cock-up on our hands??? That’s where your arrow should be pointing RA, towards On Sec Swindler. Particularly when one considers that he has a perfectly able and most willing Acting On-Sec, champing at the bit to put ballpoint to paper.

I can’t recall seeing the Swindler on the ice so methinks it may be an opportune time to introduce him to it.

In concluding, you and the the rest of the Gourmet hashers will be most relieved to know that Hash normality has finally been restored: the On Sec was in touch with me mid week and requested that I do next week’s ‘words’, something which I will delight in doing.

Your run I believe RA?

(Gotta handed to the big bloke Swindler, he learns fast from his fuck-ups……)


Run 1923

Run: 1923



Hare: Rug


Link to pictures Mobile

Tonight’s run commenced from Grassy Park in Hansford Road, Coombabah, a well known run location and one used by tonight’s hare, Rug, on at least one occasion that your humble scribe can recall. For those of you who don’t want to read the entire run report, suffice to say that Rug’s last run was a total debacle, with fellow hashers having to rescue the nosh on that occasion, markings dissolving in the rain and consequently, a large number of hashers having no bloody idea where they were. What a contrast tonight was and Rug has obviously learnt from prior mistakes!! The run was great and the nosh was par excellence. For those of you with a bit more attention span, please move on to the next paragraph.

hare_1As the scheduled run start time approached, being 6.15 pm, we all asked the obvious question “where’s the bloody hare???” who explained later that he had had a “senior’s moment” and thought that as the previous week he had set the same run for the Thursday Hash and it started at 6.30, we also started at 6.30. He’s only done 386 runs with this Hash, not that many really, so quite understandable that he would get confused about the time we start!!


dr seusThe run itself was WELL OVER eight kilometres in length, well marked with clear chalk markings on the bitumen legs and most of the bush markings consisting of little piles of shredded paper, probably all previously being marked ‘top secret’! It was hard work and your humble substitute scribe was not the only one who commented after the run that he busted his balls keeping up with other runners so as to not be left out in the bush on his own with all those critters that come out under cover of darkness. There were ‘roos, cane toads and goodness knows what else out there; a scary thought indeed if you’re in the dark on your own.

The walk also was commented upon as being long and Show Pony whinged that the sweeps were not doing their job (sweeps? What sweeps??) and it is too hard for our less able walkers to suss out all the checks and it would be nice if those front runners/walkers could rub out the false trail marker at each check so that the pack can stay together.

beer_can_2The first ones home from the walk and the run very quickly ensconced themselves in the chairs at the table closest to the fire in the brazier. A very relaxed and jovial gathering consisting of Carefree, Shat, Kwakka, Weekly, Moonbeams, Prince Valiant, Hard On, Phantom and Circumference. They looked like they’d been there all night!


The hare avoided an icing by the skin of his teeth for setting a run that almost went over the hour limit. Madamoiselle Latrine decided to ride off on his rickety bike immediately after the run, probably in disgust at the length of the run and Sir Rabbit tried to order two pizzas from your trusty stand-in scribe who must have looked like a waiter taking orders with his notebook in hand. Meanwhile, Ballpoint had to be yelled at to get his act together, stop crapping on about his glorious design for the Hash retirement village in Sihanoukville and pay his run fees!

At 7.40 your humble stand-in scribe mentioned to the GM that Iceman still had not finished the run and should we send out a search party, with the response being “fuck him”! Iceman eventually turned up at 7.55 pm, complaining that there were about 15 checks and it was hard work when you’re checking them on your own!!

RUG RECIPESThe nosh tonight consisted of entrée of Chicken and Corn soup, with the option for those of us with a bit of class of adding soy sauce and/or sesame oil, with the reaction from most being “why would you want to put that shit in it?”. The soup was popular with most of us having seconds but some (Weekly) having sevenses. Mains was chicken and pork adobo, a Philippino specialty and clearly outsourced to Mrs Rug. Dessert was a lovely cup of strawberry Romanoff, with a treat at the bottom of chocolate and hazelnut ganash. Yep, the gourmet truly is back in the Gourmet Hash…and our visitor Kritt (as in Kritter), from Singapore thought that this was just a “Monday men’s hash”…how wrong could he be!!


The Circle





Circle tonight was a SIT DOWN affair!

sit down

Your humble stand-in scribe was truly shocked, thinking this was some sort of ploy to get everybody iced as this was something unknown to him as a newbie Hasher.


Two dogs thought that we were all going to now be subjected to a “sermon by the fire” from the GM.

Iceman was asked for his critique of the run and described his “demi-loop” which turned it into a 12 km run for him. No wonder he did it on his own! Ballpoint rated it a “shit-house run” and Two Dogs, one of the few remaining “true runners” in this Hash said it was “too fucking long but it could have been worse”. Ferrett, who did the walk, said it took 7 ½ minutes over the hour and in his view the hare should sit on the ice for 7 ½ minutes as a consequence, further adding “we stuck with the hare and thank God we did otherwise we’d still be out there!”.

Circumference was asked for his view of the nosh and replied “excellent”. When asked to expand on this comment he replied “when you’ve hit excellent, you can’t say anymore”, leaving the GM lost for words! Weekly loved the starter so much he had 7 serves and Carefree thought it was a crab bisque!

Visitors – Krit – from Singapore – when introduced, the first quick comment was “wonder why they called him that…they mustn’t be able to say “L” in Singapore!”..get it??? A well deserved down-down!

op shop_1It was announced in circle that Sir Rabbit is an avid op-shopper, having now shopped for Prince Valiant and the GM, putting them both in the “sartorial elegance” class. Any orders for splinter lunch gear, etc, will be gladly filled by Sir Rabbit.



Our stand-in RA, Cumsmoke passed on a message from  Rectum, stating that loved coming to Hash on Monday, enjoyed the running, the food and mostly the comraderie and fraternity, something that he will miss.

Prick of the week, handed over by Blue Card to none other than Flasher…this after some strong contenders being brought out to the front – Sir Slab for daring to try and infiltrate the Warriors wearing Lycra, Moonbeams for riding an electric bike on the Warrior rides, and Fuller Shit for supplying him with this dodgy merchandise…and the reason for Flasher trumping them??? Of course, for NO GOOD REASON!!

Ballpoint got a down-down for being from Adelaide…something to do with AFL or some other crap like that! Who gets all this football stuff anyway?

Moonbeams got a down-down as a fine for his electrifying antics on the Warriors rides but as he is medically incapable of drinking, Show Pony gladly stood in as proxy down-downer for Moonbeams, complaining that having to walk out to take his down-down was a longer walk than the one he’d just completed.

Ferrett got a down-down for putting then Councillor Grant Pforr in his place at a run last year in this very location, indicating to him that “we are the Gold Coast running club and we have authority to run in any park on the Gold Coast on Mondays” and he was believed!! Hahahaha!!

jacket_2A highlight of circle was the proud presentation of a blue WARRIORS PREMIER CYCLING TROUPE vest to Moonbeams by Shat. Congratulations Moonbeams!!!! Wear it proudly…your fellow Warriors certainly do!






Weekly was complimented on his honesty in asking who had lost $20 that he had found and then proceeded to tell a crap joke about a similar topic!

Your friendly substitute scribe got a down-down for his uncanny likeness to the captain of the Sea-Shepherd.







That concluded our circle with the closure being called by Moonbeams.

On on,

fanny charmer2Fanny Charmer

Run 1922

Run: 1922


Location:Mermaid Waters

Hare: Birthday Boy Ferrett

Runners: 41

Link to pictures Mobile




This morning after a last meal of Aussie bacon and eggs prepared by Botcho we say farewell to one of our hash family. It is reported that Malaysian Airlines have claimed another casualty taking one of our GCHHH finest hashman to a far distant place.

This very sad event has now resulted in the average age of GCHHH members increasing by 10 years with average age now 70.229 years.



Thank you Rectum for your contribution to the GCH. You have been not only a great Hashman but you made an excellent contribution to the Hash. Also I personally extend my thanks to you for the very professional work you did when you rebuilt our home. You did a perfect job and we could have asked for no more.

Rockhard, Kwakka and Shat as well as many other Hashman also extend this personal thanks to for the professional way in which you worked and always did excellent first class work in every job you undertook.

We will miss you and your support. We all wish you well, please stay in touch and hope one day you will return to your Gold Coast Hash family.

Au Revoir & Bon Voyage Rectum


Evolution History of Hash Disorganization


It is now confirmed by a very reliable source that this was shop set up by none other than another Hash Rabbit. The Hash House Harriers was formed at the Selangor Club Chambers in Malaya in 1937/38 by E.J Galvin, Malay Mail, H.M Doig, A.S Gispert and Cecil H. Lee. Rumor has it that Gispert was the real ideas man who created the Hash and he was also a Walker as is our own Sir Rabbit.

Run 1922 with Birthday Boy Ferrett

Successfully promoted by Birthday Boy Ferrett as the Run and Nosh of the Year. This resulted in a huge attendance of 41 hashers for what was to be a totally unpredictable evening.


Will Ferrett be able to break through this week and take the lead?

Will the run compete with Miscarriage as the Best Trailer /Bush Bush Run of the Year.

A group of 41 dedicated athletes circled under the stars with the glowing lights illuminating the forest trees. Thanks Ferrett for creating a great venue which was all very well prepared to make another great Hash night..fairy lights, flood lights ,LED lights ,tables and white chairs especially for the heirachy..well done Ferrett.

The pre-run briefing from Ferrett was very detailed with promises of forests, shiggy , water , dirt tracks, wild animals etc ..( can you believe all this is located in Pizzey Park area??).

As always Ferrett has not let truth get in the way of a good Hash run.Finally with arms waving in all directions he advised runners to take off. Once again we heard those mumbled Hare words …“walk to the top of the drive and find the trail marked with arrows,chalk,flour,paper”

The GM called the rabble to order and sent the group on their way at 6.18 pm with his signature words “ good luck finding the trail’ . Once again in full chef attire with his tall Michelen chef hat he stayed behind near the warm BBQ fire. Once again in the event of a major disaster Cumsmoke ( yes..3 weeks in a row!!) decided to stay behind to keep GM company and keep up an ongoing supply of red wine.

Yes, our GM is a very thoughtful person and dedicated to the Hash to ensure we are truly the GCGourmet Hash. He forgoes his exercise each week to ensure the meal is perfect.

After last few weeks of the so called Best Run of the Year followed by the so called Best Nosh of the Year this was looking a hard act to follow by Ferrett.

The Run Warm Up


Yes…this week we see 2 Dogs, Rectum Botcho and even Bent Banana doing stretching exercises…who do they think they are kidding!!! They must think that we don’t notice this elaborate ruse to make us believe they actually run fast.

The Run


Ferrett spent considerable effort in setting this well-marked Ferret Birthday Run (74 years young). We guess he has the experience so it was expected to be a good hash run especially after all the talk he gave about the flour, paper etc. etc in the forest.

The runners and walkers moved into the dark abyiss up the gravel roadway with torches blazing to find the promised forest.

Flasher , Caustic , Rectum , Miscarriage, Bent Banana and Botcho were leading the runners up the pathway into the dark abyiss of the nearby forest adjacent to the main road. Miscarriage’s bush run was all looking in trouble as the runners headed into the tall pine forest.

Fanny Charmer , Latrine , Truck Tyres, Rug , Josephine and Circumference were in full flight on the run. Rectum was waiting at the checks to make sure each person went the right way ..well done Rectum for your assistance.

On On was then called several times on the run as the group all moved across the pine forest and then via the park roadways.

The first runners back via the correct rail though the bush at the rear of the house were Flasher and 2 Dogs in 41 minutes..Run distance 7.41 km. Well done hashers.

Flasher somehow managed to get back first again but it seems he was once again was forced to follow the main road and returned via the main road but was on trail all the way ?? work that out!!! ..well done Flasher.

Ballpoint ,Caustic and Missing Link came innext at 43 min followed by Sir Black Stump ,Truck Tyres and Josephine. Somehere Sir Prince Valient appeared from nowhere at the end of the run.

Run Critic 2 Dogs “Run went well for the the first 400 meteres into the pine forest ..then we lost trail in bush” 2 Dogsalso commented “Amazing how Ferrett found new territory after all the runs from here” ..

Sweep Bent Banana noted that most runners this week did do the full run and it was by all accounts an excellent run.

Great effort Ferrett for an excellent well planned run.

The Walkers


OH My God!!! This group grows bigger each week and moves slower.

As always a big group of walkers lined up at the starting gate. The walking group is getting slower and most of these geriatics in the past weeks have made little effort to move away from the Nosh and Booze area but this week all decided to walk albeit at a slow amble with no attempt to burn up any calories.

Very quickly the walkers moved forward passing Moonbeams and Show Pony using some supporting equiptment as they struggled down the roadway.Great effort by Moonbeams and Show Pony who recently have returned from major operations and a great inspiration to our hashers.

Again we see those ex runners, Sir Rabbit , Sir Slab , Rockhard, Pile Driver this week joined by Van Diemen and Now Loved who enjoyed a slow amble ,tothe ranks of the dedicated professional walkers. They now classified as permanent walkers.

The dedicated professional permanent walkers Carefree,Crocadile ,Hard On ,Slug ,Jigsaw, Weekly, Wrong Way, Kwakka ,Full of Shit , Sir AH & Swindler all moved out a snails pace which they kept up the for the 2 km walk.

What great comraderie these brave bunch of Hash Walkers continue to experience.

The Nosh

For Hare Ferrett it was always going to be a hard act to follow after the recent week’s effort with every one saying that at this stage they have been voted “The Best Trailer Bush Nosh of the Year?”

As promised by the GM Kitchen Bitch the hash in now truly back into gourmet.

Resident food CriTic RECTUM Who had helpEd cooked the meal gave a totally Unbiased report…” steak cooked to perfection”

Latrine noted that “the steak was very tender and flavourful”

Well done Ferrett for providing the Trailer meal with minimal outsourcing…a Great effort that helped to make this ANOTHER REAL hash night of quality and true HASH nosh in a great bush city location.



  • Minestrone soup served in original Italian containers with French breadsticks


  • Grilled black Angus steaks served with lashings of fresh salad and beetroot


  • Homemade chocolate cake minus candles but a high density light placed over the cake that VD noted was there to defrost the cake …………just grab a piece were the instructions from the birthday boy!


The First CIRCLE

Our GM fu@##** up last week’s Circle due to the Ice Challenge from Flasher. Yes, can you believein the exuberance of the Circle evening he forget to get a Nosh and Run report for Hare Shat who had lost 3 days of his life preparing for this event. (and as he needs every day now he can’t afford this type of lost days)

All Hashers agree that the penalty was well deserved as the buck must stop at the top. This is the result below for the GM !!!…

 The Second CIRCLE

Our GM quickly dried off ,got dressed and then opened the Second Circle complete in Katmandu Hat, Hash Chains and the Moses Staff and long flashy pants.

Sir Prince Valiant reported that his Mum who just passed away was also an ex hasher having started to run in Indonesia at the ripe young age of 63. Obviously runs in the family!!!

DD to:

  • Hashy Birthday to Ferrett
  • Flasher for affecting the GM memory last week
  • Miscarriage for watching crap on TV
  • Weekly as he gets one every week and this week was too quite
  • Crocodile for interruption of GM in the circle & bad joke
  • Ballpoint and Full of Shit for sitting down in the circle
  • Pathetic failed jokes by Iceman, Crocodile and Miscarriage.
  • Sir Black Stump for trying to muscle on the travel business operated by Shat House Tours , Sabbatical Tours and Trust Me Tours with his new business tour group Hammas Tours by offering bike rides to Israel.
  • Truck Tyres for removing Latrines XXL Tails at the recent Birthday bash for Sir Slab
  • Carefree for leaving Moonbeams behind at the recent Birthday bash for Sir Slab

Useless Shirt


Ballpoint proudly wearing a newly washed Useless shirt quickly passed it on to Now Loved. How the mighty fall from Ex GM to Useless … a long way down from the top!!

Yes. A Rooster one day a Feather Duster the next!!!

Prick of the Week


Awarded by Circumference to Blue Card for commenting that Circumference new hash tails reminded Blue Card of his grandmother’s curtains!!

Report by GM


GM announced this year’s ever caring hierarchy will this year provide to every Hasher a Full Colour Photo gift of their loving hierarchy. This as imagined created huge applause and much appreciation from the assembled mass!!!

He thanked Sir Rabbit for the new white Hierarchy chairs and the new salmonella bowls and steak knives that he was able to find in one of his house! Obviously cheaper to give to hash than pay dump fees

GM asked all to stay behind to clean the trailer but most decided that this would mean the Hash pet cockroaches that live in the trailer BBQ would now lose their home. Decision made to leave a it was!!

Gift for GM

Once again with tears in his eyes saying “the best gift so far this year” the GM accepted a more amazing and thoughtful gift from Latrine who just returned from Mexico. Nothing could turn on our GM more than a real Cuban cigar which he immediately proceed to light to the total disgust of all present. He then tried to ensure every Hasher got a large dose of secondary smoke inhalations to ensure they all had a good chance of developing lung cancer!

GM advised next week run will be by Rug!

Our GM has again personally promised to assist Rug.

End of CIRCLE …….by moonbeams @ 9.04 pm





Run 1921

Run: 1921


Location: McIntosh Island

Hare: Shat

Runners: 33

Link to pictures Mobile

Run 1921 with Experienced Hare S Hat



Note: Please read words and view carefully a question will be asked by the GM in the circle about these words. At this stage the track record for comprehension of our hashers is abysmal but this week the clue is very easy to determine for those who were at hash on monday.


Evolution History of Hash Disorganization


Promoted widely as a first class run with first class gourmet food by none other than Mr S Hat himself..could he live up to the self promotion?

Will Shat be able to prove that his generation of GCHHH can achieve the impossible?

A group of 33 dedicated athletes circled under the stars in Macintosh Park ..where was our GM.???. the merry men were like a lost band as the group become very restless as time passed the magical 6.15 mark with no sign of our GM. RA Caustic came to the rescue and gathered up the lost group of worried hashmen.


Closely watched by the nearby wildlife the pre-run briefing from Shat as suspected was very detailed with specific directions for an experienced hashman..this run was certainly having the hallmarks of a well planned and well considered run.

Shat then sent the runners on their way those mumbled words …“run that way and find the arrows and find the trail marked with arrows”. The good news was he announced there was a high quality drink stop somewhere on the trail. First drink stop for a long time…well done Shat to get extra marks.

After last few weeks of the so called Best Inner City Run ,Best Run of the Year , Best Trailer Run , Best Location Run, Best Bush Trailer Run followed by the so called Best Nosh of the Year ,Best Trailer Nosh of the Year this was so far looking a very good for Shat. Could he pull of the magic double of best quality no outsoucing Nosh and the best City Run !!

The Run

Caustic called the rabble to order and sent the group on their way at 6.20 pm with the GM signature words “ good luck finding the trail’ .

Shat was heard telling anyone who would listentold that he spent considerable effort in setting this well-marked City Trail….is this possible in Southport?

This week the we saw a reduced number of experienced runners.However 2 Dogs, Botcho , Missing Link, Caustic ,Sir Black Stump, Rug and Miscarriage were quick to exit the group as front runners closely followed by Flasher ,Truck Tyres, Swoolen Colon, Fanny Charmer, Ferrett and Bent Banana.

Circumference, Lurch and Rug followed closeby.

But where was Rectum??


Then fresh from a day atwork relaxing at the home of Rockhard who should arrive after all the runners had left..none other than Rectum.

Shat’s run was looking in trouble as the runners tried to leave the bitumen and concrete road beside the tram track in search of the bush & rough with 2 Dogs, Truck Tyres, Fanny Charmer and Flasher in full flight on the run. Shat promised well marked checks to make sure each person went the right way ..well done Shat but bad luck as no one could find them.

On On was then called several times during the run as the group all moved along the road near tram tracks and then via the shops and roadways to Queen Street and then into the shopping centre.They were again saved by 2 Dogs with his assistance to get them going the right way.

Most of the runners this week did do most of full run and it was by all accounts an excellent city run. 2 Dogs and Flasher excelled as they were back first with Botcho and Fanny Charmer closeby ..well done Hashers.

Unfortunately Run Critic Rectum was not called upon to given his opinion as he not only failed to run and left early but mainly because in the general exhuberance of the evening the GM forgot to ask for a run report.

Word is out that a detailed run report will be provided next week?

The Walkers


As always a big group of walkers lined up at the starting gate.The walking group is getting bigger and slower .As usual most of these geriatics in the past weeks have just come to get away from their family committements on Monday night.

Most make little effort to move away from the Nosh and Booze area except to move their Walkers.

Again we see those ex runners, Sir Rabbit , Sir Slab ,Jigsaw this week joined by Crocadile , Rockhard , Wrong way Woodsie and Weekley tothe ranks of the dedicated professional permanent walkers.

The dedicated professional walkers Skinny Slug (now lost 15 Kg on his new diet)moved out a brisk pace and attempted to keep up a good pace for the long walk along the tramtrack.

What great comraderie these brave bunch of Hash Walkers are experiencing.

Kwakka and Shat took off to man the drink stop while Swindler remained as security for all the valuable hash equiptment.

Meanwhile the late arrivals of Rectum (just dropped in for a quick beer) , Ballpoint ,Cumsmoke, Blue Card, Van Dieman decided it was best to just hang aroung the BBQ in the hope of getting first in the food queuue to get some early food.

The Nosh

POSITION –POSITION- POSITION in a great park is a fitting place for the Gourment Hash Shat extravanganza to enjoy his fine food. A central location , well lit , easy parking, seats and tables.


Every successful gourmet meal needs great organisation and Shat rose to the challenge. His planning and execution was exemplary. As promised by Shat the gourmet in now truly back into hash as he produced the gourmet goods by giving full and detailed directions to Mrs S Hat.

Resident food CriTic JosEphine Was unable to give a report due to the excitement of the GM who was determined to take the Flasher ICE challenge.

However it was “Great Gourmet food and certainly not back to Hash basics”

Well done Shat for providing the 3 course meal with minimal outsourcing from Mrs S Hat. A great effort to create a genuine Hash atmosphere that helped to make this ANOTHER REAL hash night of true Gourmet HASH Nosh in a excellent park location.




  • Unlimited Mini Hungarian hot sausages served from hotplate in fresh bread rolls
  • MeatLoaf cooked to perfection served with copious quantities of fresh mixed vegetables and mashed potato.
  • Fresh Strawberries and Ice Cream

a first class gourmet meal with minimal outsourcing



Yes…this would soon prove to be the most colourful circles so far this year!!

The GM appeared in Katmandu Hat with Hash Chains, the Moses Staff, and his long flashy pants with his horn announced that this was a “Circle not a Circus”. He had arrived late to the concern of all but the reason was soon to be revealed.


The Circle opened on a somber note as the GM advised all of the passing of Sir Prince Valiant’ mother to Hash World in the Sky. On behalf of all members our GM expressed our condolences to Sir Prince Valiant and his family. Miscarriage advised he would attend the funeral next week and represent the GCHHH.

Ice Challenge to GM by Flasher


The event will be hard to be repeated and I will doubt ever be repeated. Photos will say a thousand words so if you were not there please view these pornographic images so you can see the event in full detail.

Suffice to say our GM rose the challenge with his well-proportioned and endowed mankind protected by his Mankini. He fully acquitted himself in the challenge in what was an amazing performance by the GM and something that will be long remembered in the annals of GCHHH.

DD to:

  • Ballpoint for doing an amazing effort in writing the words as Assistant On Sec.
  • Rug for seeing his photo on Hash Web and realizing that he got home from Splinter lunch on the tram.
  • Rockhard for over celebrating at the birthday party of Sir Slab and spending the next 36 hours in bed
  • Truck Tyres for creating problems with the Hash Tails
  • Weekly for overbalancing and getting caught going under the bed!!..what was he really doing ??
  • Jigsaw for taking phone calls during the circle
  • Fanny Charmer & Lurch for adding “xxxx plus 1 hug” to Sir Slab birthday card

Useless T-Shirt


Awarded by Cumsmoke to Ballpoint who promises to wear it proudly next week.

Prick of the Week


Given by Cumsmoke to Circumference for saying he had stayed away for 4 weeks because he already had the POW 4 times this year…now he has it 5 times so far!!

Report by GM


Q: what COLOUR was the Mankini worn by our GM

New Rule by GM proudly wearing his Mankini

POW and Useless T-shirt cannot be given to same person

Gift for GM

Once again with tears in his eyes saying “these are best gifts so far this year” (as we know he says this every week) the GM accepted more thoughtful gifts from returning International runners from Bent Banana of a bottle of hot Indonesia Bintang beer and from Miscarriage who has been very busy in Cambodia “a do it your Colonoscopy kit “…you can see why each week he gets so excited with the gifts!!

End of CIRCLE …….by Swindler @ 9.10 pm


