Category Archives: Hash Run Reports

Run 1930

Run: 1930


Location: Molendinar

Hare: Kitchen Bitch , Botcho and many helpers

Runners: 27

 View this weeks pictures on Mobile

Welcome to my Nightmare….


It was late in the day when I called in to Brian’s place on my way home from work.
-“He’s not back from the doctor’s yet” said his wife with concern in her voice, “he’s been there all afternoon.”
So I called him:
-“G’day mate howzit hangin’? Where the fuck are yuh?”
-“Who is this? said a voice I did not know.
-“BallPoint, who’d yuh think it is? Why, who’s this?
-“Senior Serjeant Campbell from Surfers Paradise Police. Who are you?”
-“I’m a friend of Brian’s, I’m here at his place with his wife wondering where he is.”
-“Wait there, we’re coming over.” And he hung up.
They were at the door a few minutes later:
-“I’m sorry to bring this sorry news” said the serjeant, “Brian has passed away. He collapsed in the doctor’s waiting room and nothing they did could bring him back. I’m very sorry.”
Brian……….my best mate of 35 years……..gone………..for ever!

Rest in Peace Brian.


In the preceding days, emails were flying around that a legend of the Gold Coast hashing community was in serious trouble; the Big C had got a hold of Ringbark’s prostate and just wouldn’t let go….
A veteran of 135 Gourmet Hash runs, Ringbark was a hardened hash man with a quality pedigree. A knockabout bloke with a glint in the eye and a nose for the punt, he had a particular penchant for any get-rich-quick-schemes; from Peter Foster’s thinning teas to Nigerian Princes looking to offload their millions into his bank account, Ringbark entertained them all. Scammers, conmen and bullshit artists were welcome to his imagination…..
He fought bravely so many battles but in the end he lost the war and left us to try his luck in Hash Heaven.

Rest in Peace Ringbark.


The evening news led with the death of Australia’s 21st Prime Minister, Gough Whitlam. At the spritely ripe age of 98, Gough fell off the twig as he muttered: “Well may we say God save the Queen, because nothing will save me anymore….”
A man not short on confidence and the sense of occasion, Gough’s legacy is enormous. His was not the evolutionary route but the revolutionary one. He radically re-shaped Australia from a country with entrepreunerial zeal to one big fat welfare state and the bloated bureaucracy needed to manage it. True to his ideological roots, Whitlam was the first Western leader to get into bed with communist China. And when the shit finally hit the fan on his reformist agenda, he thought nothing of employing the services of a Pakistani crook to bail him out.

Rest in Peace Gough.


It was a moonless night. The Hare Botcho was most pertinent when giving his final instructions:
-“Don’t forget your bloody torch. And for Fuck’s sake keep together; it’s bloody dark in there and if you get lost you’re on your own. No one’s coming to get you. And good luck!!!
There was tension in the air as 6 of us ventured into the shadowless scrub. It would be Sir Black Stump who’d break the tension with a cry of “Oh fuck!!!” as he trod on a massive cane toad blocking the narrow path. At the first check point newly named Brewtus spoke up in a trembling whisper:
-“Fuck me it’s dark in here………no way I’m goin’ checkin’….I’m hangin’ around here until it’s found.”
As it was, I found the on trail and waited for the pack to catch up. Deeper into the spooky forest we soldiered on; As the front man, and with my torch pointing downwards, I copped all of the spider webs and any low hanging branches. Checkpoints 2 and 3 were negotiated without any dramas but the pack began to disintegrate. Still heading the pack, I was suddenly stunned by the apparition of a ghost, with a porcelaine white ‘the scream’ face and the ubiquitous woo woo howling. I jumped out of its way and sought refuge in the bushy undergrowth but as I did I fell headlong into a ditch. “Get away from me” I yelled as I scrambled to my feet and raced back onto the path in terror. As a last resort I started screaming “on, on……….on, on” with renewed gusto and in a desparate bid to ward off the surrounding evil spirits.

Suddenly I came to a fence………. a high mesh fence……….I was trapped, a prisonner of this God forsaken, spooky forest. As I pointed my torch along the fence line I began to crawl along it. Far away I could hear a low rumbling noise which seemed to be nearing. Then I found it….a hole in the mesh and I squeezed my bulky body through it. I was free!!!! The rumbling noise was getting louder, hopefully I would be rescued. I started climbing the steep rocky embankment and as I looked up I thought I caught a glimpse of light. I scrambled up the slippery ravine wall, the light was getting stronger, the noise was getting louder. Then I was there…at the top….and as I emerged from the abyss I was blinded by the most intense light and overwhelmed by a thunderous noise. And as the speeding train passed me by, a gust of hot air hit me with such force that it knocked me backwards and I slipped back down that black ravine once more. I screamed “help, help” but there was no response, only an eerie silence, but for terrifying bush sounds. I found the fence again and soon I crawled through its gash once more. Furious panic gripped me and I raced up the slope before me, bush bashing my way to God knows where. Eventually I cut the trail and soon I was relieved to be back on flour. As my confidence returned I noted that there were no spider webs across the path concluding that others had been there not long before me….and that I was on my way ‘Home’.

‘Home’, on this terrifying night, was an old, long disused tunnel; one probably inhabited by Goths in times gone by. On this night it was illuminated by a dim bluey light and, as I approached with trepidation, I found a bunch of zombies, witches, freaks, devils, vampires and death cultists. Uncle Fester was also there presiding over a very old and dusty coffin…….a most frightening prospect.

They seemed to be enjoying themselves, drinking and eating with gay abandon. Much of what was discussed didn’t make any sense to me but they left me to do my own thing.

Eventually, one of them with a particular ‘presence’, a strange ‘staff’ and an even stranger hat, rallied them into a circle formation around him. He called in a devil who had been responsible for something called ‘the run’ and after much toing and froing, the devil drank some potion from a large metallic goblet.
A zombie appeared in the circle and he too was given some of the potion for his commentary on ‘the walk’…..
Then a freak appeared and he was given a statue, shaped like a phallus, for being a ‘cheap’…..
Hannibal Lecter was given some potion for his audacious attempt to lure two dames into the tunnel to have his evil way with them.

All of a sudden fear gripped me once again as the black ghost of the forest made another appearance, ordering Godzilla into the circle and giving him a goblet of potion for his inspired idea of bringing ‘Home’ a coffin. Godzilla then explained that the coffin was neccessary to “carry the carcass of the ‘one’ being sacrificed tonight”……

On that terrifying note, I reached for my hash bag and charged for exit.

Acting On Sec

hash page fb image

splinter lunch image

Run 1929

Run: 1929


Location:Main Beach

Hare: Two Dogs & VD

Runners: 32

 View this weeks pictures on Mobile

Gold Coast Gourmet Hash


  • Gold Coast Warriors and possible probationary Warriors regroup for secret meeting in Hanoi Vietnam
  • 1
  • Carefree advises he will not be returning to the Gold Coast as at last he has a good job with long term financial security selling fresh coconuts in Hanoi.
  • 2
  • Blue Card has reported from Vietnam that all working well again after recent operation.
  • 3
  • Moonbeams has joined the Warriors on his new electric bike and looking forward to getting his Warrior Colours and Patch.
  • Hash Cash Sir Slab is back just from a 4 weeks bike expedition but now has to rush off again for important Hash Duties in Thailand.
  • RA Caustic and Missing Link are away with the Warriors in Vietnam getting some bike riding instructions and on probation as Warrior .
  • On Sec Swindler will be away on long service leave for a few weeks. The position will be taken over by Acting On Sec Ballpoint.
  • Rectum flies in from UK to join the warriors in Vietnam

Indy Handicap Run 1929 with 2 Dogs & Van Diemen

A excellent effort by 2 Dogs as the Hare and VD as the Nosh Chef.

Promoted as the Indy Handicap Run with full access to the Indy track resulted in a high attendance of 32 hashers around the boat ramp at Main Beach.


2 Dogs at the pre Run briefing explaining how his involved handicap system would work ..could anyone really understand this complicated handicaping system!! The pre-run briefing from 2 Dogs was very detailed with a well marked trail that he had spent all day on sunday marking with chalk arrows 2 Dogs listed the handicap for each of the runners ,walkers and BBQ helpers then one by one the hashers left to pick up the well marked trail.

Thanks 2 Dogs for creating a unique venue ( how did you ever think of this venue??) to make another great Annual Handicap Indy Run.

The GM once again was ready to take up his usual postion once all the runners had left next to the BBQ to make sure that all goes smoothly.

The GM as we well know by now is a very thoughtful person and dedicated to the Hash to ensure we are truly the Gold Coast Gourmet Hash as each week he supervises the Nosh Chef to ensure the nosh is Gourmet.

The Handicap Run



2 Dogs spent considerable effort in setting this well-marked handicap run. Well done for all the extra effort in setting the trail and working out the handicaps for each runner and walker.

As this was a handicap event the following is the list of runners and walkers as they returned.

  • Faster Runner Botcho 19.35 minutes
  • 1st Runner – Sir Slab 20.10 minutes
  • 2nd Runner -Circumference   20.57 minutes
  • 1st Walker – Ferrett   29.19 minutes

Followed by

  • Shetland
  • Veteran
  • Sir Black Stump
  • Swoolen Colon
  • Iceman
  • Josephine
  • Lurch
  • Aussie
  • Bent Banana
  • Brootus( alias NOW)
  • Sir Rabbitt
  • Rockhard
  • Sir Prince Valient
  • Jigsaw
  • Now Loved
  • Mother Brown
  • Hard on
  • Weekly
  • Swindler
  • Shop Pony & Moonbeans ( tied or tired??)



To those Warrior Marshalls who went out into the dark night on their push bikes and assisted 2 Dogs to make sure all hashers were safe on the run l!.We say thanks you !!! another dedciated and amazing effort by the Warriors.

Warriors Marshalls on the bikes on hash trail

  • Shat
  • Kwakka
  • Nasty


Run Critic Sir Slab commented

“Gentlemen, 32 decrepit old Bastards shuffled around the Indy track tonight … I personally thought Two Dogs did an amazing job with the handicapping!!”


The Nosh


Resident food CriTic SIR Prince Valient ” Magnificant seafood flown in directly from Tasmania especially for the Hash Nosh.

Well done VD for providing a quality 3 course meal…a great effort and excellent seafood meal that helped to make this another hash night of quality and true HASH nosh in a great waterfront location.


  • Pre-dinner snacks of copious quantities of cheese’s , corn chips , biscuits and a huge bowl of fresh popcorn
  • Fresh Tasmanian Seafood Costa Indi served with top quality garden fresh salad and pasta
  • Homemade Ice cream and gingerbread biscuits with a fresh Homemade Freddy’s Cake which was a real winner ( great outsourcing by Sir Slab)



11GM in Circle

Our GM complete in Katmandu Hat, Hash Chains and the Moses Staff and long flashy pants opened the Circle.

DD to:

  • 2 Dogs & VD for Hare and Nosh
  • Nasty for new shoes
  • Sir Prince for public exposure and leaving his wet mark on the car tyre.
  • Weekly, Swollen Colon & Ferrett as returning runners
  • Cumsmoke for wearing thongs to HASH
  • Warriors for meeting in a group of 8 persons as maximum allowed by law is 2 persons when part of a bike group



No icing as all hasher behaved this last week in an impeccable manner..Why is it that icings only occur when the RA Caustic is present..does he get some perveted joy from the suffering of his fellow hashers??

Useless Shirt


In Vietnam with Truck Tyres

Prick of the Week


In Beaudesert with MiscarriagE

Report by GM


Our GM interviewing a potential new member from Japan pre- Circle

Naming Ceremony


GM introduced and once again gave a warm welcome to:

Marc Anthony “NOW” Nephew of Weekly

As a Painter and Docker he could be named Cleopatra, Julius Caesar or Mona Lisa

Arise “Brewtus”

GM advised next week run will be by Hierarchy and will be Halloween night in the tunnel. A great night assured with our GM as the Master Chef. Wear a Halloween Mask.

Check the Hairline for details!


End of CIRCLE …….by Moonbeams @ 8.39pm



Swindler 15


Click on the image to view the results

hash milestones

Run 1928

cocktail party imagecocktail party banner

Run: 1928


Location: Nerang

Hare: Aussie

Runners: 32

 View this weeks pictures on Mobile


Run 1928 with Aussie



A high attendance of 32 athletes gathered for this special Octoberfest event organised by Aussie. The athletes assembled in Brewery Carpark for the prerun instructions by Aussie.

Promoted as a sole effort with no outsourcing by Aussie as the Hare and the Nosh Chef of the German BBQ.

This would be the night that all those “Aussie Rumours” were put to rest with his actual attendence at the run. But would it be great night of quality german nosh and a true german run.

Aussie at the pre-run briefing explained how the run is planned! With arms waving in all directions it was obvious there was only one way we could run down the driveway …“run out there and turn left “

The GM this evening looked like he may be actually going for a run wearing his virtually new runners. However this was only a deceptive front as he was soon to take up his usual position next to the beer kegs and BBQ. He then called the rabble to order and sent the runners on their way at 6.20 pm with his signature words “ good luck finding the trail’.

Our GM was ably supported by fellow hashers Show Pony and Cumsmoke as they gathered around the keg as they discussed the freshly brewed non alcoholic, no preservative, no hangover beer that required continual tasting and testing for this important event before the runners and walkers returned.

After several this year of so called Best Run of the Year followed by the so called Best Nosh of the Year this was looking a hard act to follow for Aussie.

The Run


                   Q: Name the hasher who wanted to be on the run with his mates!!

Aussie told all assembled that he had spent considerable effort in setting this well-marked run. As the runners raced up the roadway Aussie instructed the big team of Walkers to remain behind for a detailed walk briefing.

2 Dogs, Flasher ,Jigsaw, Fanny Charmer and Missing Link led the runners out of the carpark and up the grassy hill. Following closely were Bent Banana,Sir Slab ,Rockhard, Sir Rabbitt and Circumference. Following were Sir Black Stump, ,Lurch were in full flight up the grassy hill hard on their heels. Good to see new runners Bondage and NOW keeping up with pace.

Front runner Botcho called On On as Sir Prince, Truck Tyres, Rug and Iceman were still moving up the steep grassy hill.

The first runners back again heavily sweating were Circumference and Botcho.They ran for a total of 19 minutes and came back puffing and sweating…are these real runners??

Run Advisor 2 Dogs advised the run based on his GPS was run distance 2.32 km. Well done all the hashers who did the whole run.

Run Critic 2 Dogs then also advised it was a great run with excellent markings. The free beer obviously affected him as well.

Sweep Bent Banana advised that Sir Blackie and Ballpoint went around three times as they tried to find the their way back to the brewery.


Last back was Miscarriage in the time of 42 minutes..obvoiously he did his own run somewhere??

It was an excellent run as no runners complained about the short distance of the run this week as they had access to the unlimited free booze.

A well planned run by Aussie.

THE Walkers


Warrior Now Loved still recuperating with a fractured scapula and showing no pain led the walkers up the hill. Hard On, Swindler ,Nasty , Sir AH , Phantom & Jigsaw again enjoyed the slow amble along the road as they discussed world affairs.

A very well planned walk which all walkers completed for the first time. A quick walk around the hill for a total time of 14 minutes over 1.9 km. Well done to this group of finely tuned athletes.

The walkers this week did quickly move around the hill and most were surprised to see the skyline lights of Surfers Paradise.

The German Brewery Location



Unlimited beer, wine and song supplied by your ever caring Hierarchy who have been now voted (by unanimous votes of all the hierarchy) as the

Best Ever Gourmet Hash Hierarchy.


The German Nosh



This tray of German food supplied at the Octoberfest bears no resemblance to what our Nosh Chef Aussie had planned and supplied.

Resident Food Sir Prince noted that he “could not tell the difference between the onions and the cabbage “

Lurch commented that the food was excellent and he had 4 helpings.

Nasty was very concerned that all the next day he would be in a vehicle with a friend and was very concered about the hot air he would be releasing after all the cabbage and onions he had eaten.

A good solo effort by Aussie for the effort in buying the sausages from the German butcher shop and the bread rolls, precut onions and cabbage from Coles.



  • Cabbage rolls that were was noted as “ inedible and could have been well past the use by date”
  • Homemade German Sausages with heaps of onions on hot bread rolls. Unlimited sauces and mustards to give some taste
  • Aussie Strudel +++




Our GM dressed as a German Fraulein complete with huge tits and long blond pig opened the Circle around the beer kegs.

RA Caustic then proceed to issue the charges.


The Down Downs:


  • Aussie for Hare and Nosh
  • Now Loved for turning up again after damaging the Lycra bike rider (an associate of the RA)
  • 12
  • Nasty for his recent red wine episodes (surprise ..surprise!!!)



  • Flasher for a Hash Rule 1 infringement
  • Flasher for interruption of RA in the circle
  • Lurch and Flasher as partners in the German foxtrot
  • Ballpoint and Rug as partners in the German foxtrot
  • NOW and Truck Tyres for no German outfit



The RA always desperate to use his carefully prepared ice try was looking for a new candidate. It appear that as Weekly has not been present for a couple of weeks the RA is now extracting his vengeance on a repetitious basis on Bent Banana.

Aussie stayed under the radar and was saved from an icing after all the free booze but not so for BB as the RA once again took his deranged vengeance on Bent Banana.

Fortunately for Bent Banana he has developed and patented a unique anti-icing tool that he uses to reduce the pain and suffering. It seemed that in the total fear of the icing situation he left behind on the ice some long black sticks.

Very soon we see Flasher is devouring these back sticks of jelly .Was he really indulging in coprophagia. It was later revealed as Flasher began to eat what appear to be BB’s black faeces it was in fact liquorice sticks that none other than Flasher himself had strategically placed.

All agreed so unfair for Bent Banana to be iced again!!

Useless Shirt


It appeared this week worn by Hard On who after suffering a DD for forgetting to bring it for the last few weeks passed it on to Truck Tyres.

Prick of the Week


After a long absence the previous POW Cumsmoke again after a DD for nonappearance at passed on to Miscarriage.

Report by GM



Our heavily lactating German Fräulein GM announced:

  • Mixed Hash Tails Cocktail Party on Saturday 6th December was now almost booked out so please be quick. All inclusive $30.
  • Halloween Run coming up in tunnel. Will be a great night with GM as Michelin Chef in residence.

Oktoberfest Run PRIZE for best dress.

Several Awardees with German hats plus:

  • Miscarriage for the new Berlin German Arab Gown
  • GM as a German Fräulein
  • Sir Rabbit in full German outfit


Awarded to Ballpoint for his appearance as a very well presented German Fräulein.

Congratulation Ballpoint and enjoy your win:

There has been no expense spared by your caring HEIRACHY FOR those who make the effort and go the extra mile.


Room keys for 2 nights at Melbourne Crown towers with an unlimited account for Room service Beer and wine including dinner for 4 at the 6 Star resturaunt.

End of CIRCLE …….by Show Pony @ 9.12pm


Time to kiss a German Fraulein and go home


Swindler 15


hash milestones

Run 1927

cocktail party imagecocktail party banner

Run: 1927


Location: Burleigh Waters

Hare: Truck Tyre

Runners: 25



We acknowledge in this week’s Words Dirty Dancers thanks to the Gourmet Hash for the kind donation to the Cambodian Children’s Charity. We collected $150 on the charities behalf from the Gold Coast Gourmet Hash runners. Well done and a special thank you to all those who contributed.


Run 1928 with Truck Tyres

Who said Truck Tyres would forget to turn up, maybe would forget the food , or lose his way setting the run ??

Would this be the night that all those “Truckie Rumours” were put to rest with an excellent night of top quality nosh and great run.

Promoted as a sole effort with no outsourcing by Truck Tyres as the Hare ,the Nosh Chef and assistant Booze Master.

A high attendance of 25 hashers for a holiday day run was impressive as the word was out that Truckie had been preparing the nosh and run for the last couple of weeks so all looked promising.

The group of 24 dedicated athletes asembled in the Library Carpark for an early start in the bright afternoon sun. In fact one athlete named VD arrived at 6.10 in time for the nosh..( In another senior moment VD forgot the start time that on public holidays we always start at 5pm !!!)1

Yes, this is Truck Tyres at the pre-run briefing explaining how the run is planned!!

  • Will he be able to redeem himself this week and save himself from an icing!!
  • Will the Run and Nosh compete as the Best Trailer Nosh and Run of the Year.
  • Will we be able to understand his directions.

The pre-run briefing from Truck Tyres was very detailed with promises of more of the same ,same, same ..unfortunatley in his excitement truckie parked his 4 wheel drive over his hash marking so we could all only guess what they were!!!

As always Truck Tyres did not let truth get in the way of a good Hash run briefing. With arms waving in all directions as he held a large piece of gyprock he advised runners to take off with those mumbled Hare Words …“walk out there and turn left “

The GM dressed in the G Spot Hash Shirt and his trademark flip flops was obviously ready to take up his usual postion next to the wine as he called the rabble to order and sent the group on their way at 5.10 pm with his signature words “ good luck finding the trail’ .

This time with support from Sir Rabbitt ,Botcho and Caustic ,GM gathered them around the trailer as they discussed the fine wine that needed tasting for an important event.

After so many this year of so called Best Run of the Year followed by the so called Best Nosh of the Year this was looking a hard act to follow for Truck Tyres.

The Run


Truck Tyres spent considerable effort in setting this well-marked as he advised he did several recces to set it up. Well done for the extra effort Truck Tyres.

The runners raced up the roadway while Truckie instructed the big team of Walkers to remain behind for a detailed briefing.

Bent Banana and Circumference led the runners out of the carpark. 2 Dogs ,Jigsaw, Fanny Charmer , Missing Link , Rug and Iceman were in full flight up the road hard on their heels. Good to see new runner NOW keeping up with pace.

On On was called several times on the run as Sir Blackie , Lurch and Rockhard moving fast soon realised they were following Thirsty Thursdays markings!!.

The first runner back sweating was Circumference via the incorrect rail..he ran for a total of 24 minutes and came back puffing and sweating.

Run Advisor 2 Dogs advised the run based on his GPS was 1hour and 3 minutes and run distance 9.7 km. Well done those few hashers who did the whole run.

Run Critic 2 Dogs then also advised it was a great run with excellent markings.

Sweep Bent Banana again noted that most runners this week did not do the full run except him but said was by all accounts it was an excellent and well planned run by Truckie.

Good effort Truckie for an well planned and well reccee run.

The Walkers

3 10

         Q: Name the walker wearing the blue shirt

Warrior Now Loved, recuperating with a fractured scapula after his altercation with a couple of lycra bike riders, led the pack around the lake.

Again this pathectic bunch who turn up each week for the wine and food, this week decided that as they could still see in the daylight and not suffering from night blindness they would do the 6km walk. Yes..this is one of the walkers.Sir Prince Valient not really wanting to be with the walkers.

The walkers this week did quickly move around the lake and most were surprised to see so much wildlife at this time of the day as they struggled around the sandy pathways.

Hard On ,Kwakka, Shat ,Swindler and Blue Card (proudly wearing his new blue hasadashery shirt) enjoyed the slow amble as they discussed world affairs.

The Trailer Nosh


For Nosh Chef Truck Tyres it was always going to be a hard act to follow after the recent weeks with prevois contenders saying that at this stage they had been voted “The Best Trailer Nosh of the Year?”

The feeding frenzy commenced once word was out that the homemade chicken noodle soup actually was full of real chicken pieces.

Resident food Critic Rug “..excellent chichen soup, lagagna was full of flavour and the homemake trifle was amazing’ ..this bought loud applause from the assembled mass.

Lurch commented that he could not believe that he was in the “Garden of Pleanty”.

Botcho gave an unbiased opinion that the salad he assisted to prepare was very well put together.

Well done Truck Tyres for no outsourcing and providing a trailer 3 course meal with zero outsourcing. A great effort and very tasty homemade food recipes that made this an excellent hash night of quality and true homemade hash nosh.


  • Chicken Soup with fresh hot Turkish breads.
  • Homemade lasagna with heaps of fresh salad.
  • Lashings of homemade trifle.



Once again our GM complete in Katmandu Hat, Hash Chains and the Moses Staff and long flashy pants opened the Circle.

DD to:

  • NOW for his association with Weekly
  • Sir Black Stump left his hash plate behind at last hash run
  • Now Loved for damaging the Lycra bike rider.
  • Truck Tyres for Hashy Birthday
  • Blue Card for interruption of GM in the circle
  • Lurch for returning runner as he was very busy “dealing” last week



Weekly has been at the unfortunate end of the RA Caustic final judgment seems to get iced every week. But this week Weekly was not on the roll call!!

The RA desperate to use his carefully prepared ice try was looking for a candidate. Would Truck Tyres be able to stay under the radar and saved from an icing after a great run and great homemade food.

Afraid not as RA Caustic sought vengeance on poor Truck Tyres. ……..but all decided in full chorus that better Truckee get iced than they do so let Caustic take his deranged vengeance on Truckee.

Fortunately Bent Banana has developed and patented a unique an anti-icing tool that he kindly loaned to Truckee to reduce the pain and suffering

All agreed so unfair!!

Useless Shirt:

Still Missing in Inaction

Prick of the Week:

Still Missing in Inaction

Report by GM


GM introduced and gave a warm guest welcome to:

  • Mark “NOW” .Nephew of Weekly
  • GM announced the mixed Hash Tails Cocktail Party on Saturday 6th Book now as seats are limited.

Gift for GM

Once again with tears in his eyes saying “the best gift so far this year” the GM accepted a thoughtful gift from Now Loved. This unique gift at great expense just returned from Bali. A flying Air Asia key ring given for free to all passengers.

GM advised next week run will be by Aussie at Nerang Brewery. Oktoberfest Run. Run $20 includes unlimited beer and food with PRIZE for best dress.

End of CIRCLE …….by Two dogs @ 8.10pm


Swindler 15


Run 1926

cocktail party imagecocktail party banner

Run: 1926


Location: Molendinar

Hare: Show Pony & Flasher

Runners: 32

Link to pictures Mobile

Gold Coast Gourmet Hash

There is no doubt that the Words in last few weeks have tested the intellectual capacity of our Gourmet Giants. After a few weeks of high quality intellectual Words heavily punctuated with terminoilogy that needed a Urban Thesaurus to find synonyms, antonyms and understand the related meanings your old On Sec is back. Yes, at last a detailed description of the evening events and the weeks Hash News told with truth with never letting the facts get in the way of a good story.

Special Thanks to Ballpoint and to Fanny Charmer for their deep and meaningful contribution to Words while I was os. Total sympathy to Aussie for destroying his computer hard drive with the evil Red while attempting to write the Words but no thanks whatsoever to M. Latrine for a total dereliction of duty in the face of that evil enemy Red.



This week Words has a question for members that our GM will ask next week at Hash. Will you know the answer or will you be humiliated in front of your fellow hashers??



  • Blue Card has reported all parts are working well again after having a 2inch diameter Bunnings garden hose inserted into his manhood by a 20 year old nurse in Pindari Holiday Resort. Sounds a bit Kinky!!


  • Warrior No Loved while racing along Hedges Avenue at full speed to meet his fellow warriors for the Friday morning road race was taken out by a couple of lycra bike riders…he is now recuperating with a fractured Scapula and from all reports he will be off the road for a few weeks.


  • Crocodile recovering well from recent op and will be back to Hash next week


  • Moonbeams returned from train trip north on his new electric bike will be back next week


  • Front Runner Botcho has fallen in a heap. He was given special dispensation by GM to sit in circle after reporting in with Shaggers Back.


  • Flasher will be the MC at his daughter’s wedding this week. Have a great day


  • Sir Slab on marathon charity bike ride in SA

Run 1927 with Show Pony & Flasher

A joint effort by Show Pony & Flasher with Flasher as the Hare and Show Pony the Nosh Chef.

Promoted as another Run and Nosh of the Year resulted in a high attendance of 32 hashers for what was to be a totally predictable evening.3

Yes, this is Flasher at the pre Run briefing expaning how it would all work !!

Will Flasher be able to redeem himself this week and save himself from another icing!!

Will the Run and Nosh compete with Miscarriage as the Best Trailer and Bush Bush Run of the Year.


The group of 32 dedicated athletes circled under the stars on the concrete driveway of Show Pony’s factory with only the glowing light of Flasher torch illuminating the markings .Thanks Show Pony for creating a unique venue ( how did you ever think of this venue??) and be very well prepared to make another great Hash night..

The pre-run briefing from Flasher was very detailed with promises of forests, shiggy , water , dirt tracks, wild animals etc

As always Flasher did not let truth get in the way of a good Hash run. Finally with arms waving in all directions he advised runners to take off with those mumbled Hare Words …“walk out the gate and turn left to the top of the road “

The GM dressed in flip flops and obviously ready to take up his usual postion next to the wine called the rabble to order and sent the group on their way at 6.20 pm with his signature words “ good luck finding the trail’ . Once again he immedialty set about that impoatsnt event ..setting up the fire in the Beer drum no doublt as he was to stay behind he would be near the warm fire.

Yes, our GM is a very thoughtful person and dedicated to the Hash to ensure we are truly the GCGourmet Hash as he forgoes his exercise each week to ensure the meal is perfect.

After so many this year of so called Best Run of the Year followed by the so called Best Nosh of the Year this was looking a hard act to follow for Flasher and Show Pony.


The Run Warm Up4

This week we saw 2 Dogs and Fanny Charmer doing stretching exercises.


The Run


Flasher spent considerable effort in setting this well-marked as he advised he did 3 recces to set it up. Well done for the extra effort Flasher.

The runners and walkers raced up the roadway only to find after 600 metres had to retrun to where they started with Flasher waiting for them.

They all then moved into the dark abyiss across the vacant land with torches blazing to find the promised forest.

Flasher , Caustic , Miscarriage, Bent Banana and Ballpoint were leading the runners up the concrete pathway into the dark abyiss of the nearby forest adjacent.

Good to see new runners NOW and SOW keeping up the pace with Shetland hard on their heels.

Jigsaw, Fanny Charmer , Veteran ,Truck Tyres, Rug ,Josephine and Circumference were in full flight up the rocky and slippery hill. Flasher was waiting at the checks to make sure each hasher went the right way ..well done Flasher for your assistance in saving your fellow hashers by the altercation with the driver of the car who attempted to run you over.

On On was called several times on the run as Miscarriage ,Iceman and Rockhard moved into the tunnel of love to disturb a young couple enagaging in an activity that most Hashers have forgotten.

The first runners back via the incorrect rail though the bush at the rear of the Show Pony’s factory were Caustic & Veteran at 6.41pm ..yes..they ran for a total of 21 minutes and came back puffing and sweating.

Flasher somehow managed to get back first again but it seems he was very worried about the missing Truck Tyres so he raced out again into the dark looking for him.Very thoughful Flasher should me more appreciated!!!

Sir Rabbit,on the comeback trail came in sweating profusely. Missing Link appeared with Sir Black Stump ,Truck Tyres, Sir Prince Valient and Josephine in a lather of sweat.

2 Dogs advised the run based on his GPS was 1hour and 13 minures and run distance 9.01 km. Well done those few hashers who did the whole run.

Run Critic 2 Dogs advised it was a very good run with excellent markings

Run went well for the the first 600 meteres until we ended up back where we started with Flasher waiting for us “ 2 Dogs also commented “Amazing how Flasher found new territory” .. Ballpoint concurred that it was an excellent run.

Run Critic Josephine commented the run was well over time and the “on backs” were one really cared as they all unaminously decided Flasher did a great job and Weekly should be iced instead of Flasher.

Sweep Bent Banana noted that most runners this week did not do the full run but that said was by all accounts an excellent and well planned run by Flasher.

Great effort Flasher for an well planned and well reccee run.


The Walkers



Again this pathectic bunch who turn up each week for the wine and food ( and to get away from the wife) pretend to walk. Yes ,this group grows bigger each week and moves slower.

The walkers this week did quickly move forward across the grass using and some supporting equiptment as they struggled up the steep roadway.

Again we see those ex runners Van Diemen and Full of Shit who enjoyed the slow amble are now classified to the ranks of the dedicated professional walkers.

The dedicated professional permanent walkers of Carefree, Hard On , Weekly, Kwakka, Sir AH & Swindler all moved out as usual at snails pace which they kept up for the 2 km walk .Great comraderie these brave bunch of Hash Walkers continue to experience.

Full of Shit not used to city life somehow got lost on the Walk..What a worry he is becoming!!.


The Nosh Soup Kitchen Line up

7 could well be the Rosies line up!!

For Nosh Chef Show Pony it was always going to be a hard act to follow after the recent weeks with every one saying that at this stage they have been voted “The Best Trailer Bush Nosh of the Year?”

It was looking like the GM Kitchen Bitch who continues to brainwash us that “the hash in now truly back into gourmet” may have had no job this evening due to the Show Pony’s professional pre-planning and outsourcing. But thanks Show Pony for letting GM flip the eggs or our GM would have felt totally left out and deflated that he had no job!

Resident food CriTic Fanny ChARMER …” nearly blew my arse out but was cooked to perfection” while Sir Prince noted that “if he farted he may end up in Oodnadatta”

Shetland gave a totally Unbiased report: Excellent food and beautifully presented…IT’S obvious he knows where his bread is buttered.

Well done Show Pony for providing a Trailer 4 course meal with Lots of Outsourcing…a great effort and excellent food that helped to make this ANOTHER REAL hash night of quality and true HASH nosh in a great location.


  • Pre-dinner snacks of Smith’s Potato Crisps
  • Top quality and very tasty Goulash Meat and vegies served with hot Turkish breads
  • Korean Kimchi something?? with cabbage ,rice ,noodles that tasted sooooooooooooo good.( great outsourcing Show Pony )
  • Homemade ice-cream and Chocolate Mud Cake.






Our GM complete in Katmandu Hat, Hash Chains and the Moses Staff and long flashy pants opened the Circle around the glowing fire he so proudly created.


DD to:

  • Flasher & Show Pony for Hare and Nosh
  • Sir Prince for wearing his ISIS jacket


  1. WhEre was thIS photo taken oF PhantoM & Sir prince
  • NOW & SOW for their association with Weekly
  • Blue Card for interruption of GM in the circle
  • Ballpoint for creating 40 plastic images of himself to bait Pizza
  • VD and Missing Link for damaging Aussie on the recent bike ride
  • Shetland for failing his bus drivers test just for writing off the bus




  • Weekly as he gets iced every week and this week was for the joke he told
  • Bent Banana for developing and patenting a unique an anti-icing tool





Useless Shirt: Missing in Inaction


Prick of the Week: Missing in Inaction



Full of Piss and Wind Award



Blue Card awarded to Ballpoint. No one could understand why?


Report by GM


GM announced your ever caring hierarchy will this year have a mixed Hash Tails Cocktail Party on Saturday 6th December. Book now as seats are limited


GM introduced and gave a warm welcome to:

Mark “NOW” .Nephew of Weekly

Brad “SOW’ …Son of Weekly

Gift for GM


Once again with tears in his eyes saying “the best gift so far this year” the GM accepted a thoughtful gift from Swindler who just returned from Japan. It will certainly be a welcome addition to his Mankini wardrobe.


GM advised next week run will be by??…“he could not remember who”

Suggest you check your Hairline!



End of CIRCLE …….by JoSephine @ 9.25pm







hash milestones