Category Archives: Hash Run Reports

Run 1940

splinter hash golf

Run: 1940


Location: Merrimac

Hare: Nasty


The “run of the year” as it has been described by the hare, Nasty, certainly was a night to remember and lived up to its promise of “back to basics”, both in terms of the run itself and the nosh that followed.

Executive Summary:

Tonight’s run…muddy swamps, grass as high as our chins, barbed wire fences, creek crossings, barking dogs, rain, mosquitoes and midgees, Aldi party pies, curry, beer, wine, fun and hilarity in the circle…this is what we came here for!! A great night had by all..thanks Nasty!!

The Run in more detail:

At the start, 35 of us set off through the long grass of the park at the end of Jondique Street in Merrimac, with some confusion as to who was running and who was walking. All participants set off at a mighty gallop, giving the impression that all were running, including Showpony and Moonbeams!! Needless to say, several soon slowed the pace, some to barely a crawl whilst those of us made of stronger stuff continued to follow the paper trail and the arrows which appeared to have been drawn with a piece of rock rather than chalk. The false trails started before we had even left the park with one hasher heard to utter “oh no, not this shit already”, when confronted with a trail leading into “snake territory” and a large impassable fence. Off we then set through the streets of Merrimac, but very quickly into bushland, at first able to be traversed quite easily but then another apt comment being heard along the lines of “I thought the prick said that the water had all gone” as we negotiated swampy mudflats and other water-courses.

1Flasher, in his usual shirtless style, went off on his own tangent, never to be seen by the majority of us again. The rest of us tried to stay together but the swamps got the better of us and at one stage a hardy pack of about six of us, foolishly following Truckie and Circumference, negotiated about two kilometres of grass that was up to our necks in height and at the end of which we had to cross a creek that had us in muddy water up to at least knee height. Someone was heard saying “I like a bit of shiggy but this is ridiculous!”.

As if that wasn’t enough, we then had to get through a barbed wire fence and it was here that our team skills excelled, with Circumference using a stick he had found to hold the barbed wire open enough to allow the other hardy souls to cross into a clear paddock. One comment was “how the f*** did Nasty get through here??”

After a gruelling 7.2 kilometres, topped off with a significant downpour of rain, we all made it back to the starting point where the triple pop-up shade tent had been put up and the tables and chairs all set up under it to protect us from the rain, not that it mattered much as we were all soaked, muddy and looking like drowned rats. Thankfully some of us had been briefed by Nasty at the Warriors breakfast and we had a change of clothes to get into! Definitely the best run of this calendar year, but as Sir Rabbit said “…but it will disappear into oblivion!”

The Nosh:

The Nosh apparently started off with corn chips and dip but by the time yours truly had gotten himself back and dried off, that had of course all disappeared, obviously devoured by the walkers who had expended so much energy and needed immediate sustenance! The party pies then came out with some dubious looking sauces also on offer. The pies were announced as being the main course and the portion control Nazis tried to limit us to one pie each! Most of us thought that was total bollocks and took at least two pies each, with Botcho allegedly helping himself to at least six of them! Poor old Fullershit took two pies, both of which had no filling at all. Doesn’t say much for the quality control at Aldi!!

The real main course turned out to be a mince curry of sorts, served with white boiled rice…Phantom said that “on a scale of one to ten, I would rate this as a zero!” to which Nasty responded “wait for the after taste!!”. Presumably one would think that for there to be an “after-taste”, there firstly has to be taste!!

Dessert consisted of what I think was chocolate cake and custard in a plastic cup, garnished with strawberries, a chocolate-covered sultana and a chocolate biscuit stick. Not bad really but there were three left over, which is an indication of sorts as to its quality.

When yours truly started complaining about the mosquitoes over dinner, Weekly’s response was “you need more booze in your system!!”

The Circle:

 Just as Nosh was coming to an end at around 8.10pm it was time to “circle up” and the rain started again. GM directed all tables to be cleared so circle could be under the cover of the tent, resulting in a bit of GM abuse with some saying “let’s have a sit-down circle!” but the GM would have none of that nonsense.

Visitors and returning runners were welcomed warmly and it was nice to see Bondage, Shetland, Magician (our rep in Ho Chi Minh city), Pile Driver and Brewtus back in the ranks. All received a down-down for gracing us with their presence.

Sir Blackstump was asked for his run report to which he responded “lovely to get back into the mud and have it squelching between your toes…it gets rid of the tinea..we even had rain, another great touch!”

Flasher concluded it was an “excellent run” but said he is sick of people calling him a “short c**t” all the time and threatened to hit those that do so with his giant plastic dildo!

Our esteemed RA was in good form tonight, professing at the start of his rant, err, sorry, sermon that he had done a lot of research into ICE and its effects on the human body, at which point he immediately then called Miscarriage to the front for his icing for having botched his Christmas lunch by buying one solitary bag of ice to keep $400 worth of seafood fresh for his lunch guests. Needless to say the whole lot went off due to not being kept cold enough. This also deserved a down-down (no. 1).

Miscarriage then entertained us with the tale of his twin brother’s antics at Hollywood Showgirls nightclub. Down-down again (no. 2). Miscarriage then proceeded to nominate Rug as representative of those charged with leaving bottle tops all over the place at Miscarriage Manor at Gilston last week.

Third down-down for Miscarriage was for his shoe left securing the bed at another hasher’s house. Very suspicious indeed! Miscarriage’s fourth down-down was for wearing a women’s hash (Singapore Harriets) t-shirt at a men-only hash. Miscarriage’s FIFTH down-down was for having the Useless award, passed on with all due grace by it’s previous proud wearer, Truckie.

Ferret took a down-down for forgetting the Prick of the Week regalia. Well deserved after tipping the ice-tray all over your trusty scribe’s feet!!

That just about concluded all business and Moonbeams closed the circle in his usual inimitable style!


9th February will be Ballpoint’s 50th birthday run and he requests that all hashers wear a Hawaiian shirt to mark the occasion.

Fanny Charmerfanny charmer2

Substitute to the Substitute Scribe

Question: What did Flasher bring back from the run? Clue...look at the pictures

Question: What did Flasher bring back from the run?
Clue…look at the pictures

Run 1939

splinter hash golf

Run: 1939


Location: Gilston

Hare: Miscarriage


Question: What is written on the side of the trailer

What is written on the side of the trailer in   this weeks pictures

Gold Coast Gourmet Hash


MOVIE MARATHON of the Year Screened at the new NASTY BAR with screening of Vietnam, Croatia and Philippines recent release movies by Nasty Spellburg.


The Hash House Harriers was formed at the Selangor Club Chambers in Malaya in 1937/38 by E.J Galvin, Malay Mail, H.M Doig, A.S Gispert and Cecil H. Lee. Rumor has it that Gispert was the real ideas man who created the Hash and he was also a Walker and a Bike rider. Tradition continue today with this group of GCHHH who are also excellent athletes.

 Auction of the year


A generous donation of this never ever worn Georgiou Armani suit valued at $3000 has been kindly donated by Nasty ( too small for him now) . It will be auctioned at the next Hash Nasty run with proceeds to go toward the AGPU entertainment. Don’t miss this auction event of the year to be the best dressed GCHHH.


GCHHH Shat on 30 December decided to go looking for the Air Asia missing plane and took a flight to same location as missing plane. As a Warrior he holds no fear as he heard that lightning never strikes twice in the same place. Shat decided to take the same Air Asia flightpath and is seen flying in the same location as missing plane. Looking out the window with his eagle eyes it appears he spotted the missing aircraft lifejackets and doors. Well done Shat!!



Run 1939 with Miscarriage at early start time of 5pm

Promoted as the Bush Run and Trailer Nosh of the year.

Will Miscarriage be able to break the mould again this week?

Will the run surpass Miscarriage’s last Cow Paddock Bush run heralded as Bush Run of the Year.

Location was looking good as Fuller Shit soon got bogged in the heavy mud!!

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A group of 30 dedicated athletes circled around the bogged hash trailer,took out a few chairs, opened a cold beer and immediatly relaxed.

Thanks Miscarriage for buying this land so you could provide a unique hash location.

The pre-run briefing from Miscarriage was as always lots of waffle and there were as usual those mumbled words …“run that way and find the trail marked with paper and come back down that mountain slope”


The GM was unable to call the rabble to order as RA Caustic reported he was out fishing for baitfish on the continental shelf and had already has 11 beers by 11am. He was reported to be in high spirts and we would be unlikely to see him today.

With that Miscarriage sent the group on their way at 5.16 pm with words “ you wont miss this trail and its a great run’ .

After last few weeks of the so called Best Bush Run of the Year followed by the so called Best Trailer Nosh of the Year that in fact were total debacles this was looking very good for Miscarriage.

The Run Warm Up


Yes…we do see some of our runners actually do stretching before the run as they now sit in chairs as they exercise and stretch their thumb over their IPhones.

The Run


This picture says it all!!! He ran this run twice in one day!!

Miscarriage spent considerable effort in setting this well-marked Bush Run. We guess he has the experience so it was expected to be a good run.The runners and walkers moved up the grassy hill that just kept going up and up and up.

The only relevant clue was the final information that Miscarriage would be standing at each “check” to make sure no one got lost and all did the full run. Good work Miscarriage to keep these bastards honest!!

Very quickly runners moved forward passing all the wobbly walkers as they strugged up the slope.

Miscarriage knowing the way led Flasher , 2 Dogs ,Bent Banana, Sir Black Stump , and Botcho as leading the runners up the hill Miscarriage’s run was all looking very good with heaps of bush, mud and rough terrain!! There was to be no bitumen road on this run.

It was noted that this week there were no International investors on the run so why did the run go over every square KM of Miscarriage’s new proposed Subdivision called “Burkeland”??

Lurch, Sir Slab, Fanny Charmer , Head Job ,Rug ,Iceman ,Caustic and 2 Dogs were in full flight up the hill. Miscarriage was waiting at the checks to make sure each hashman went the right way ..well done Miscarriage for your assistance.

On On was then called several times on the run as the group all moved across the bush up hill and down dale and were saved by Miscarriage with his assistance to get them going the right way.

Most runners this week did do the full run it was by all accounts a excellent run .

The first runners back via the correct trail down the hill to the trailer were Flasher 1st,

Sir Black Stump 2nd and Bent Banana 3rd with Botcho and 2 Dogs close by.

2 Dogs reported run time of 46.05 minutes..Run distance 75.1 km. Area covered 8.5 sq KM with a average pace of 9.06 min /km ..Well done runners.

Caustic and Missing Link came in next in 56 min followed by Lurch and Rug .

It appears that Sir Rabbitt decided to walk this week so he could tell the walkers all the stories of his alcoholic christmas parties.

Run Critic Fanny Charmer noted Best Run of the year so far”. Hare Miscarriage put in a lot of effort and experience for this run but again failed to provide a drink stop.

Two Dogs also got in on the act and commented “Amazing how he found new territory after all the runs from here” ..

Great effort Miscarriage for an excellent Bush Run.

The WOBBLY Walkers


As always a big group of wobbly walkers lined up at the starting gate.As the walking group is getting slower and most of these geriatics in the past weeks have made little effort to move away from the Nosh and Booze area but tonight was different. The excitement and smell of the bush gums got them going.

Again we see those ex runners, Sir Rabbit , Rockhard, Circumference, this week joined with Slug to the ranks of the dedicated professional walkers. It seems that they are they now permanent walkers?

Weekly showed no pain as he too raced up the hill.


Once at the top of the first hill we see the lead walker Kwakka giving directions

10   11


The dedicated professional walkers, with Miscarriage’s guest Ron and Son of Swindler Darren , with Fuller Shit , Blue Card , Hard On , Weekly, Ferrett & Swindler all moved out a brisk pace up the hill which they kept up the good pace for the 5 km walk. What great comraderie these brave bunch of Hash Walkers continue to experience.

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First walkers back over the hills and down the dales and across the mud were Son of Swindler Darren with Blue Card and the Big O.

14                                                                                     Back to the safety of the trailer the walkers enjoyed a cold well deserved beer

 The Nosh

For the Hare Miscarriage it was always going to be a hard act to follow after his last Miscarriage effort that at this stage was voted “The Best Trailer Bush Nosh of the Year?” As promised by the GM Kitchen Bitch the hash in now truly back into gourmet.

Real Bush, Trailer, Great Location and with hygiene totally forgotten as the nosh chef Miscarriage took off his sweaty shirt and proceeded to handle all the food with his so called dirty little spotless hands!!.


Portioned controlled to perfection so no waste it was help yourself food.


Cheeze platter with Greek Olives



BBQ Black Angus steak with Gourmet Sausages and Salad



Fresh mango fruit salad

Resident food CriTic Lurch Who had only 1 helping of steak and SAUSAGES ( no second helpings as portioned controlled) OBVIOUSLY appreciated the food:

…………“Great food and at last back to Hash basics”

Well done MISCARRIAGE FOR providing the NOSH WITH NO outsourcing. except for assiastance by your old mate Ron .a Great effort that helped to make this ANOTHER REAL hash night of true HASH nosh in a great location in the BUSH.




Contrary to the report by RA Caustic that the GM was seen heavily intoxicated in control of ship, the GM did appear to supervise the Nosh and run the bush circle.

The GM appeared in Katmandu Hat with Hash Chains and with his trademark Moses Staff but someone commented that he did small a bit fishy and really need his staff ( meaning the RA) to hold him up!!


DD to:

  • Rod ( Friend of Miscarriage who advised Miscarriage is also known as Millimeter)
  • Miscarriage for the Hare and Nosh
  • Ferrett for proudly wearing his Xmas T Shirt
  • Missing Link for not wearing his Christmas T Shirt and for posing in his calendar when on Hierarchy
  • Visitors Rod and Darren Son of Swindler
  • Nasty presented doctors certificate to save himself an Icing
  • Head Job as returning runner
  • Miscarriage for false change on Sir Rabbit for a so called prohibited import
  • Iceman joke this week went down well. A great “Heaven arrival joke” Iceman after recent pathetic failed jokes.


Sir Black Stump proudly presented to Miscarriage the original Black Stump. No doubt this will find a pride of place on the new “Burkeland” subdivision.

Useless Shirt


Yes…still with Truck Tyres wherever he is?


Prick of the Week


Awarded by Botcho on behalf of Cumsmoke to Ferrett (yes..spelt with 2 rr’s and 2 tt’s) for failure to read directions from Botcho.


Gift for GM

Once again with tears in his eyes saying “the best gift so far this year” the GM accepted an amazing gift and thoughtful gift from Nasty. This highly prized possession of Nasty has now been handed over to the GM. The highly prized Gold Coast Fishing Jacket is now with a new owner. Nothing could turn on our GM more. Well done Nasty for an well thought gift.

 GM Report

GM advised next week run will be by Nasty!! Our GM has personally promised to assist to ensure that this event so it is not as predictable as suspected. Good Luck GM if you can pull this off!!


NOTE: The Nasty run will NOT be held in the Aldi carpark and there will NOT be Aldi pies served for Nosh

15End of CIRCLE …….by FERRETT @ 8.14 pm




Run 1938


lotto imagesplinter hash golf

Run: 1938


Location: Carrara

Hare: Sir AH



Christmas Run 1938 by Sir AH with Santa’s Little Helper


Editors Note:

Due to recents comments as to the credibility of the author and accurary of the written WORDS in future these ramblings will be renamed the TRUTH after a old time Queensland newspaper publication..for those not suffering from neuron degeneration and can remember, this was a newspaper we once had in Queenland that was reliable,honest, trustworthy and never ever let facts get in the way of a good story

3  4

Sir AH prays at his computer ..”Please , Please GM send me a Little Santa Helper”


Would the GM once again instruct the ever caring and thoughtful Hierachy to swing into action and make these unnecessary arrangments once again for a Santa Helper??


A high attendance of 28 GCHHH gathered near the Emerald Lakes Golf Club all excited about the prosects an expensive Christmas present from a Santa helper.

SANTA WARMS UP for the Run



It is always a good idea to stretch those hammies before the run!!

A great effort by Sir AH who spent several hours setting a special Christmas trail and walk.

At the pre-run briefing Sir AH started to explain how the run and walk was planned! Sir AH initial composure was quickly reduced to a totally confused state of mind!!

I forget what I actually did ???”… he was heard mumbling to himself.

As there would be Christmas presents for all at the end of the run and walk, the 28 excited Hashers took off at full speed to get the run and walk over as soon as possible so they could come back and unwrap their Christmas presents.



A Bum of a Run



With the incentive to run as fast as possible a large group of walkers and runners all set off in the same direction on the well-marked trail.

The run crisscrossed around the golf course, up a small hill, across the bush, around the park etc etc etc. All rather predictable for the location but very well marked.

The first GCHH runners back and heavily sweating were Miscarriage and Flasher.

Botcho ,Truck Tyres , Bent Banana quickly followed with Sir Black Stump, Fanny Charmer ,Rug ,Ferrett ,Sir Slab and Shetland.

Miscarriage gave an unbiased run report “a very well-marked trail but who covered up the chalk arrows?”

It must have been an excellent run as no runners complained about the very short distance of the run so overall all agreed it was a very well planned run by Sir AH.



Sir AH advised that there may be a drink stop or even some golfers on the course waiting for them.These images projected by Sir AH certainly got the Walkers excited.

Blue Card who is reported to have a very good sence of smell in this area. He immediatly got to the front of the walkers followed by Circumference, Hard On ,Nasty, Fuller Shit , RockHard , Slug ,Shat, Big O ,Weekly, Kwakka ,ArseUp,Swindler & Jigsaw who were not letting Blue Card get out of their sight .

This evening the GM arrived late, canceeld the walk ( surprise surprise!!) and decided to stay at base camp and assist Sir AH prepare the Christmas banquet.

Good to see Show Pony out walking and but returned early from the walk to assist the GM on a very important procurement mission that was eventually aborted.

This was a well planned walk around the golf cousre which all walkers completed for the first time.

The Golf Course Location was well selected by Sir AH


The Nosh


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13   14




A first class nosh with excellent salads and all prepared on location. Great effort Sir AH. It just proved expereince does help!!

Report by food critic Circumference summed up the meal “ excellent handmade and fresh food ..say no more. This is a real contender for the Nosh of the Year”


The Christmas Presents

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Sir AH gets his Christmas Wish from the ever caring Heirachy who provided Santa’s Little Helpers to assist in the distribution of the Christmas presents.

GM immediatly advised that there was to be no fondling the tits of Santas little helper’s.



D/D Returning Runners

  • Ferrett – on another boat cruise junket but with a gift for the GM that again would touch him deeply
  • ArseUp – busy working in HK
  • Shetland – now has bus licence at last but not taking passengers
  • Miscarriage – arranging our GCHash retirement beachfront home in Cambodia
  • Big 0 – back from spending time with Her Majesty but not looking forward to a revisit


  • Shetland – wearing hat in circle
  • Flasher- assaulting Sir Slab with his beer at the Christmas party
  • Big O – possible assault charges on Lurch
  • Truck Tyres- left his phone in his shorts when he went for a swim
  • Fanny Charmer- wearing T Shirt – Trust me I am a lawyer


20   21

The RA was away on urgent business meetings with his landlord after last week’s Christmas Run had destroyed his office declared that there would be no icings this week. However future retribution would be guaranted.


Useless T- Shirt Award

27  22

Missing in action

Hopefully it will re-appear soon as whoever has it is Useless and obviously deserves it??

Prick of the Week


Given by it owner Cumsmoke to Botcho who then forget to bring it.

Report by GM

GM in full Hash Formal dress called all to order and apologized for running late as his Christmas waxing appointment had taken longer than usual.

The first 6 months of the Hierarchy Year for the GM Kitchen Bitch in this honored position has been a torrid time full of fine gourmet meals, continuous hash fun, lots of laughs, heaps of action and impeccable organisation. The GM will take the well-earned rest over the festive season for that holidays he deserves with some of his friends. See if you can spot the GM in this group at a recent Mankini convention.



Next week run by Miscarriage Starts at 5pm

 24   25



Enjoy the Christmas Season and try not to end up like this during the holiday season


End of CIRCLE ……. @ 8.50pm



 santa camera Click on Santa for this weeks pictures

Run 1937

lotto imagesplinter hash golf

Run: 1937


Location: Broadbeach

Hare: Hierarchy



The Christmas 2014 Run 1937


Pre lube Location: Homeless Shelter near Kurrawa Surf Club Broadbeach


The Start of the Run

45 excited Santa’s gathered under the Kurrawa Homeless Shelter to discuss the spread of goodwill toward all .The Santa’s , all proudly wearing their Christmas T -Shirts decorated with photos of their revered Hierarchy, quickly began to embrace the Christmas cheer.

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Thanks to Booze Masters Slug and Rockhard for providing Ice cold Crownies and the pre lube snacks lovingly prepared by Hierarchy Hare Master VD.  

With the sounds of ringing bells from the leading Hash Santa’s Sir Rabbit and Sir AH the large group of excited Santa’s were let loose on Broadbeach. They were led out by the Grand Master KB who directed them towards the Oasis to bring Christmas cheer to all

From here on this meticulously planned and choreographed event could only go one way!!!

Yes…you guessed. A total debacle with a series of unplanned events guaranteed to create havoc amongst this fine group of revelers


The Goodwill Stops


The very noisy group we led by the very excited hare Sir Slab. This happy group of Santa’s Helpers dispensed Christmas gifts to all and sundry along the way through the Oasis Mall, a couple of refreshment stops, a slice of Pizza bread and onto the G Link train towards that mystery destination. Just follow the trail to the destination were the instructions.


The Venue – the Lull before the Storm

21  10  11

The last few months of preplanning by Hierarchy was coming to the proverbial head to make this another memorable Hierarchy event. Excellent effort by RA Caustic in setting up his office as the venue. The Hierarchy enjoyed a quite relaxing beer in RA Caustic’s offices as they discuss the venue preparation and fine tune the evening format.

More excitement as on arrival each GCHHH was given an expensive Christmas gift of a Beer Holder complete with Hierarchy Photos ..a real treasured memorial hash gift that no doubt will become a collectors item.

And then the party got going – FOS says it all with Hard On, Now Loved & Seedy


The Music Man Sir Rabbit


If only they would let me turn up the music!!



Dream On on !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Early in the Night

Once at the dinner venue, the beer and red wine flowed without restraint. All present were soon well oiled and eager for the party games planned by the GM.

As the night progressed so did the average alcohol level intake and the need to just wander around having a great time, becoming more and more under the weather and, well, obnoxious? There were mumbling, ‘He’s gotta go’.

For some reason Ferret was complaining about nothing happening and wanted to go home. Strange he decided to stay all night?? Show Pony & Moonbeams took up front row position so as not to miss any action while Blue Card, Rockhard and Now Loved received the Intensive care award for their ongoing thoughtful consideration all evening.
The Games

The Boat Race Team A & Team B


In all the excitement Flasher’s full beer went over the coach and judge Sir Slab.

Pin the Christmas Bauble on the Nipple


It was finally decided as an equal tie with all winners receiving a fine bottle of red wine.

As the Evening Progressed

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Report from Capri on Via Roma:

It appears that last night just before 10pm the Centre Manager went out to lock-up the centre and he saw 3 men having a chat next to the bench seat near the main entrance. They continued to talk all the way along to the Post Office. One man was seen rapidly moving his arms trying to scratch his very sore and itchy back after recent major back surgery. Two others were trying to assist him but he wanted to scratch his own back as it was very sore so he asked them to leave him alone so he could personally scratch his own back.

The Centre Manager mistakenly for some reason interpreted the man’s behaviour towards those who were assisting him as aggressive and obnoxious behaviour. The Centre Manager then phoned the police and he gave them his interpretation of the situation. The Centre Manager then phoned security to let them know that police had been notified and were on their way.

There apparently was a staff and client Christmas party up on level 2 building 1. It appears that a couple of men may have possibly come downstairs as one of them was not feeling well during the party because of pain from recent major surgery on his back. The large elastoplast dressings on his back were becoming very sore and itchy on the wounds giving the impression that he was exhibiting aggressive behaviour.

The other 2 men then left the injured man in the car park and he was noticed staggering around possibly from the combined effects of drug medication and possibly alcohol. He apparently was walking in front of cars that were leaving the centre and was seen talking loudly to other people leaving through the car park. The police arrived and they approached him and asked him for identification and he spoke loudly to the female and male officers who then handcuffed him and arrested him. We suspect he has a hearing problem that causes him to speak loudly.

The police did call up to the Staff and Client Christmas party asking:
“Did anyone here witness a person being ejected and roughed up?’  “all present answered Nooooo.”  

‘Was anyone here involved?’  “again all present answered Nooooo.” …  

Shat very concerned asked one of the police, a policewoman, where is the guy now.  ‘In custody’, she replied.  Hhhmmmnnn

Report from inside the Staff party by an Unbiased GCHHH Observer:

At around 10pm a trigger finger point was moving towards an inevitable conclusion. Four of the GCHHH including Head Job & Missing Link assisted Big O down the stairway as he wanted to get out into the fresh air.  BIG O was in severe back pain as he was lashing out trying to scratch his back, struggling, kicking as they tried to help through the door and guide him downstairs.

One report was heard “I didn’t see what happened downstairs, though I’m told one of our blokes, Lurch, a giant of a man, slipped on the steps and fell on top of him and this temporarily pinned him down.

Anyway, the helpers all returned to the party and all returned to normal … until the police arrived.  Someone in the restaurant below had called the police about a man being in severe pain. We gather that when the police arrived at the party scene they found BIG O was in an unintelligible state and in agony. The police misinterpreted that he had assaulted some of those that assisted him.  The police then came upstairs and confronted the group.
Report Direct from Big O on events at Capri on Via Roma:

Yeah!!   Yeah!!   Yeah!! As he burst into happy song at the first drink stop: ‘My boomerang won’t come back, my boomerang won’t come back …’

Little did we know the pain he was in? To cheer him up Shat had invited Big O to the annual Gold Coast HHH Christmas Run, with everyone wearing Santa t-shirts & Santa caps.

What a brave soul is BIG O as the pathological check of the huge lumps surgically cut from near his spine showed it is very aggressive growth and they didn’t get it all. He was temporarily stitched up and has been called back for further intensive surgical procedures next year as they can’t fit him in this side of Christmas so just filled him up on strong medication.

To correct the course of events as above when the police came they were seeking the person(s) who BIG O had allegedly assaulted (not the other way round as was initially thought). It appeared BIG O may have mistakenly been seen as taking a swing at the police while trying to scratch his itchy painful back as he was heard howling in pain.

Big O advises that the police handcuffed him and he spent the night in the Southport lockup. He said they hurt the stitches in his back where he had the surgery, which caused him to resist arrest as he was in agony with the pain so on.  He is now obtaining a doctor’s report, including the effect alcohol has on the medication he was taking when this incident occurred.

He is charged with causing a public nuisance and is to appear in court on 13 January. It does appear from all reports he was in severe pain and heavily medicated so no doubt he will plead temporary insanity and hopefully get the charge against him dismissed.

The Aftermath Report by Caustic

The Centre Manager has kindly forwarded to RA Caustic the enclosed photos showing unauthorised setting up of a BBQ and the damaging of private property.

The Centre Manager also alleges he was personally pushed and assaulted by attendees at the Staff and Client Christmas Party when he making my way downstairs to go home last night. Did anyone notice this alleged event?

The Centre Manager also alleges he was further abused when he asked the BBQ personnel what was going on. Again did anyone witness this alleged event?

The Centre Manager advised to have also received phones calls from various people complaining about actions last night and this morning at the Staff and Client Christmas party. Can anyone assist us with information about any actions last night?

The Centre Manager respectfully reminded RA Caustic that Capri on Via Roma is private property and the absolute least he should have done is to advise management of our planned activities and invited him.

The Centre Manager advised that he will be sending RA Caustic a bill for the costs incurred in cleaning up the site and for his time dealing with this matter as well as Personal Damages for Loss of Face in not receiving an invitation to the best Staff and Client Christmas Party so far this year at Capri on Via Roma.

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Well done to the GM and the Hierarchy for another high quality Hash event planned to perfection.


……………………………………10.30 pm END OF Party


Next Monday Run By Sir AH

Don’t miss another Hierarchy Sponsored Event

On On   Swindler

xmas cameraClick on Santa for Run Pictures

Run 1936

lotto imagesplinter hash golf

Run: 1936


Location: Broadbeach

Hare: Tranny, Bondage and Nasty


Hash Christmas Run on Monday 15th



Dress:   Hash Christmas T-shirt, Santa hat, red shorts with bells on sandshoes.

Venue & Start Time: 5pm Sharp Kurrawa Park (south of surf club) – don’t be late and miss the opening events

Book in now with Caustic $25 (Actual Value – priceless)

December Hash Formal Cocktail Party Report


Thanks to the hard working Hierarchy for creating an amazing event – another great Hash Night

A special thanks to Weekly for arranging his son Bradley Pavarotti to sing on the night.

Virgin Broadbeach Run 1936 with Tranny & Bondage

5 With ex virgin Nasty as the Live Hare


Promoted by the Virgins as a run in Virgin territory? Who are these virgins kidding!!.

34 excited athletes circled around the nervous hares as they issued the run instructions.

Just follow the live hare as the run markings were washed out due to the storms”

“Sorry but the drink stop with the promised entertaiment is also cancelled”.

Yes..a great start for these virgins ..a total Fu..k Up from the start.

Would this run even rate on the scale of recent hash runs ??

In the wash-up it was noted that there were only 13 runners following the Hare with 21 walkers ffollowing the GM of which 14 walkers ended in the broadbeach bar with GM and Sir Prince.

 The Live Hare Run


Tranny & Bondage had spent considerable effort in setting this well-marked Broadbeach run. Tranny advised that he would sweep the trail to prevent any hashers losing their way (can you believe that he could even think this). But he obviously knows the age of many of the hashers and this was a very considerate plan for this virgin territory trail!

The runners quickly settled in behind the hare bike and while the walkers went in the opposite direction towards the Boardbeach hotel.

First runners out behind the hare were Bent Banana, Rug , Circumference ,Fanny Charmer and Botcho.

It was good to see that Sir Slab had fully recovered from the severe accident on the trail last week and was running well. Josephine was seen looking for the checks that did not exist .

On On was then called several times on the run as the group all moved toward Pac Fair they were saved by Sir Black Stump with his assistance to get them going the right way. Truck Tyres and 2 Dogs soon became leading runners.

Some runners this week did most of the run and it was by all accounts an excellent run for the 2 virgins.

The run time was 35.65 minutes..Run distance 5.55 km.This all the information we have as 2 Dogs advised his GPS failed in the Pac Fair car park. However elevation could not be measured but it noted that it was the height of the escalator at Pac Fair.

Flasher with Two Dogs somehow managed to get back first again ..well done. Brewtus ,Lurch and Missing Link came in next in 37.9 min followed by and Truck Tyres and Fanny Charmer in 38.69.

It was reported that Jospehine ,Sir Black Stump, Circumference and Rug took the short cut and did not do the full run.

Run Critic Sir Slab “ The Hares put in a lot of effort and with no experience this was a great effort but again failed to provide a drink stop.

Circumference also got in on the act and commented “Amazing how the Virgins found new territory after all the runs from here”

Botcho confirmed new territory..”first time GCHHH had ever run the bitumen road in Ventura Street”.

Great effort Tanny & Bondage for an excellent run.

The Walkers


One of the biggest group of Walkers ever from GCHHH went in the opposite direction to the Runners.

The dedicated professional walkers led again by Grand Master and RA Caustic with Kwakka , FOS ,VD , Shat, Seedy , Swindler, Caustic, ,Sir AH all moving in one direction towards the Broadbeach Hotel for the proposed drink stop. They were very surprised to see that Sir Rabbit and Sir Prince were already there waiting for them.

Hard On ,Slug ,Weekly, Jigsaw, Blue Card , Shat ,Now Loved and Pile Driver all completed the walk in record time to also meet at the drink stop.

Comraderie continues for these dedicated Hash Walkers.



The Grand Master made a GM decision due to lack of food and what was looking to become a complete debacle called the Circle Up Now instructions.

Immediatly Ex GM “feather duster” Now Loved was given a DD for talking over the top of the GM.

Shat was unable to control his excitement at getting his Christmas T shirt with heirachy photoes and immediately spilt red wine all over it..another DD

Then the food arrived..


The Nosh




For the Hare Tranny and Nosh Chef Bondage it was always going to be a hard act to follow after the recent excellent efforts. Would these virgins be voted “The Best Nosh of the Year?”

It was unlimited help yourself food so many had second helpings as long as you got in quick.

Resident food CriTic Shat asked what the secret ingredient in the potato bake was corRect when he said “LARGE amounts of Salt “

Jospephine did comment that it was nice to find a potato in the Potato Bake.

Well done Bondage for using this secret recipe that has been tightly held in your family for many YEARS. You provided the meal with NO outsourcing…a Great effort that helped to make this ANOTHER REAL hash night of quality and true HASH nosh in AN excellent location.


DD to:

  • Flasher & Truck Tyres for sitting down in circle
  • Bondage ,Tranny & Nasty as Nosh Chef ,Hare and Live Hare
  • Sir Rabbit for supply of great music at the cocktail party
  • Rug for tempting Miss SA with a beagle
  • 2 Dogs for his skill at fixing the temprite and saved the Cocktail party.
  • Rockhard for dangerous driving after the cocktail party
  • FOS for call beyond duty by helping at Cocktail party set up
  • Seedy, Bondage & Tranny as returning runners.
  • Sir Black Stump for over achievement in the winning the over 60, 0ver 65 ,Over 70 and Over 75 Triathlon.
  • Wallflower Awards to Botcho ,Iceman , Kwakka, Sir Rabbit , Sir Prince and Pile Driver

Useless Shirt


Last week’s awardee Truck Tyres proved a worthy recipient as he forget to bring it tonight

Prick of the Week


Cumsmoke who last week got the POW registered as the unhealthiest Hasher of the month at the Phantom blood pressure run decided to stay away this week for some reason ??.

Report of Grand Master- KB


Yes .this is our GM enjoying the beach walk as he promises that this year it will be his goal “to get fit with great walks followed by Gourmet food that he will personally supervise.”

This week our GM walked all the way to the Broadbeach pub and back. Great effort GM

The GM had personally promised to assist the Virgins to ensure that this week’s run was not as predictable as suspected. Greta work GM to get the run back on track to erect the tent and lights. Another success!!!

GM advised:

Sir AH run week 22nd December not to be missed as Santa’s little helper will be there!!. Everyone to bring a $5 Xmas present

Next Splinter lunch at Latin Quarter hosted by Sir Slab on 19th Dec


End of CIRCLE …….by Josephine @ 8.58 pm


