Author Archives: Botcho

Run 2234…Hare Circumference

Date: 28 th December 2020…………………..
Location: Smith St Collective………………….

Runners: 25…………………………………………

Hash Trash .. don’t let the facts get in the way of a good story!

We gathered at the pavilion adjacent to the Sharks Juniors football oval and Circumference set the walkers and the runners off towards Smith St. We used the pathways and a bit of bush before we crossed over the footbridge into Griffith University.  

Circumference had chosen a sacred sight next to the Native Beer God to set up drink stop with cans of “Bluey” beer which was well received by all. Then it was on home. I know this is hard to believe but Truckie was late to start and was last home. 

Unfortunately Sir Blackie had a tumble and damaged himself quite badly. Luckily he is a fit bastard and we did not need to use the defibrillator. 


Entree was corn chips and dips with cold beers. Foxtrot Oscar set up the selection of beers and wines for the last time this year. Next run we start the BYO trial, this should please SBends who has been bringing his own for many weeks now. 

Circle was called early by acting GM Nasty whilst we waited for the hare to cook the pork fillets which were served with Spiced rice salad, beetroot and condiments with bread rolls. 

Acting RA Shat took over after run and walk reports were given by Truckie, Sir Botcho and Sir Blackie

Jokes from Poxie about a Roman Orgy and another joke about Paddy who was told about free sex after 3 pints by his daughter. He finished with a Duck who was a plasterer. SBends told a looong joke about Scottish drinking habits.

 Shat shared his joke followed by Sir Botcho with his joke about a rabbit and the bar man. 

Charges for Pisto and Botcho for not stopping at the beer stop. 

Truckie was charged with being late for lunch

Rug and Fanny were charged for playing cards after they had lunch together 

POW to Carefree who left as the circle started 


DD to Swollen for setting off sky rockets. 

The circle started with no respect as the POW elect walked off to his car and was chased to his car by POW Fanny to award it to him. It ended equally as poorly with Slug appointing himself spokesman for the hashmen who walked away from the circle to get the Nosh whist Foxtrot was sharing his experience of delivering the grog to the Hash Christmas party. This unprecedented behavior was objected to by the remaining hashmen in the circle who were still listening to Foxtrot.


The lack of respect was not fitting for a circle of the Gold Coast Hash. 

Next weeks Run … For those who were more focused on the food than the circle … is Hardon from Macintosh Park. 

On On


Run 2232…Hierarchy

Date:14th December 2020…………………..
Location: Surfers Paradise…………………..

Runners: 41………………………………………….

Hash Trash

.. don’t let the facts get in the way of a good story!

The weather was not going to give us a break so we prepared for a wet night for our pub crawl followed by dinner.
We arrived at the usual meeting point outside the backpackers next to Bruce Bishop car park and took shelter, (more like took over) under the awning of the Vegan Asian shop.
The owner Ahhn was happy to have us out front and said it made him look busy. The rain poured but it was a dry argument until Oscar Foxtrot arrived with very cold beers just before 5pm.
After a few nibbles and beers we set off to find the first bar. Fortunately, the Island bar was only 80m away and when the pack arrived the pints of beers were already on the bar and the Hash Cash station was set up.
Due to COVID regulations, the next stop at Kitty O’Shea did not go as smoothly as the Island bar, and we all needed to be seated before the beers would be served. After another pint it was time to head to the third venue for our final drink stop.
After some confusion as to which venue this was and why it was closed the cop on duty said the building was unsafe and had also flooded. So we continued on to La Porchetta, our final venue for the night.
The look on the faces of the families in the restaurant as 40 Santa’s walked in was priceless. Sir Two Dogs shouted out the hierarchy was offering free beers and wine with the meal tonight to the delight of the pack. The food offering was excellent and the quality of the food was great.
Somehow Kitchen Bitch found some Christmas presents to delight the children. The alcohol flowed and the conversation continued.
Unfortunately, the night did not go so well for Oscar Foxtrot who after he delivered the beer at the start of the run he went to the restaurant to drop off the wine.
Unfortunately due to the unsafe building Orchid Ave was closed and Oscar Foxtrot was told to drive the wrong way down the “one way” Orchid Avenue to unload the wines. An overzealous cop came out of the cop shop opposite La Porchetta and berated and booked Oscar Foxtrot and subsequently ruined his night.
There was no Circle and milestone run shirts were awarded to deserving runners by RA Bewtus Then Sir Two Dogs and Brewtus distributed the Christmas present of a casual shirt before the night closed. The feedback was a great night organized by an even greater hierarchy!!
On On

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