Author Archives: Botcho

Run 2251… Hare Bluecard

Date: 26th April 2021……………………….
Location: Highland Park…………………..

Runners: 25………………………………………….

Run Pictures.password protected

Anzac Day is supposedly a day we remember those poor souls who died for the freedoms we now enjoy. The hare, Blue Card, came up with some idea that by not setting any trails at his run it was similiar to the original Anzacs at Gallopoli not knowing what they were getting themselves into. Anyhow after the hare’s instructions, the packs set off up some hills , wandered around for awhile and then found their way home. Not an arrow or check to be seen , a real prototype for how to do SFA when it’s your turn to be the hare. At least no one got lost on no trails and unlike the original Anzacs landing on a beach below hills in Turkey, there were no casualties.

So upon returning home, next up came the Byron Bay corn chips , crackers and dips which were enjoyed by all over refreshing beverages. The hare enlisted Privates Carefree and Circumference to carry the nosh from the kitchen mess to the troops below. There were two curries, a vege and a beef , served with rice. A far better ration than bully beef and cheese crackers that our soldiers used to get. The dessert was Anzac biscuits and ice cream.

The GM called a circle and told of the misadventures on the Sir Slab Brisbane Valley bike ride. S Bends and Commander Head got good use of their Medicare cards after hospital visits to have scans to check their brains after a couple of falls. While on the bike ride, Sir Prince Valiant was worried how S Bends would be received at the very indigenous Cherborg Hospital if he visited there and opened his mouth to speak with his strong accent. However Badger got the most mentioned hasher award with his loss of his bicycle off his A frame caravan while driving to the venue and two flat tyres on borrowed bikes. AH Pesto produced a bike frame and a pump which maybe remants of the missing Badger bicycle kit. There were a few attempts at humour to entertain the troops by Carefree and Iceman. The GM also told a joke.

During the evening, Sir Rabbit played a soundtrack of Anzac and good Aussie classic songs including a blast from the past from Moonbeams(RIP). Weekly needed a call to locate his mobile telephone which he had put down somewhere unknown to himself after a couple of glasses of red grape juice. Sir Botcho also got a down down for loosing his mobile telephone in his hat at his home after calling Now Loved to ser if he had seen it in the hash bike trail tour bus.

This run report has been produced by a volunteer who in keeping with Anzac traditions has come to the aid of the GC Hash as it would seem that the hash scribe went AWOL on the Anzac Day hash run. At the setting of the sun and in the morning, we will remember him (in the circle).

Lest we Forget, we won’t forget you, Nasty.

Private First Class Circumference

Run 2250… Hare Slug

Date: 19th April 2021……………………….
Location: Mermaid waters…………………………….

Runners: 24………………………………………….

Run Pictures.password protected

Run #2250

Hare: Slug

Venue: Bunnings Car Park

Everyone was expecting a low turn-out as many hashers had gone on the cycle ride, and to everyone’s surprise including the hare, there were 24 runners including 3 visitors/returning runners. We gathered in the car park outside Bunnings at the Super Q Centre off Markeri Street. Slug was the hare and pointed us diagonally across Southport-Burleigh Road where we picked up the arrows with a tail. The trail wandered through the streets and easements in the area south between Markeri Street and Robina Common. The runners and the walking pack led by BB managed to find the piss stop in Collingwood Park where Slug served up shots of Penfolds Club port. Fanny Charmer, Halal, Blue Card and Mad Mike missed the piss stop and got back after wandering around for 75 minutes thus averting a search party.

The circle was held in the car park. RA Brewtus acted as GM.

He called out the hare Slug for a down down.

Ice Man provided a run report and said that 5km run was well marked.

BB gave a walk report and recounted that he found every false trail.

Fanny recounted our lost exploits on the walk.

Brewtus called in the returning runners, including Piss Stop, BB, Swollen Colon. Poxy and Hot Dick. There were numerous charges from the circle, fortunately Foxtrot had plenty of down down drinks ready.

Blue Card advised next week’s run is from his abode with a 5pm start.

Circle was closed and we adjourned to the nearby Fast Wok BYO Chinese Malaysian restaurant. The food came very quickly and was a good price and great tasting.

On On,

Mad Mike