Author Archives: Botcho

Run 2253… Sir Slab

Date: 10th May 2021……………………….
Location: Ashmore……………………………

Runners: 30………………………………………….

Run Pictures.password protected

Hash Trash

.. don’t let the facts get in the way of a good story!

Run no 2253
Location Central Park Tavern
Hare Sir Slab/Memorial Run
The pack arrived at Central Park Tavern and Sir Slab set a run to the standard one would expect of him.
The circle was called by acting GM Sir Prince Valiant
Run report was good
Walk report was also good
The circle continued with a search and or confession for who invited Lipstick to the Hash Cocktail party and who is going to pay for her attendance … despite a long list of suspects being called into the circle no one owned up.
Carefree is top suspect
Sir Jo charged Commander Head who is in charge of Indian call center for Telstra for not caring about the health of his workforce
Memorial run began 43 years ago and the wall of names includes
First Hill Tanner
Doggie Dave
Show Pony
Bilge Pimp
Bob Irvine
Rock Hard
Geoff Mayden
Short shares and memories for each. Stories were shared by Sir Prince Valiant and others about those members who are no longer here including a story about Show Pony and Mrs Bilge Pump.
Rock Hard donated an overcoat to Now Loved which he wore on the night in the circle.
The port was passed around and a Toast to those passed on followed by the Hash Hymn.
Next weeks run
Poxy at Macintosh park
The circle ended with cars exiting the car park driving through the circle.
End of circle called in unison
The pack went inside for a “surprise” meal that was offered for $13 to pensioners. It was clear this tavern was not a destination for fine dining.
On OnSec