Breaking News




40 thoughts on “Breaking News

  1. Botcho Post author

    Hear ye, hear ye
    The courts in session
    The courts in session, now
    Here comes the judge
    Here comes the judge
    Here comes the judge
    Here comes the judge
    Here comes the judge

    On today’s docket deserters

    Dear legal eagles I propose to hold a mock trial ,with swindler representing the accused 2dogs , josephine ,sir rabbit and circumference . WITH Fanny Charmer as the hierarchy prosecutor who

    Will be charging the accused of leaving a man behind !!!! TO WALK HOME TO PARADISE POINT !! some of the accused didn’t even realize he was missing !!

    The hierarchy will meet and set a date for trial that suits all parties , without pre-empting the outcome Weekly will have ice ready , the judge will also be appointed from members

    Kind regards,

    Stand in Grand Master

    Sir Prince Valiant
    The investigation begins here

  2. KB

    COUNTDOWN… Only 29 more sleeps!!
    Got some fantastic runs to go and then the AGPU…

    Book penthouse for pre lube … Check!
    Order expensive red for AGPU ….Check!
    Book “assistants” ….Check!
    Arrange freight of expensive giveaways from Paris ….. Check!
    Book 5 star venue and degestation menu ….Check!

    47 registered so far with a couple of pranksters….
    So if you are coming PLEASE let us know or your gift from Paris might not make it!
    Also money up would be great to be able to pay for all this!! So sooner the better with the dosh will be greatly appreciated.
    Get ready for a great night…..
    On On

  3. Bent Banana Post author

    What a great evening last night.
    An unconventional and unique location, great surroundings & decor for a scary night, a lot of thought into organisation, great run, excellent food and a fine circle.
    All hashers were in awe. Well done boys, take a bow.
    On On


  4. Two Dogs Post author

    What a great above and beyond the call of duty effort that was,

    Thanks to all involved, and I think this Hierarchy is so good they would stand unopposed at the next free and democratic Hash elections,

    On On
    Two Dogs​

  5. Shat Post author

    Yes, thanks GM for all the thought and effort, and to all who helped set-up the whole night … truly one of the special runs to remember and re-tell.

    Cheers & ON ON

  6. Jigsaw Post author

    KB, one of the best nights ever. Thanks to you and the current
    hierarchy and volunteers.

    Maybe an annual event at the Tunnel?.

    On on


  7. Lurch Post author

    KB what a start to the week.
    That was a run that I personally won’t forget

    Thanks for the great memories

    On on!


  8. Ballpoint Post author

    All joking aside GM, and as much as it irks me to compliment a clown, I wish to dip the ole lid to yuh! What a marvelous effort it was last night, an absolute rip snorter. Full marks on venue selection, top class run and a great nosh. As far as hashing goes, it’s a cliche but, it don’t get too much better than that.

    Well done to you and to those who assisted in making this a bloody memorable occasion.


  9. KB

    Just a great HHHeap of thanks to EVERYONE in making our first HASHAWEEN night soooooooooo much fun!!!
    Everyone for chipping in to get the gear back up the hill and for all those that kept the dollar stores and costume joints in business.
    A logistical nightmare ..BUT it all came together in the end…
    Extra special thanks to …
    Lurch … Our Tunnel Ghost!
    Sir Rabbit . Fantastic music,sounds, ghetto blaster and of course his opp shop gear from the Rabbit warren
    VD .. Extra stores, Kitchen slave, Hash Cash, Trailer in at 4.30 and home at 11.15PM
    Botcho… Hare stand in, sweets, lights and a million calls.
    Weekly and Brewtus … Ice, Ice and more ice.
    Showpony … TWO generators and three trips up the hill!!! Amazing!!
    Aussie .. Kitchen slave all night!!! Ghost spotter!!
    Sir AH .. 34 year old stolen coffin!!
    Ferrett… Somber words … tunnel security… generator mechanic.
    Also to the guys that did extra trips up the hill to finish off the last few things!!!

    SO… To everyone THANKS HHHEAPS!!!! Hope you had a ball!!!

    On On

  10. caustic

    I appreciate the need to think on this for an extended period….I believe it is worth the time/effort.

    Please ponder the statement below

    I am sending this email only to my intellectual friends.

  11. Rabbi Flasherwitz

    Three Hashers spotted at the Anti Mosque rally outside the Council Chambers…well done Hashers, you are true Australians trying to protect the Australian way of life…Shalom

    And here is a photo of one of these true Aussies…disguised in fear of a Jihad being declared on him by you know who!

  12. Botcho Post author

    New member of the Wobbly Bike Group asks wife. How do I look for my first ride with the Wobblys? Her reply!! You look like a proper Richard!!!

  13. Flasher

    Comment I received from Flasher today after last nights curry night Run 1917

    “Great Bowel movement this morning…

    Mdme Lash had to use the other bathroom”

    What a success !!

  14. Caustic

    Subject: Health Budget Cuts
    The AMA has weighed in on Joe Hockey’s proposed changes
    Australia’s health services

    The Allergists voted to scratch them, but the

    Dermatologists advised not to make any rash moves.

    The Gastroenterologists had a sort of a gut feeling about it,
    but the Neurologists thought he had a lot of nerve.

    The Obstetricians felt he was labouring under a misconception.

    Ophthalmologists considered the ideas short-sighted.

    Pathologists yelled, “Over my dead body!” while the

    Paediatricians said, “Oh, Grow up!”

    The Psychiatrists thought the ideas were madness,
    while the Radiologists could see right through them.

    The Surgeons were fed up with the cuts
    and decided to wash their hands of the whole thing.

    The ENT specialists didn’t swallow it, and just wouldn’t hear of it.

    The Pharmacists thought it was a bitter pill to swallow,
    and the Plastic Surgeons said, “This puts a whole new face on the matter….”

    The Podiatrists thought it was a step forward,
    but the Urologists were pissed off at the whole idea.

    The Anaesthetists thought the ideas were a gas,
    but the Cardiologists didn’t have the heart to say no.

    In the end, the Proctologists won out,
    leaving the entire decision up to the arseholes in parliament!

  15. the girls Post author

    Look a the smile on Truck Tyres face and the look of amazement on Icemans.

  16. the girls Post author

    Ex Gold Coast Hash Booze Masters entertain the girls at Coff’s Harbour Relay

  17. Sir Rabbit

    Our friend and fellow hashman Sir Peter Rabbit takes out gold at the Chelsea Garden Show. Sir Rabbit has won the Chelsea Great Pavilion Award.

  18. Watcher of broads and other bird s on Broadwater

    Q. What do 4 bike hashers do after a long ride on a sunny Saturday?
    A. Go to Labrador for fish and chips and dine in the park beside the Broadwater.

    Ask Swindler, Shat, Kwakka and Hard On for the best deals at Charis Seafoods.

  19. Cum Smoke Post author

    He’s replacing the wall cock stop valve, very similar to putting a finger in the dyke.
    On On Cum Smoke

  20. Sir Prince Valiant

    I need a little help Hashers. Can you work out what the RA is doing on my toilet ? This needs to be solved. All your comments would be greatly appreciated. Hierarchy exemption from next years Hierarchy for the best reply. Put your thinking caps on!!

  21. Circumference

    Actually I think he’s the One in C !- this comment was made by our GM – Now Loved- in reply to Circumference’s query as to whether Lurch was the 2-I-C on hare Caustic’s run (1895) on 24 Feb 2014 at
    Varsity Heights (or was it as Sir Prince Valiant said -just Reedy Creek)

  22. Lance Armstrong

    That is a fantastic bike….I always wanted one so I could win the Tour de France but could never afford one!

  23. Cardel Evans

    Congratulations to the Gold Coast Hasher who purchased a new bike so that he may be part of the “Wobbly Hash” a group of over achievers.

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