Date: 4th September 2017…………………….
Location: Varsity Lakes………………………….
Run Pictures……..……………………………………
It was the first balmy night since winter; almost everyone wore a t-shirt and shorts. Gone were the long track suits and fleeces for the run/walk. Brewtus got up onto a table at the BBQ site at Frascott Park on Yodelay Street to give run instructions. Yellow chalk, under street lights, and look out for flashing lights for the drink stop. About an even number of runners and walkers started together, and after about 10 minutes, split off. The walk ambled through the winding streets of Varsity Lakes. Circumference out front calling the trail. We saw the flashing lights across the road and up the rise. Ahh, drink stop. Weekly was ably pouring cocktails from the rum, vodka, scotch bottles on the table. I noticed an esky under the table and help myself to a Spanish beer, mmmm. Weekly exclaimed that he had not noticed the esky. Mrs Brewtus came out with mini Brewtus, who gave high fives to everyone. The runners came in about then, well set hash when everyone gets to a drinks stop at the same time. Short walk up the road, and five minutes later back at the park. About 45 minutes all together.
I noticed Ferrett and Fanny busy at the double BBQ loaded with burgers, turning and turning until they were a nice BBQ cooked colour. Brewtus had laid out some chicken wings on one of the tables. Ten minutes later Brewtus called hashers to line up for bread roll, burger, sliced tomato, sliced cheese, lettuce, beetroot, and jalapeno chillies. This was followed by ice cream and Black Forest cake. We noticed Blackie helping to tidy up throwing all the rubbish into a box. Someone threw Blackie’s plate into the box and Blackie had a fit. He threw everything out looking for his beloved gold spoon. Never knew if he found it.
GM called the circle to order standing on one of the BBQ tables, and promptly called in Bent Banana for parking in the disabled car park, Ice Man gave a note.
One visitor, John, was called in, and Jigsaw for bringing him. Jigsaw was let off, but John had his down down.
Returning runner, Jigsaw, was called in, but then dispensation as he was committee.
Fanny was called out for talking back to the GM, along with KB who had just arrived. Last to pay?
Wrong Way was called in to critique the food. He immediately criticised the hat Brewtus was wearing, saying only GM and RA could wear such hats. Wrong Way then said that the type of food on hashes was the cause of heart failure and blocked arteries, causing GM to go into hospital next week, Fanny gave a note.
Magician was called out for not wearing a hash t-shirt, Carefree gave a note. GM pointed down to a bag in the circle and told Magician to take the hash green bag. Maybe a t-shirt was in the bag?
Carefree said there was no food safety, the way it was being handled, but altogether, not a bad job on the food, must have been good as nobody said “fuck” for at least five minutes. Slug was promptly called out for not saying “fuck” for at least five minutes.
GM then advised he would be absent for a few weeks as he was going into hospital down Tugun way next Monday morning. He got everyone who had not been GM before to step into the circle, and then excluded current committee. Well, that left, Swindler, Carefree, Brewtus, Magician, Slug, Fanny, Truckie, Hard On, and Kwakka. Botcho got a photo for evidence, and noted potential committee for next year.
Sir Botcho got a down down for completing 1100 runs with the Gold Coast Hash
Fanny was asked if he was planning to sue for the fall he had at last week’s run, tearing a muscle in his leg. Circumference offered advice, and was called in also for pretending to be a lawyer. Fanny said it would be too difficult to sue. Jigsaw gave a note.
Truckie was called in as substitute GM while Blue Card was in hospital. Swindler gave a note.
Prince advised the hash that Miscarriage had landed in LA, been picked up by Show Pony’s daughter.
Magician stepped in and said he was working hard to get a good doctor for GM. No doctors were available in Cuba, but he had managed to find an unemployed physicist in North Korea, and had booked GM in to hospital in North Korea for 10:30 pm on Sunday. He presented GM with a scroll.
RA stepped onto the table and asked Aussie for a run report. Aussie said it was a good 45 minute run, well marked.
Weekly was called out for telling the runners which way to go, seems that Weekly had helped to set the walkers trail. Truckie gave a note.
Back to the GM after a few jokes. GM called out Botcho for achieving 1100 runs. Weekly came out again for getting to 400 runs. Didn’t he get a down down for that last week?
Weekly was walking off, mumbling something, and GM called him back into the circle for giving him the shits. Wrong Way gave a note.
GM announced that Jigsaw would be phantom GM next week.
Joint POW Swindler and Carefree came out and called Two Dogs for being too far ahead and missing out the naming ceremony of the ramp. Circumference was called out for being in the middle of the road at the naming ceremony. Swindle then went on to explain how he had to drive every week to hash, and last week, one of the passengers had damaged the front passenger seat on the way home from hash. Estimates to repair were about $2,000, but he had found a repairer that could do it for $200. Hard On got the POW.
Next weeks run by Fuller Shit at Expo Court.
Brewtus closed the circle.
Remember to use [email protected] if you have a story for RA.
On on
Mad Mike