Date: Friday 28th April.2017
Location: Thai Eatery…Main Beach
Hashers: 37
Host: Weekly,Wrongway and Carefree
A total of 37 hungry Splinter Hash participants arrived at Thai Eatery in Tedder Avenue on Friday throwing the restaurant into a chaotic state as chairs & tables were squeezed in to cater for 7 more than the maximum expected. Some even arrived well prior to the offical start time of Midday.
Many guests turned up as the Splinter Hash gathers a reputation for quality food at unbeatable prices and highest quality wine – as it is BYO.
Amongst the guests was an old codger named Joe who was on the very first GCH3 run back before calendars were invented, He brought along a colour picture of a number of very skinny blokes taken on an early run. Times have changed!
Another guest was a retired real estate agent named Max who knows everyone in Main Beach and everywhere else including most of the GCH3. He held court throughout the afternoon listening to success stories of the group. With him was his debt collector friend Peter who checked his black book to see if any of the other guests were on his list.
Blue Card also brought a guest but did not introduce him to the hosts as he is some sort of secret agent. However, he was seen talking secret stuff to Rug.
Bent Banana arrived just as the last seat was taken at the main table and was allocated first seat at the then empty table. Co-host Carefree held his hand till reinforcements arrived shortly after to look after him.
The Chevron Island group then set up camp and proceeded to cause havoc. Thankfully they left their bikes back home as Mrs Kwakka has placed a ban on cycling where food and drink are involved.
The meal started late as FOS and VD were stuffing around trying to find a bottle shop and SPV swooped on the chair allocated to VD at the official table. In the end VD had a more relaxed time with Flasher and other assorted mates and did not have to be on best behaviour.
Just prior to eating guests were asked to come up with $25. This was to avoid any absconders. It worked perfectly, Co-host WrongWay assisted by ‘Pied Piper’ Weekly even balanced the books while securing enough extra funds to ensure an upgrade for WrongWay on his upcoming cruise.
The Thai starters were gobbled up quickly and it was on to a Chicken Vegetable dish, a Massaman Beef Curry and when everyone was groaning about too much food they were seduced by a Spicy Pork finale.
Around 2.30pm ‘Pied Piper’ Weekly announced that the gathering was moving to Schuck Bar and most followed him for $5 Heinekens that went for the remainder of the afternoon. Various others straggled down as they finished their wine supply.
At and on the way to Schuck the revellers made more noise the the mooted light rail. As they passed the petition office a new petition was placed on the table suggesting that the GCH3 show more decorum on their next visit.
As with the previous week’s recce the last to leave were in the dark
Rumour has it that the hosts are bidding to run next month’s Splinter Lunch.
On On